Make sure the tech spec/ channel count is correct as of today. (If your mate dave, driving the van suddenly wants to get up and play tambourine it can cause issues)
If you have any in ear monitors PLEASE include these in your spec as the frequencies will need to be compliant
Set up as much as humanly possible BEFORE getting on stage.
When on stage remain SILENT until asked to make a noise, and maintain eye contact with the monitor engineer as much as poss.
I find on a busy stage the best way to get levels quickly into a monitor is for everyone together to raise your hand if u want an instrument, eg kick drum. When u have enough put your hand down. That way visual feedback for the mons guys is simple
Do not put beer/water any where near anything electrical or cables. It sounds obvious but if camera people are wandering about, they WILL NOT see your drink.......
Find a towel if one is not provided (they should be)
Stick to time, if you have a 30 min slot, and you play 32, u just shafted the next band, and could be fined. Poor etiquette...
If 8 bands all play 5 mins over then the headliner does not get to play......... Trust the stage manager, they are your friend.
Although this sounds like the Ten Commandments, have fun and be polite. If you are inexperienced let the stage manager and crew know. They would much rather coach a band properly than deal with rock star egos, especially if the egos are clueless!!!
NEVER GO OFF SCRIPT ( no jam endings or double choruses if not rehearsed!)
HAVE FUN even if it's going Pete tong. The crowd might not even know,