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Everything posted by roonjuice

  1. it's, a fairly old warwick i believe. i have emailed warwick for confirmation, and yes, after playing it in the studio tonight, i believe the second pull push may be a dummy:) I just needed to crank it next to a stack to be certain;) r
  2. Yeah, that sounds about right. i thought it was a little earlier but it could be! I just remember the first "proper" bass i played after my encore p bass was a thumb, and lusted after one ever since:)
  3. yup. 2 x push pull, one on the volume, one on the bass/treble
  4. it has 2x push pulls so i will investigate further! i always run it active and flat!
  5. oh yeah, i's also darker and more metallic looking in the flesh!!
  6. Hey guys, Well..... Here we have my very custom thumb. "the Beetle" as the GF christened it!! fully appointed thumb orange and red side Led's thru neck Bubinga, nice thick old slab of wenge fb (To accomodate the Leds), MEC pups with the pull/push pots (active passive and mid) Gotoh machine heads Growl and sustain like an immortal tiger!!!!! I have had this bass years (I believe it's an early nineties) I contacted Warwick about this piece and they said it was created for a NAMM show hence the blank inlay at the 24th fret, the idea to get your name (or whatever) cut into it. I just never got round to it I wil see if i can dig out the old email or contact warwick again for further details The serial number has been obsured by the thick paint or is not present as far as i can tell!!!!! Overall the bass is in excellent condition, very very little marking or buckle rash (although not pristine) And the blurring and smudging is just my handling marks while photographing) There is discoloration along the top of the neck where the fret dots are, but this is entirely cosmetic and perfectly smooth Being no photographer I actually found this bass really hard to photo!!! flash bounces right of it! the leds are also hard to photo as it's black with lights!! I really REALLY wish this did not have to go but I have made a promise to a loved one I mean to keep. And my car is a money pit at the moment............ it has a tkl hard case and it still has the original "Monkey business" Romford music store sticker on the headstock. I will contact warwick again and take any more photos on request:) r
  7. hahaha. Didn't think about it like that till you said! I'm now learning a lot more about geddy too!
  8. fwiw I was fortunate to see Rush recently and was puzzled as to why the standard "Geddy Lee" bass had black blocks on the neck as the one he was playing had MOP. This bass might just address this;)
  9. On the train back from boomtown = klf chill out sessions...
  10. Well..... The Svt would be a race tuned Dakar rally land rover pickup, and the Mesa would be a Porsche 911 turbo lemans ( in my blind eyes)
  11. yeah, for me the differance betwwen the svt and the mesa would be like engines. SVT = 5 litre v6 truck putting out 500bhp Mesa = 3litre v12 putting out 500bhp comfort and torque vs edge and top speed!! i went both;)
  12. i have one of these. Cadillac of valve power amps I'm actually tempted to get it myself so i can run an elecrostatic stereo hifi all valve, at proper power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MEAT
  13. yeah, u will still need a power amp. Guitar>Eleven>power amp>speaker cabinet The beauty of it is any old P.A amp will do really. I would recommend about 300Watts rms@8ohms from a solid state amp to be (can of worms time....) arguablly as loud as the valve marshall depending on which marshall cab u use. Have fun with all those tones;)
  14. It is a very comprehensive pre-amp, think of it as a sansamp with direct to pro-tools capability.
  15. When he decides he dosen't like it, gimme a nod;)
  16. use a wireless system.. no need to earth;) not really....
  17. In ear monitors.
  18. weeeeeeellll.... in that vein svt di is excellent for vintage, but i compared a ken smith PAPA against a sadowsky pre/di not so long back for that modern "ping". both excellent, but i would go for the ks!
  19. hey Si, ive had dha ,sans, mxr and few others over the years, Dha= sweet and multifunctional sansamp.. your ray sounds exceptional (and is a friken cool colour!) Personally i think a sans would "mask" the tone of your ray too much (scoopy) and make it sound like every other ray+ sans combo out there (not that it's a bad thing!!) I personally go with MXR for best sound/eq ALTHOUGH........ I don't particularly like the distortion (bit waspy) If u really want control, then its a navigator............. also, DI AND mic is the only true way!!
  20. Are u interested in any trades?
  21. Weeeeeeeeeeelllllll....... The "one" would be hh, trans white, matching headstock, rw or pref ebony, Matt black hardware and guard..... The closest I can get is to "merge" a stealth with a white ray........ £££££££!!!!
  22. hmmmm....i have a modulus........
  23. Yup. It's my go to bass. Just put of interest, why did u sell it?
  24. Yeah, I've even approached mm about a custom build of "the one" but with the options I want it would have to be " the two" And cross merge parts..... EXPENSIVO!!!!!!!!!!
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