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Everything posted by PlasmaZombies

  1. That is the worst looking bass I've ever laid eyes upon. It's like when boy racers keep adding ridiculous things to their cars.
  2. Spotted these models a few weeks back on the internet. I'm a big fan of Precisions and PJ's in general and I think the Surveyor 87's look sweet even if they're supposedly heavy. Wish LTD would revamp the Vintage 204 line..
  3. Absolutely amazing looking bass! 😍 It's a pity I don't have the spare cash! Have a free bump on me.
  4. I had only 1 purchase in 2020 - a Squier Classic Vibe 60's Precision Bass. Sadly i sent it back as the paintwork was so poor on it.
  5. Gerry Cinnamon.
  6. Interested in picking up one of these to play about on. Do you reckon the matte finish will go shiny with play wear? Stunning looking basses for the price!
  7. Used to use a pedal tuner but these days I prefer a clip on tuner. Fender Precision > Compressor > Preamp > Ampeg 😀
  8. For me it's either because I haven't got on with a piece of gear, selling to have funds for something new or simply downsizing. I currently have 1 bass and I am very happy with it!
  9. Agreed. Or worse still.. "Mint condition, not a scratch on it", then proceeds to put up photographs of the bass planted on gravel / concrete whilst precariously leaning against a brick wall. 🙄
  10. Dunlop Tortex 1.14mm Stiff, purple and feels just right. Sorry, I'll get my coat..
  11. Agreed! I'm just not a fan of their headstock design, though they seem to suit their Jazz style basses better than their P style basses. On paper though, the P7 ticks a lot of boxes for me. If I could try one before I buy maybe i could overlook the headstock, unlikely though!
  12. For me it's the headstock shape. It's the only thing stopping me from trying out a Sire..
  13. I bought one of the Classic Vibe's recently. Was very disappointed with build quality. Yes I know it is a Squier (I do have a higher end Fender) but the reviews I watched lead me to believe that the build quality was decent for the price point. The neck pocket wasn't great and some paint had been transferred from the neck pocket to the neck..as if it had been painted and neck bolted on in a rush before it was dry. Currently waiting on a refund from the retailer. I would say try before you buy and don't buy sight unseen.
  14. Currently just have one - a Fender PJ. Have only had 1 bass for the last 3 years after selling off the other 4. Though I do fancy adding another bass now for no other reason than gas.
  15. I always wipe down my basses after playing just to keep them sweat free. I'm only a hobby player these days so it's not like my basses ever get a tough workout but I like to try look after them.
  16. The best deal I've ever had was I went to purchase a Warwick Pro Series Streamer that had EMG Geezers in it. The guy also threw in the original MEC pickups too, so all in cost me £330. I immediately removed the Geezers and got £100 for them on a certain auction site. Kept the streamer for a couple of years and decided to move it on, sold it via gumtree for £420. Overall profit of £290. I was happy enough after all was said and done.
  17. I purchased a Spector Performer 5 a few years ago. I sent it back within 48 hours. Build quality was fine, fit and finish seemed reasonable for a budget bass. However, I couldn't seem to get a useable sound from it, it just sounded dull and lifeless in my opinion. If I were in the market for a Spector I'd probably go up to the legend series at least. Just my 2 cents.
  18. Great looking bass! I'm seriously considering picking up one of these Classic Vibe Precisions as i really dig the binding and blocks look.
  19. Hey guys, I read this thread from time to time as I've always considered adding a BB to the armory at some point! Anyways I was watching a video on YouTube about the 3 bass players and their gear from 'The Bay Strikes Back' tour. (Testament, Exodus and Death Angel) I came across the fact that Jack Gibson from Exodus praises his BB's and thought this may interest you guys. He has a custom one made from lucite - reminiscent of the Dan Armstrong basses. Saw the Glasgow leg of the tour last Sunday and have to say was blown away by the bass tone! If anything I want one even more now. Sorry for the long list but thought someone may find it interesting. Link to video
  20. Out of dozens of basses I've had over the years , I've only ever had 2 with maple fretboards and they didn't stay in the collection too long. I've always preferred the look and feel of rosewood / darker woods.
  21. Wow, is this one of the new ones with the roasted maple neck? Looks like it from the headstock. Steal at this price!
  22. Agreed. It's like a museum and I find it interesting to go in and look at the instruments, grab a beer and maybe some food. I usually only visit them when travelling with the missus and we both love a look in.
  23. Cool thread! I too am drawn to the basses anytime I am in a Hard Rock cafe! Here's Sam Rivers from Limp Bizkit in Hard Rock Cafe Budapest. (2017)
  24. Flea and Steve Harris. Also a big shout out to my group of friends in school who all played guitar or drums and no one played bass in our entire year group. There was a gap in the market that was easy to fill.
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