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Posts posted by roonjuice

  1. [quote name='mike257' timestamp='1381939612' post='2245795']
    I do! As soon as you stop sticking to your guns people think they can get away with it all the time. I'll occasionally mix a band for free but I've only done that for long term regular clients who are in the van all the time. Its hard sometimes, can seem like you've got a choice of working cheap or not at all but you've got to place some value on your time and skills!

    i hear ya brother

    When cutting my teeth i would do any gig, just to be out there.
    now my teeth are cut, set and veneered, I politely and graciously turn it down, usually offering a competent "young lad" (oo err!) as a compromise....

  2. when i'm touring it depends, but you MUST negotiate and agree before hand (sounds obvious but it's fundamental to a good working relationship!)

    I charge full rate for travel days/offdays, plus P'D's ("per diem", a smaller amount of money paid into your hand each day for incidentals) as I am unavailable to work else where.

    if it's a favour for a friend 1/2 pay on days off or travel days for a long stretch is quite common for some companies too.

  3. Only my 2p, but i readily whacked over a g (to Gareth) for a specific ray. He had exactly what i wanted/needed. it was there waiting and obviously less than new (but in shop new condition, cheers G!!)
    So speaking only personally, the money is there for the right instruments regarding buyers and sellers.

  4. Just landed a beautiful ray hh off Gareth.
    What a legend! he said it was in good nick, but that was selling it FAR short!!
    Itcame in the original carboard, with the plastic on the guard etc
    In perfect as new condition.
    A total gent to boot
    She will be played and loved mate
    take care and thanks again,

  5. Dear Roon,

    I guess your Bass is between 1986 to 1989 and by HighPolish Basses

    the Serial Number on the top edge of the Headstock and we laquered

    it some times over... I just can appologize.. the Specs are the same

    as for the regular Warwick Thumbs...

    I hope this information is helping you

    with best regards

    with best regards

    Warwick GmbH & Co Music Equipment KG

    H.P.Wilfer 06.09.2013, 16:27


    Framus & Warwick / Markneukirchen / Germany

    Second Gitarre&Bass and Warwick Bass Camp is from 02 Sept. to 06 September 2013

    and our OPEN DAY 2013 will be hold on the 07 September from 09:00 am to 19:00 pm

               Please be invited to be with us on our open Day !

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       "More desire for used Warwicks means more desire for new Warwicks"

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