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Everything posted by roonjuice

  1. The bass I have been gigging most recently is a slightly redder hot pink jazz power special.. It plays and sounds like a fricken monster, and I got it for a song because of the colour.. My missus like it too coz it's "so 80's!!!
  2. does sound a bit shady......
  3. i would make a list of questions, in the form of a friendly email, asking exactly what is payed for and provided, including your fee. This gives u a record and also allows u to make an informed decision to take the work or not. There is usually room for negotiation too.
  4. [quote name='mike257' timestamp='1381939612' post='2245795'] I do! As soon as you stop sticking to your guns people think they can get away with it all the time. I'll occasionally mix a band for free but I've only done that for long term regular clients who are in the van all the time. Its hard sometimes, can seem like you've got a choice of working cheap or not at all but you've got to place some value on your time and skills! [/quote] i hear ya brother When cutting my teeth i would do any gig, just to be out there. now my teeth are cut, set and veneered, I politely and graciously turn it down, usually offering a competent "young lad" (oo err!) as a compromise....
  5. u still get far too many people wanting you to tour manage, drive, mix, crew and sort merch for £50 per day or something farcical.... er...... no.
  6. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1381936280' post='2245737'] A standard, pro rate, for a musician or Sound engineer/lighting tech, on tour is £350 per day plus £50 per per diem (for expenses). That includes rest days. [/quote] yup
  7. when i'm touring it depends, but you MUST negotiate and agree before hand (sounds obvious but it's fundamental to a good working relationship!) I charge full rate for travel days/offdays, plus P'D's ("per diem", a smaller amount of money paid into your hand each day for incidentals) as I am unavailable to work else where. if it's a favour for a friend 1/2 pay on days off or travel days for a long stretch is quite common for some companies too.
  8. Only my 2p, but i readily whacked over a g (to Gareth) for a specific ray. He had exactly what i wanted/needed. it was there waiting and obviously less than new (but in shop new condition, cheers G!!) So speaking only personally, the money is there for the right instruments regarding buyers and sellers.
  9. in!! string count can be a suprise for me!
  10. Just landed a beautiful ray hh off Gareth. What a legend! he said it was in good nick, but that was selling it FAR short!! Itcame in the original carboard, with the plastic on the guard etc In perfect as new condition. A total gent to boot She will be played and loved mate take care and thanks again, r.
  11. back in the uk. er.... your post really really changes things. I'm a massive AIC fan....
  12. whoa. triple post there. Damn usa wifi!!!! on the plus side, may just pop in to see mr sadowsky.....
  13. whoa. triple post there. damn usa wifi in the plus side, may just pop in to see mr sadowsky.....
  14. going afk for a week or so, but I will be putting some other items up also when I get back . seriously thinking of hanging on to this as it sounds and plays so well!
  15. going afk for a week or so, but I will be putting some other items up also when I get back . seriously thinking of hanging on to this as it sounds and plays so well!
  16. going afk for a week or so, but I will be putting some other items up also when I get back . seriously thinking of hanging on to this as it sounds and plays so well!
  17. A couple of nibbles, still up for grabs tho:)
  18. forgot to say, hit me with possible trades too!
  19. i'm enjoying the chase! Also in awe and debt to your knowledge I do find it hilarious that you guys know more about wicks than their director! r:)
  20. A quick hunt on Wikipedia (the well known fountain of all knowledge) states that phONE day where we got the 1 in the area code was 1995, so i'm would guess it is defo pre 95 at least!!!
  21. the paint is too thick to make out either way, and is 9v pre luke, if you are in leeds i could bring it over for you to have a look? It does have the "monkey business" sticker on the head stock with a phone number pre "1" in the area dial code, e.g 0904 instead of 01904? Don't know if thats really relevant tho!
  22. Warwick asked me to look for a serial no in the battery compartment(s) but no number is present. The covers are clip fit. Odd! When i posted that last email from Warwick, It was from my phone and i did'nt expect it tp be triple spaced, sorry! r
  23. Dear Roon, I guess your Bass is between 1986 to 1989 and by HighPolish Basses the Serial Number on the top edge of the Headstock and we laquered it some times over... I just can appologize.. the Specs are the same as for the regular Warwick Thumbs... I hope this information is helping you with best regards with best regards Warwick GmbH & Co Music Equipment KG H.P.Wilfer 06.09.2013, 16:27 President Framus & Warwick / Markneukirchen / Germany Second Gitarre&Bass and Warwick Bass Camp is from 02 Sept. to 06 September 2013 and our OPEN DAY 2013 will be hold on the 07 September from 09:00 am to 19:00 pm Please be invited to be with us on our open Day ! "the first Carbon -Neutral Company in the Music Industry" Family Owned - Solar Powered - Sustainably Manufactured in a Green Environment "More desire for used Warwicks means more desire for new Warwicks"
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