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Everything posted by Soledad

  1. Yep, sounds like a v easy fix. Crazy it's still here - if that was in actual England it'd be long gone 😂
  2. I recently helped a friend find a Squier Affinity. A few around S/H but people asking £200 (some even more) and often some dinks etc. Bought a new one from PMT £240 I recall - next day free shipping so no running around dealing with a mixed bag of sellers. And you get to choose colour. The new one was excellent - did a set-up but it was really good out of the box. Absolutely amazing how good these basses are for the money.
  3. A quick btw re the Indian Laurel - found a fellow BCer using this on a fretless board ( a Dean restoration). I got some and tested it, promising. I'm not up for slapping it on my '98 P but I'm pretty sure it would do a lot to darken age a a new Indian Laurel board. Monty's make some excellent gear - looms etc. And their artists list is quite something. https://www.montysguitars.com/collections/department-of-component/products/montys-montypresso-relic-wax?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=search&utm_content=montypresso&gad=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwr_CnBhA0EiwAci5siivqE1NukcYXh635_8HkjQbRLFiVMI_j0-Kx3zOl8BszV0jcZti7lxoCI6oQAvD_BwE
  4. Interesting and prob agree. Had a friend's brand new Squier Affinity round for a set-up a few weeks ago. I liked the look of the Indian Laurel board - it's fairly dark (dark enough for a new board) but has a hint of greyness to it so I think it will play in well and age quite nicely. I mean it will benefit from a good few hot sweaty gigs. Some of the last of the rosewood I've seen was rather pale, quite open grain and generally low grade.
  5. Agree re the LaBella white nylons. Re tension I have found that equivalent nylon tapes are lower tension than the same gauge flats - obviously there are a lot of variables but it's generally true in all my experience. I think there's some physics behind this - the nylon tape wrap is lower mass than the metal wrap of flats, hence for the given tuned pitch the tension will be lower. Again, variables like the core gauge which is where the tension comes from. Anyways, LaBella white nylons seem to have been made for a fretless!
  6. MXR Chorus from Lewis to Kent in 24 hours! Beginning to think if you need a pedal just ask Ed 😃 Top service, excellent product and packing. All super-smooth.👍
  7. (Surely already in a list above but worth singling out I think) Julia on @ThomannsGuitarsBasses is well worth a look - she's a great player, has a rapidly growing following and I'm sure she could have her own channel easily. Also has access to loads of fine basses, is quite a Sandberg advocate (may well be an endorsee). Her main thing is picking a player / band and getting deep inside the basslines (Abba, Police, Verdine White / EWF; etc). I'd call her a player's player - doesn't talk gear and basses much, gets down to playing... and she's pretty good!
  8. Got my set a couple of years ago (they last well and tbh weren't played loads). I'm certain they were rounds under a semi-clear tape wrap. Fairly lowish tension, great mid-voicing and a nice crisp top. Sold that bass on recently but these ones with red silks:
  9. @pn_day - thing I like about seperate pedals is you acquire them one by one and can swap along the way. Also a strong used market, quite library-like, I mean buy one, try it and sell on for almost the same if it isn't quite right. I've got an MXR chorus on the way so that's a start. Next up is maybe comp - I think the Darkglass SS I sold was about the best compact pedal comp I'd owned. And if I collect say 10 pedals I could sell the lot and be halfway to another Sandberg - pedals are like loyalty stamps all very 'minimalist'.
  10. Yes, there was one - sold now I think...😂 I'll report back.
  11. Good rundown of some options there. On my previous (Mayones BE4) I settled on LaBella 'white nylon' (that's what they call them and they aren't white). I'm currently using D'Add chrome flats on the Sandberg - they are working very well on that bass so happy. Have EB Cobalt flats on my fretted P/J - can be v good but I agree quality issues. The D'Addario chromes are very consistent and have nice blue silks (mauve on the EBs) - yep, that stuff bothers me!! What gauge LaBellas are you using?
  12. Seems like a vote for the MXR @admiralchew - checked the Providence listing but it just got me more interested in hearing the MXR with flanger. GLWS but I think I'm on the hunt for an MXR, used so I don't lose much if/when I sell it on.
  13. Definitely shortlisting the MXR, seems to be highly regarded. Have to say what SL is doing here is some way off my patch with bright rounds on a fretted 6!! There are a few reviews on yt, always positive even allowing for its higher price. The flange gets some positive comments too... said the 'minimalist'.😂
  14. I'll look for that - bit of an investment but I think a good chorus is a key fretless voice so worth considering. Want to hear the EH Bass Clone too and maybe I need to revisit the BEC3.
  15. Yes, totally forgot about comp - sold my Darkglass to fund something a while ago... mistake. I'm going to investigate the TC stuff @hubrad, and most of the pedals recommended. Not sure about KMA as it appears to be a down only? Think I can find some of these used and treat it like the library... buy then sell on at minimal loss if not a keeper. And I definitely need to add in comp. Very good to get a fretless gang together for this, thanks to all. Next topics: strings, or even where the side dots belong on a fretless?!🤩
  16. A tidy board, nice. I'll definitely look at the EH Bass Clone. Been happy with the Hall of Fame but there's always a 'better'! I do have a Zoom B1 that I use to try things out - lot of toy for no money but not what I'd call user-friendly. So I'll check the OC5, EH clone and the Mooer. Got a Polytune at least, so it's a start
  17. I do agree! Most of the time I play dry, straight into the PJB set flat everything. But there are times when I want to add a bit of colour, expression whatever. Minimalist is relative to some of the boards I see on the boards thread, and I also tend to use small amounts of effect.
  18. Been round the block a bit on this. Scrapped an earlier board some time ago and sold some of the pedals so a fresh start. Wishlist is delay/reverb; chorus; octave **; subtle drive/dirt. I think that's it, suggestions welcome. Questions: - chorus - had a BEC3 (OK not blown away, sold), loved the TC toneprint but sold the amp, interested in the MXR. Is it better then the Boss at almost twice the price? - octave** - want octave UP - what is around, recommended - delay / reverb - have a TC Hall of Fame that works very well with my basses so could nick that from my other board - drive - suggestions please. Anyone got the FKT fretless box? - pricey and no flexibility but just wondering. Also maybe a phaser - any recommendations? Appreciate input 👍
  19. I was surprised we got that far without a mention of PJB. IMO about the cleanest head anywhere - provided clean means totally uncoloured so the sound of your bass (it's native sound the way you play it) - nothing added or taken away. That's my own take on 'clean'. Worth a look on the secondhand market too as they are not to everyone's taste so good deals to be got.
  20. Is that Liz Frazer formerly of Cocteau Twins / Mortal Coil ?
  21. What a very good songwriter. Wouldn't recognise him if he fell on my head from a high roof. Still got it... but playing one of those guitars that dentists and doctors buy to hang on walls.
  22. @Bassman68 - what do you think of that Behringer Ultra Chorus? I've been through a few chorus pedals including the widely used Boss (CEB3 I believe). Never settled on one, liked the TC Toneprint chorus but sold the toneprint amp. Just wondering as I have found that some cheaper pedals can be good. Maybe I should try a TC Corona, but interested in the Behringer.
  23. Keir just bought my Mayones fretless. Absolutely excellent to deal with - and a couple of good bass-chats on the phone, along the way. Sure knows his basses, great to talk fretless with a fellow-fan of them. Deal with 100% confidence - one of the very top BC members.
  24. IMO it's absolutely crazy this is still here. The 90s/millenium Fenders were among the very best builds, and this variant is a seriously versatile. I have one and it's a keeper.
  25. I recall using a Burman 4 x 12 as part of my bass rig when I was very little 😃 - back in the stack days - 2 4 x 12s and a Hiwatt 100 head, and that was a proper 100 loud bar-steward watts. Hadn't realised the name still lives - excellent. I see Laney, Hiwatt etc around but I think they're just the name passed forward. I'm still totally convinced there's no clever substitute for size and mass in bass systems. Very nice rig, way beyond my budget.
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