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  1. I use time tree, but not for band stuff, and it’s good too.
  2. We use Band Mule, for the most part it’s been pretty good but like all of these planners it depends on people keeping it updated.
  3. Nearly forgot this, got the Markbass MB58R 121 P Box in February. Very happy with it. Weighs close to feck all( imperial) and pairs well with the EBS Reidmar 502. Load-ins are much easier now. Gigged the Elite precision on NYE very happy with that too. Not so much with the Thomastik flatwounds , first time ever, I had an E string pop on me while fitting.
  4. Start of the year got a Stingray 4HH and thought this would be THE bass to end all basses (based on my 4H, which is a magnificent thing) but just never felt anything for it. So offloaded it in trade for a Fender Elite Precision. So far the Elite is warming up nicely so fingers crossed. Amazing how expectations have been confounded by experience (yet again). At my age you’d think I’d know better 🫣 still learning ( which I’m told is better than the alternative😂)
  5. Fair play to you! Looked like you made the most of a good time. Thanks for sharing the experience.
  6. We used Band Mule for while, things haven’t ramped up enough for us to need anything other than WhatsApp for now.
  7. https://amp.theguardian.com/music/2022/jan/11/burke-shelley-frontman-with-welsh-rock-band-budgie-dies-aged-71
  8. For Those I Love last Wednesday (brilliant), pigs pigs pigs pigs pigs pigs pigs last Saturday (loud) and John Grant this coming Wednesday. A good mix of styles.
  9. +1 for this, not just for your own rehearsals and gigs. They make a big difference to attending gigs too. No ringing in the ears afterwards.
  10. Used to be all pick( Dunlop 88s) now use mostly fingers with this as the pleck of choice when required
  11. I got one of these and have been very happy with it. Full disclosure, I stuck flatwounds on it😉 And welcome to Basschat.
  12. Or Blues, stay well away from the Blues..
  13. I see what you’re saying there, but I’m also playing a totally different style of music to one that OP says he/she plays in much larger and smaller venues. I have another passive/aggressive point I’d like to make which I hope you will feel free to misinterpret so that we can add a minimum of five pages of back and forth which totally derails the thread. Hope that helps..
  14. I have something totally different that I paid a lot more for and I’m really happy with it. You should get one of those instead.
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