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Everything posted by Soledad

  1. V nice cab, from a long-term 410 fan. Question: If I ran Cliff Richard through your cab is it best to use the bass port and maybe run him through in slices? I wondered about the jack inputs but I'd need to run him through the NutriBullet first I expect. I just sold a 410 and maybe regretting already. Sound for pound (£ and lb) they are unbeatable. AND portable - c'mon 28 Kg is nowt.
  2. There's real knowledge and understanding here, shared - big thanks for all the insights and @Hellzero deserves a special mention. We've chatted before about the fretless Jazz and he knows his onions. Here's what I think I've found out: - rounds with hard-laquered board. I'll do the rounds but can't face laquering my nice 90s fingerboard - work on EQ, lose tops, push around 800 mids, keep the bass but make sure the mids dominate - then, start working with delay or if I get really serious a 2 channel with delay along one path - investigate or just get a One Control 360 emulator. I loved the 360/61, I'd argue it's the biggest single landmark in the history of bass rigs (bigger than SVT/810, yes). Though the emulator's EQ seems a little odd to me (see pic). - Bass settings, full bridge, neck off, tone all way back/off. - get that firm right hand bite, over back pup Part of this is chasing Jaco's sound (at least approximately) but along the way I may learn a fair bit about getting the sound I want from a fretless anyway. I won't end up with the exact Jaco sound but I might end up with a pretty good fretless sound and that would be worth the journey.
  3. Thanks for all the input here (input eh?). Setting aside the multi-tracking as I can't be doing that, his core topline sound is fab. I know the technique is important @spectoremg , get that - but I'm chasing that eq shape (mids but just where, need to play more with amp eq). I've been using a Sadowsky pre but no mid shaping there. Next step is get the analogue delay out (box somewhere) and play around. May make myself get a diff pre pedal - ToneHammer?? It's quite like Where's Wally. Took me ages and it might this time too but I'm sure I can get somewhere close... might cost a few bob mind
  4. Thorough - that's what I like 👍 I think I need to go and play around with some delay.
  5. Jaco on Joni Mitchell 'Hejira' - Refuge of the Roads. I'm using a 90s USA Jazz fretless, currently strung Fender 45-100 flats. I know he usually used rounds but I don't think that is the issue (you might disagree though). Fingerstyle, near or over back (bridge) pup. Back pickup full, front about 8/10ths, tone about 6 or 7. Basic amp eq - I'm pushing the mids (around 500). I can add chorus (Boss CE5) and it starts to head in the direction but not properly close. I'm chasing this sound and I reckon I'd use it a lot with the fretless - it really makes the topline stuff quite vocal, very melodic, and all-round ace. I suspect it's about the right effects, some delay maybe... dunno. Ideas please.
  6. Don't often see that many Ps all together, not even in a shop. Well, maybe Bass Gallery in the old days. i'll take the LPB 5 back on the left please. Seriously, if I ever find an older LPB Precision I'll be on it like a... And an Acoustic wall along the back. My oh my.
  7. Sold, collected. Thanks livingbasshead 👍
  8. Met Cambridge to hand over the Trace Twin. All went very well. easy and pleasant transaction, thanks. Recommended forum buyer. Douglas
  9. Tony bought my GK410 cab - came to collect, 5 mins max and sorted. Excellent buyer, no messing about and pleasure to deal. Highly recommended buyer. Thanks, D
  10. Sorry, not what I am looking for. Vanderkley, poss Bergantino, BF or similar. Maybe a pjb47 or 45
  11. 👍 from Wakefield and likes Hooky and Mani. That'll do
  12. Dropped to £400. This cost the first owner close to a grand, cost me 650, and I chose it over several alternatives, cos it really does sound amazing. Just over-the-top for my needs now. Still up for trades with cash adjust as necessary: high end 210, maybe a PJB47 or similar, poss a 112... think posh cabs, won't go far wrong
  13. Soledad


    Here's my recently acquired '62 RI, in the very tasty Candy Apple Red. Got it here from a fellow-mwmber - he had the stack pots fitted using a complete loom from 920D who do some really fine components. One of 3 Jazzes I have, this one has D'Addario rounds on (the other 2 with flats). It's so shiny and mint I dare not gig with it. I'll get a pic of the other 2 (a 2013 USA Standard and a '99 USA fretless)
  14. Soledad


    Truly fabulous Jazz - but that's quite some fade, not Olympic white maybe? Didn't I see this for sale a few weeks ago? beyond my reach but just about my dream Jazz.
  15. No interest? Andertons have this listed at £970 or so, and the cover over £50-odd - so it's under half price, and negotiable of course.
  16. Love this bass. I would seriously snap it up if I could justify it (but i'm selling 2 basses at the mo). I played a Godin and much preferred this Carvin - it's a lot of serious quality with a fab neck and brilliant electro-acoustic fretless goodness. Anyone even vagualy interested I recommend you get to play it - that would clinch it I reckon.
  17. 👍👍👍 I recall reading somewhere that he picked up and played a lot of top lines from a wide array of sources. I think it's a real signature of his that he went from root chordal / harmonic playing into melodic toplines and back, seemlessly. 'A Remark you Made' is a really fine example of that PLUS it's a really evocative title for a track. Bloody love it. And Joe Zawinul's piano solo is a fine demo of space awareness - knowing when NOT to play a note. I could go on...
  18. yes, tbh, I am very happy with the EBs. Interesting to know what the Olympias are like but given the life of decent flats I'm happy to fork out for the EBs. Have a Fender set on a Jazz fretless and they are better than I used to think, at a very fair price.
  19. Bought about a year ago, gigged about 6 times when I had a loud drummer to deal with. Haven't used it for a while (switched to a small GB cab) so it needs to go. Dimensions (inches): 18.5 (D) x 23.5(W) x 26.5 (H) Impedance: 4 Ohms Weight: 29 Kg Power: 800W (GK site says 1000; input plate says 800). Drivers: 4 x 10" GK Neos, plus HF with dial attenuation on input plate 4 x factory fitted castors (the tough kind that don't bend) Condition is near new (see pics). All drivers really as new, never driven close to hard (it's a very loud cab as the drummer discovered). Roqsolid cover also very good condition, just been in and out of a car a few times. I do honestly rate this cab very highly - I've used 410s for years as the cab of choice and never heard a better one. It's ported so there is an abundance of bottom-end available, the mids are really clear and forward, and I turn the horn down to about 1/4 as it has a crazy amount of top if required. I ran it with a GB 900 and always backed bass off a bit, and low mids up a little. Never got the amp past tickover. There's bi-amp input option. If you happen to see a thread about this cab on TB (less than complimentary) I and several others do not know what the guy was doing but may have had the cab switched bi-amp by mistake. With a decent head and set full-range, this cab sounds just the way a really good neo 410 should. I'll miss it, but I can't keep everything (apparently). Don't want to attempt to ship this, sorry. TRADES: I really should sell this but may possibly be tempted by a high-end small cab. I'm thinking 210 or similar, Vanderkley, Bergantino, why. Also wondering about a PJB 47 or similar. But wifey says cash, just so we're all clear about this.
  20. Excellent feedback, thanks. I particularly like pick with palm mute - just sounds very very cool to me, and knits with kick drum really well. I'm no slapper but I imagine it's the one technique flats are not the choice for. I'm using EB Cobalts at the moment and when new on (for a few weeks) they do have plenty of toppy ring, then calm down but keep the top crunch which I like. I'll maybe try some Olympias - when I eventually need to change the EBs... it'll be a while then!
  21. He's in my all-time top 5, maybe top 3. But I'd be first to say some of his stuff is hard to listen to or downright enjoy. So why do I rate him so highly? Some, even a lot of what he played is a real joy to me and I agree with Jean-Luc that his work with Joni M stands out and is an easy listen compared to some of the his other music. I'd highly recommend Weather Report, and Heavy Weather in particular. At least take a few minutes to listen to 'A Remark You Made' (and check one or 2 of the live recordings of that track as well). That is one of my lifetunes, I mean an everlasting fine thing. He definitely pushed the envelope, very hard. I'm not sure he always played for the audience, or at least didn't make it easy for them. I think there are easier ways in than his solo album you got - his whole punk jazz thing is generally bloody hard to get inside. Then he has moments of amazing beauty. In my own little bass world he's right there with Jamerson, and Bach. 👍
  22. Are these the 42 - 100s? Around £43? I suppose I'll have to try them - using EB Cobalts at the moment, and been happy with some 45-100 Fenders on a fretless I got recently but always up for trying strings... gets expensive though. I do check the US prices as I can get them brought over. EBs seem to be around $35 but the LaBellas (just a first look) $45. Fender 45-100s $17👍(All those $ prices from Strings and Beyond, not hunted around yet). Makes the Fenders a bargain at a bit over £13 a set. Was planning a bulk order of EBs but I might try a set of La Bellas, I know @Sibob is a fan and there's a demo of them on a P and a Lakland here (but don't recall if these LaBellas are the low tension). Anyway, worth a listen - especially if you still think flats are all dead and lifeless EDIT - sorry, seems the link to sound files has gone, maybe @Sibob could restore here?
  23. Nothing fancy here. My main gigging bass - a '97 USA totally stock with EB Cobalts on. Found it with its original chainsaw case and candy. The original owner got it from Gak in Brighton in '98 (it's stamped late '97) and played in pub bands but it was (and is) virtually unmarked. I have another 90s USA (a Jazz) and I find the finish of that period very tough indeed - i have banged this P once but the paint is like an armour coat. 2nd pic is the GB corner - messy but homely. The 900/Uber is the gigging rig, the combo for home and smaller stuff. So this P is what I call my workingman's bass - no frills, does the job and occupies that space between kick and guitars REALLY well - that's my space so eff off
  24. Solid gold, this stuff. Makes you realise how nearly all songs follow certain chord progressions and you can very often guess where they are going next. It's a slight shame that the theory area here is less busy - I do think just a bit of time spent looking at the music theory topics really can make a big difference to how you approach playing - like small investment, big payback.
  25. A shame isn't it - they're UK and just round the corner from me, but I don't really like any of the Rotos I've tried - I find the E on the rounds really disappointing, like it came from a different set. Always seem to end up using the U.S. makers... just doing my bit to make them great again
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