Chances of ever finding another like this? It's a timewarp once-only thing.
Mine from new in August 1990. Used as home and occasional studio combo, then stored by a mate in his house for years. Recently returned to me, then off to Dave at Valve Amp Repair in Gravesend for a service/check-over. Pots cleaned, a dry joint on pre-board fixed, valves checked for matching (good within 3mA).
Never worked hard or loud so the original Celestion 15 is good as new.
This Twin Valve is in truly remarkable condition - very close to new old stock.
FRONT: passive in, active in, TE pre-shape in/out, graphic in/out; effects send/return; line in/out; standby.
REAR: Mains on; external speaker out (XLR), impedance switch (4/8 ohm). The internal 15 is 8 ohm so extension should be 8.
The Twin refers to the twin (paired) 6550 power-stage valves which TE quote as 130W output. That may sound puny but [1] it's into 8 ohms; [2] Trace were famously conservative in their output ratings (or a lot of current Class D makers are a bit optimistic) and [3] valves drive nice when pushed, as we know.
Anyway, as a combo it'll deal with small to mid gigs, add a 210 (say) and it's plenty loud.
Weight around 30Kg - it is a Trace, get over it
Original Bass Centre invoice includes a Bass Collection fretless, total £1400. IIRC a slight deal was done and the Trace ended up £950 (in 1990, remember !)
View, play collect Sevenoaks Kent. UK courier provided buyer organises collection, insurance etc. I can't ship outside UK, sorry. May do a 50 mile run if asked nicely.
and btw - see that cast TE logo plate on the front? Art, that's what this is👍