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Everything posted by cjm_2019

  1. I'd have been happy if they'd stuck around to boo - the worst incident of this I can remember was in a venue that had three floors (bands played on the top floor); the band on before us was an 'industrial noise death metal' act. I like heavy stuff, but they were just noise. They played for their allotted slot time & the entire audience headed for the other floors halfway through their first tune. We made a point of checking which other bands were on the bill from that point onward, and turned down several offers from promoters to play with the same band Another funny incident was a battle of the bands final (remember those!?) where we totally f**cked up a click-track driven 'atmospheric intro' because our drummer couldn't hear the click (it was fine in the soundcheck) When that intro track worked it worked a treat, but for that gig, in front of 200+ punters, we just stood there like lemons while the sound engineer tried to work out how to stop it going through the FOH mix. I just laughed, shrugged my shoulders & waited. Once it was sorted we broke into the first tune & it went pretty well. We came second
  2. Worst gig? Too many to pick just one, to be honest! I first started gigging in original bands back in the late 90s. In the first band I was in - a three piece in which I was the frontman, playing guitar and vocals - we persisted for almost 3 years and during the second year (2000), things started coming together (due in part to me actually listening to advice and having vocal coaching). We got offered a major opportunity to support a big local band in a large venue on a Saturday night and we were hyped. But the turnout for our set was poor; the opening band hadn't brought anyone, and neither had we. 15 people in a 250 capacity venue doesn't look great from up on stage if you're an egotistical 21 year old. I was a total w***ker back then, and walked off stage after the second song in a total huff. Looking back, I CRINGE at how I behaved. The next day I was summoned by the two other band members for a chat - if that happened again I was out. I'm amazed they wanted to carry on to be honest - but we did for another year, playing some much better shows until things fizzled out naturally. I've played many other gigs where the support bands have been so catastrophically bad they've literally driven the crowd out the venue before our set. And too many gigs where the soundcheck hasn't happened & the first few songs have sounded terrible as a result. Sometimes I really do miss it, but looking back, gigging in an originals band was generally an exercise in masochism (Les McQueen).
  3. If I lived nearer I would have bought this off you by now!
  4. Same. I left the last musical project I was in when I realised just how badly I'd been mistreated by my 'bandmate'. He was beyond controlling and, looking back, I understand that our relationship was never one of equals. It was his way or nothing. He actually flat out declared he'd never play a riff I'd written - I should have walked then. The straw that broke the camel's back was him being a silly billy to me at our last rehearsal - a rehearsal that I'd busted my derrière to get to, two days after my girlfriend's mother had died of cancer. He really was a c**t. I wasted several years on that project.
  6. C'est vrai
  7. Bienvenue Votre anglais est supérieur à notre francais, probablement
  8. Hiya. It's not bad. I have nothing to compare it to, but it sounds pretty decent to me with more P than J dialled in. I'm going through an HD500X and with a bit of EQ tweaking in the DAW it sounds big without being overpowering. Compliments the guitars well. I'm concentrating on playing it and getting as much as I can from my technique before considering upgrading. When downtuned to drop C it still sounds reasonable too, surprisingly. I think it has thicker gauge strings than standard, and at some point the nut has been swapped for a brass unit. Grace (my 16 month old Daughter) likes to play slap on it!
  9. I hate self assessment time. If only we could afford creative accountants!
  10. I have considered Buddhism.
  11. There's also plenty of things to spend money on! I'm at risk of becoming a hoarder
  12. I thought I'd stop lurking and say Hello. 'Hello' I'm Craig, 41, a multi-instrumental hermit living just north of Cardiff. Having been in numerous bands as a guitarist / vocalist, then a drummer, and now as a solo one man recording billy-no-mates, I've discovered a newfound appreciation & respect for the subtleties of bass playing. There's a lot more to it than I ever realised. I'm currently playing grunge / metal on a Squier PJ that I bought used a few months ago. For a budget instrument the neck and general tone is surprisingly good. I'm currently on the lookout for a second Squire PJ to keep in an alternate tuning as I'm either playing in Drop D or Drop C. So anyway, hello!
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