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Everything posted by Soledad

  1. Jamie is a star member here - just bought his Warwick Gnome head - perfect nick, fast shipping, a real pleasure to deal with. Thanks Jamie.
  2. Thanks all - once I discovered that Neutrik comes in 2 channel and one channel (4 or 2 pin) and that this input plate has 2 x 4s installed, it all makes sense. The 1+ and 1- are connected by the pc board to both Neutriks and my 2 x 16ohm spkrs are paralleled off 1+ & 1-. Tested and all is good - sounds pretty good just run off the amp of my PJB Briefcase. Will get it to the Ashdown 210 combo soon and give it a proper push - that'll basically be 4 x 10s, 4 ohm load to amp.
  3. Thanks @Bill Fitzmaurice - been using speakon connectors for years without realising they have 4 pins for bi-amping. All clear now.👍
  4. Hi all. I'm just finisheing a home-built 2 x 10 and got all the cab parts from Blue Aran. The Speakon input panel came fully assembled and wired. The 2 10s are 16ohm and wired in parallel. I assumed the 1+ and 2+ would be connected in the pcb, likewise the 1- and 2-. But I put a multimeter on and they are not connected. The cab will be an extension for an Ashdown Studio 210 so amp will be driving 2 2x10 8 ohm cabs in effect (in parallel so 4 ohm) - it's own internal pair and this extension cab. My QUESTION is: in order for either Speakon socket to work, do I need to loop from 1+ to 2+ on the panel board (same 1- to 2-)? I can't understand why this board is wired so each speakon is discreet from the other?? I won't be connecting any further cabs but I would expect either speakon to work. Any advice appreciated, thanks
  5. Can anyone help - I'm 'knocking up' a 2 x 10 to use as ext cab for a newly acquired Ashdown Studio 210. I've got everything I need coming (from Blue Aran, vinyl covering from Amazon). Ive checked Blue Aran, Penn Elcom, eBay etc but I'm stuck. Ideally I'd really like to match the silver cloth on the Ashdown (see pic as a reminder). Don't want to spend silly money on this but it should look quite smart so I won't be too mean. So far I got 2 Eminence ferrite unused £50, sheet material from stock, about £24 on all the bits from Blue Aran, including a pre-wired speakon in/out plate - so that was incredibly reasonable. Any advice / help appreciated.
  6. @Nail Soup - if you get a minute some time can you explain triple C modal tuning please?
  7. My current Sandberg fretless is lined but not my choice, just how it came. I absolutely don't see any point of lines, you can't see them if you're playing in a normal position anyway, and they discourage the development of ear/muscle training for accurate intonation. I also dislike dots or other markers on fingerboards for the same reason (mainly that the player can't see them anyway). I kind of grew up on classical and flamenco guitars (no marks at all anywhere). It's amazing how quickly you learn your way around. I accept that's how basses come, but if I ever had the choice I'd get rid of the lot (side markers n all).
  8. Brilliant. His mastery off the fingerboard and his intonation just for starters. Notice he's humming along to his tune, playing what he hears. Over in my EB world I'm reminded again - why do EBs have dots all over the neck, and lines on most fretless?
  9. Don't open in the actual browser window Good point, hadn't noticed how old that post was, so ignore that!
  10. Is this maybe a Safari issue I wonder. Was mostly fine til couple of days ago - now most pics don't load and I get a blank with a question mark (unrecognised file I suppose that means). Just looked at the Rickie thread, a few for sales etc - most pics not loading. Checked across on Guitarchat, same. I assume most pics uploaded are plain old jpgs so what's the problem. So I check Chrome and still issues but a bit different. EG this post lists images (jpg files) but I can't open them (black screen with small 'unknown image file' icon. this one is just an example:
  11. Didn't Bill Wyman play the first several Stones singles etc on his defretted bass? I personally think it's a non-thing. Is it just bc people expect you to slide around a lot? I did a rehearsal with my Jazz fretless a while back and no-one noticed at all - dunno if that's a good or bad thing🤣 But the Jazz with flats gave a really good low-mid punch sound, we were doing a mix of rock-ish and soul stuff. I think it works really well if you avoid the fretless cliches and get the intonation solid. My current Sandberg with chrome flats at bridge under strings makes a really excellent soul/funk bass.
  12. Utter bloody madness this is still here. Would be a big shame to see it get split, but at this price... 😭 540 mile round trip for me. Someone just buy it - it's giving me a headache watching it not move.
  13. Paul Reed Smith's core target market ...
  14. Thank heavens Beedster's Mesa combo sold - I was dangerously close to nipping over to Whitstable... and I SO VERY don't need it. What a stunning lump of glorious sound. Boy, that was close😂

    1. Bigwan


      Same here... and I'm in Northern Ireland!!!

    2. itsmedunc


      Oh I had to remind myself many times that I can’t afford a roadie and slavery is really not an option nowadays (if ever!)😂 This Marketplace really has a lot to answer for!

  15. 👍 pm me an address. They're off a 34" Sandberg not thru body.
  16. Had a set on a Sandberg recently and replaced them fairly quick. A, D & G pretty good but the E was really dead alongside the other strings - a serious mismatch in sound. These were the 45 -100 flats. Anyone want to try them (free, just post) pm me. I appreciate they are inexpensive but the one big thing about flats is they last a long time. Personally I think cheap flats are a false economy, and decent ones are an investment. My own choice is 'bright' flats (D'Add chromes; EB Cobalts) but regardless the sound you want a basic starter is that all 4 strings sound like they belong together. That's what 'set' means.
  17. 3 times recently I used ParcelForce - for UK , but one was to @Fionn on Lewis (a bit SE of Iceland😂). Seriously good - a 20kg cab to Stockton, under 24 hrs, a bass to midlands, noon next day, and a pedal to Lewis next day! ('course it was a pedal, it was Fionn). A while back I'd have said DPD but right now Parcelforce are my go-to. I'll add all were sans insurance!! We all know the risks but the exclusions and caveats make it an expensive and questionable expense. My trick is add ALL the extras: tracked, signed for, txt on delivery, guaranteed next day or a refund... all the stuff that flags your package in their comp systems. I can't prove it helps but for a couple of quid my suspicion is it gets better attention through the systems.
  18. >toy cupboard< - as in a single store of a lot of fun things to play with. Just an expression!
  19. I'll try one, big fan of 'em, have a few different widths for more/less damping (used on a P/J with D'Add chrome flats). **TRICK** do we all do this? Put a slight taper on the foam so wider at 4th/E and less so at 1st/G. Otherwise you get way more damping as the string gauge goes down. It's just an approximate thing - treble side of foam around 3/4 the width of bass side. Based on the amount of energy in the vibrating string, a lot more as you move from the G towards the E so for even damping effect you need more foam progressively towards the E.
  20. Very good thread and thanks to @Al Krow - I asked about this exact thing a few months ago, not knowing this thread existed. Amusing that one of the features of the B1-four is easier user interface 😂 Following some advice I found laptop editing is near-essential to get what is in these things out - I mean there's loads of good effects there but the pre-loaded patches are *** not my cup of tea*** and editing on the pedal is a dark art. Super-cheap used - a huge toy cupboard for no money... every home should have one.
  21. Took this pic when it was mine, before a string change. May be of interest - the hand written matching numbers on neck & pocket. The neck and body are paired and fitted precisely together - nice touch
  22. Ergonomics a bit carp - you need to sit up to reach the tea. I owned this bass around 5 - 6 years. The build is quite rediculous - the finest-grain, blackest ebony board I've ever seen; neck pocket fit is Swiss-watch standard; every detail is absolute top level. I owned a NT Thumb for years before - this is easily a match for a B/O Thumb, and can anyone hear a difference between the bolt-on and N/T (I'm sure I can't). Cracking bass, I switched to a Sandberg for the usual reasons... 😂
  23. Yep, it's mine now and it's a really good one. Had the Boss a while and was just sort of OK about it. Used to rate the Corona even though some talk it down. I'd say try the MXR before you commit on any other. It has the flange too but I just use chorus. Agree with @Fionn - it's very 'controllable', always really musical (some sound brittle and rather digital I have found).
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