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Everything posted by roonjuice

  1. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/161825199104?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  2. Thanks for the response guys! I really love the gk sound but seem to have no luck with their stuff., I have an old 2000rb that is one channel, (the other is toast)I bought it like that as a back up to my 2001. I have the 4x12 which "grumbles" at low volume, it's fine when loud tho, I also have an mb800 which is noisey And the biggy.... 2001rb which is what I am really looking at getting sorted. This thing blew, got repaired, and then blew again after being used twice. It has been through 3 different very highly regarded amp techs since, and they all say it's a pretty complicated/pain to work on. The last tech has spoken to gallien directly to source parts which totalled something like £800. Polar audio quoted me £15 per 15 minutes inspection time just to isolate the fault, then the price of the parts and a higher rate repair and then hefty return shipping, which was also cost prohibitive when you can pick a 2001 up for £500 No one seems to be able to repair this at a rate worth saving the amp and it's a damn tragedy to throw a 2001 in a skip. Looking for ideas:)
  3. Had the pleasure of taking "sarah", a 78 jazz off chris the other day. What a perfect gent, even drove it to me to have a noodle! Excellent comms and a perfect transaction! Cheers mate, sarah will be played and loved! R
  4. Does anyone work for or know a gk guru out there in bc world?
  5. I'm away for a week, but let's talk envelope and hot Hand if it's still here when I get back:)
  6. In a field at the mo,so bad comms but will sort tomoz;) R
  7. In a field at the mo,so bad comms but will sort tomoz;) R
  8. Is this still here? If so I'll snag it;)
  9. Ey up chris, been meaning to buzz u about this for a while. Pm incoming:)
  10. Is this the rig that was on eBay recently? I was bidding on this bugger and wondered where it was!!
  11. I have read this thread with great interest. Some good points, and some very jaded views too. The best way to reinforce bass properly is DI pre AND post, with a mic also. One of the main reasons supports sound less polished, is due to them all being crammed onto the remaining 2 feet on the front lip of the stage, as they have had to set up in front of the headliners. All that lovely separation u got for the headliners ha gone as all the sounds bleed into the other mics.. Particularly drums into vocal mics as they are in close proximity.
  12. If this is 4 ohm, I'll take it:)
  13. http://acmeaudio.net/product/motown-di/ Just gonna leave this here............
  14. V interested... Will pm details when I get back from work tomoz😄
  15. V v interested....
  16. I'm out of town for the evening, but will send by latest tomorrow aft! Thank you!
  17. Wowsers I thought that this had gone so didn't send u pics! Will rectify this as soon as if still interested in trade!
  18. I got 4ohm Eden 410.xlt.if.ya wanna trade?
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