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Everything posted by Soledad

  1. Nice - LPB is the new black
  2. Glorious. Given I'm a bit OCD, tell us why one black cab and one silver? and a question for @knirirr - like the unlined Jazz, what is it please?
  3. agreed 👍
  4. May I add - the one surface that is reference/datum is the back (the non-bevel face). This must be dead true to the stone. You can ignore all other chisel faces and surfaces. So the back face must be dead flat to the clamp and the clamp must be true to the axis of the grinding stone. I'm more familiar with the Tormek but I think they are about the same. If the chisel is even slightly out of perpendicular, or if it isn't exactly flat to the clamp, you'll get this error. In practice adjust the angle of the chisel in the clamp (tiny amounts mind) and adjust left and right clamp screw (slightly tighten one, release the other to compensate) - in your pic the right screw needs tightening, left off a bit. OR, the chisel needs a tads rotation anti-clock in the clamp. Basically you are a lot closer than it looks, small tweaks will get you there and narrow chisel tend to be more tricky. edit, SORRY ! - flip that. The bevel is facing camera but when mounted is facing the stone, so I'm back-to-front. Once clamp is mounted on its rail it's the left edge of bevel that is further from the stone. So slight adjustments of left screw tighter, right off a tiny bit, and / or chisel adjusted a tiny bit clockwise. Basically reverse of what I said above. 😮
  5. Got a used 550 as a back-up recently, really good and the toneprints are ace. I'd say get a used one and try and find one with the 3-way footswitch (mute, print1, print2).
  6. Damn right! I went round the houses trying (and buying) various chorus pedals. I have 2 new Boss in their boxes... the TC Classic toneprint Chorus is just what I always wanted (Mari Wilson👍). I run it in a TC BH550 head with the 2 toneprint slots and a 3 way pedal. Very good indeed on the fretless - most of what I use chorus for. A neat trick I think is pick up a used BH250 for around £100 - gets you a smallish back-up head and a great chorus (or any other single toneprint) solution for 20 quid more than a new Boss... just a thought.
  7. Totally agree @hooky_lowdown - but the original shown is actually more discoloured than the pics suggest. Some folks put tort on lpb - don't get it myself, and anyways the factory original lpb would be white plate.
  8. Replied Andy. I may regret the loss of this one, but a bit of stock control is required, and I'm making way for this (which is quite blowing the socks off so far) - a '98 USA P Special now with new Cobalts on.
  9. Wondering how it sounds, brightish I'm thinking? Remember Ian Eyre of Curved Air played one (the DA version) back in early 70s - saw them live and that's the only thing I remember.
  10. Very tasty. Is the body ash? Don't know if that was a thing on the maple neck basses at that time - just looks a bit like ash. And that Fender Hypermarket you guys run up there - surely you've hit the VAT threshold by now?
  11. This is crazy. A near mint deluxe USA P/J, with case and candy and alternative guards. I've just acquired an older passive Special that cost a good bit more than this. Fab bass and a blinding bargain... what's not to like😮
  12. Was trying to stay out of harm's way this year. Got to February and decided I needed a PJ. There's a really good USA Deluxe for sale on here, but I decided I wanted a passive. Spotted this at Bass Direct... and next thing it's here. Yet more of Corona's finest. This one's a '98 Special with std P neck of the period, passive VVT controls. First excuse the rubbish pics - old phone and too mean to replace. Now then - really don't know what the previous owner of some 22 years did with this bass... absolutely nothing I suspect. It's like new old stock. He never even opened the poly bag with all the candy in - it's still sealed complete with truss rod key. And there's a clue. So Bass Direct listed it as cleaned and set up. Well, it wasn't set up cos that truss rod has never been touched I think, since it left the factory. Still, all went very well and neck now exactly how I like it, with new EB Cobalts fitted. So far - really good, sounding quite glorious through my GB900 and PJB 6B cab. It definitely sounds P-like with the front p'up full, back (bridge) off, and then I get a load of interesting sound options including the back p'up funk thing, and a fab scooped both-full + full treble sound. Been a Precision fan for years but never tried a P/J. I think I'm going to like this... and it's very shiny
  13. Love the fretless, that's the 301 right? I had a BC fretless in around '92 (from The Bass Centre) and it was really good. Traded it there for a Warwick Thumb N/T fretless and a pile of cash... no idea why at all. Really good basses, fab build quality and materials, nicely 'off the radar' so stupidly good value.
  14. OK Bromley gang - anyone know rehearsal space locally, Bromley or close surrounding. I know about Dartford and Erith but is there anything more local or even a bit souther as I'm Sevenoaks (2 others are Bromley / Elmstead woods). Any help gratefully received.
  15. @gt4ever.... did I not mention a 2EQ Ray in the listing? I thought i did Allow me to shake the dust off for you.👍
  16. Don't do that, the notes come out sideways. I'm with @acidbass - if you like flats on a P (me too) I'd go a bit hybrid / valvy. My own choice is a GB 900 but there's a decent choice including the MB suggested above.
  17. Follow-up from the refin pics I posted above. Here's the finished beast. David Wilson did a very excellent job - it's nitro so he took a good while allowing the many coats to harden. Finish is absolutely as good as any factory nitro I've seen. And another plug for the rather overlooked 90s USA basses - really good build, full gutsy sound - affordable old Precisions at their best IMHO 👍
  18. Plenty here to consider, but this thread cannot be complete without mention of the PJB gear. Recently got a 6B (6 x 5" ported) and it is outstanding. Using it with a TC550 head (or sometimes a GB 900 hybrid for a bit of valvy warmth). The 6B is a fair lump around 20Kg, but the new version 4C is worth a serious look: 4 x 5" ported, 11Kg and tiny. I love the sound of the multiple 5s especially the high mids and sweet tops, plenty of bottom-end too. I'd happily add a second 6B and cover all my needs, but for reasonable volumes one 4C should do very nicely.
  19. Am I the only one here that thinks it is utterly mad that this hasn't gone yet - fab colourway, matching headstock, lighly relic'ed and everything there. And the best price I've seen on a CS Jazz as long as I can recall. Bump for a very tasty bass.
  20. I'll try this again. £750 including UK shipping. I nearly sold it twice, it is absolutely straight and mint '97 USA, just the celly colour change courtesy the highly respected David Hughes. It's a stunner and set up really nicely with D'Addario nickel rounds on. Not up for shipping outside UK unless buyer covers insurance or takes the risk. Here's the original info: A minter. Bought new in early '98 (GAK, Brighton), sold to me (second owner) about 3 years ago. Never messed with, modded or banged around. I've owned a good few Ps over the years and I really rate the 90s basses for build, sound and value (a 23 year old USA bass with no 'vintage' premium). The previous owner played this bass in pub bands for many years so it's nicely played in but still really good, no noticeable fret wear etc. Was originally black poly, and I had David Wilson refinish it in LPB nitro a few months ago. He was recommended to me by a number of forum members and his work is really impeccable - so this is like a new one, just needs the years to pass by as the nitro mellows. Has been my main gigging bass (through a GB 900 and GB 8812 cab) with EB Cobalts. I'm using the Jazz these days and will be acquiring a 60s Original soon so this fine example is up for sale. Original Fender 'chainsaw' case in excellent condition, original truss tool. I have pics from David of the refinish stages - the black body had a heavy coat of poly on with a 3TSB underneath (all definitely factory original, so a Corona colour-swap to sort their production mix) - the new nitro has a deep rich clear laquer but is still surely much thinner than the original 2 coats of poly and I'm sure the bass is more lively and vibrant now. Best thing is come and play it. Or I can drive a reasonable way carefully (9 points and rising). Will pack really well for shipping - own courier. SALE ONLY now, sorry no trades.
  21. Too far away, otherwise it would be gone already. A stunning small pro combo for the price of a couple of sets of decent flats... crazy 👍
  22. I guess there are active variants around but the one I fancied (still do to be frank) is passive, just the way I like 'em. I have owned a fair few Fender Ps and I accept there are subtle differences in sound but I concur with @EliasMooseblaster - every one of my USA Ps sounded like a P. I suppose I just fancy a back thumbrest Oh, and a change of colour... change your colour, change your luck.
  23. I've calmed down now. There was a '98 USA P Special in Bass Direct that I very nearly bought yesterday, but when I finally got through to them it was on hold. Just as well... buying blind, on a whim and all that. Sometime soon I'll get my hands on one and see what they are all about. I think if I get a good P sound off the split p'up I'll probably get one for a while. Note to self - don't need it, stop buying stuff for no good reason.
  24. Yep, that's it I think. If the presence of the J in the circuit takes anything at all from the core P sound then it's a no for me. After all, the P does one single thing very well, and if that is compromised by adding the J... I might as well use my Jazz. Do think the J p'up would make a great thumb rest for me though Slightly wonder about a modded circuit with push/pull on one pot to isolate the J out altogether... or just stick with a straight classic P and get back to work.
  25. Anyone advise me what to expect from a Special with the back Jazz p'up and 3 pots (I assume VVT?). I'm a lifelong P user (USA Fenders) but never tried a Special and I might be interested - only if it's exactly a P when you dial in the front split p'up alone, and then get some othe usable sounds with the Jazz p'up or blends of the 2. User feedback most welcome please.
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