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Everything posted by Soledad

  1. It's not a good fight - it's just a fight. So many great players in great bands on great tracks, all playing Ps and Jazzes (actual Fender ones). So many premium makers producing high-end clones. The Precision in particular defined what an electric bass would be - Gibson, Gretch, Hofner, Rickenbacker, Framus and the rest didn't do that. I'm certain the P and Jazz are both as relevant and useful today as they ever were. Delete the existence of the P and Jazz, and what would Sadowsky, Lakland, Sandberg and all the rest be making? So, It's not a good fight - it's just a fight. Like pushing water uphill. If avoiding Fenders was easy for you it wouldn't be a fight would it?
  2. Chatting around and generally picking up on comments here and there (not just here) I have a hunch there's a bit of a downer around class D - small but building it feels to me. That's not a comment on class D, just a vibe I'm feeling. My own view is small isn't SO important - like the TE Elf is super-small but by some accounts the whole thing is one complete heat sink. Another hunch (and it's only that, plus I may be a tiny bit biased) but is the original Essex TE gear trending towards a little harder-priced?
  3. Thanks all - the job's not done til the pics are delivered. Seriously pleased with this, I won't be ashamed to take it out 'n' about (that's the idea after all). Still playing with sound on the CS 60s p'ups and as the bass was in bits a few weeks I can't do anything like a quick A/B comparison with the originals. It seems noticably more full in the mids - and for a Jazz in particular I think that's a good thing. Main thing my 2 'working' basses are different colours now so I can grab one without hesitation One small punchy combo needed and I'm set. Thanks to @TheGreek for a play on his GK10 - really good, have added a GK12 to the hunt list (along with SWR 12 or the older Bassman kickback with Eminence - after excellent advice from @eude - a top bloke here👍 Here we are then (early a.m. colour shift, it's an excellent LP blue in the flesh)
  4. Still available? pm'd
  5. Good point - I would feel at home with a Fender something, they look v good on paper. Shall investigate. Should have got that Fender tatt on my a**e while I was young enough to appreciate it. i know. Still remember the first time I plugged my P into a 361... effin' life changing. No logic here - it's just lovelust. I did send Acoustic an email re European distributors or would they ship from US free of local taxes.... well, no harm askin' But back on Planet Earth, I will investigate the Fenders. Also having a go on @TheGreek 's GK tomorrow... and the rest of his stable of fine stuff.
  6. Where I'm up to. Got through 2 cans of clear laquer, slowly building (over 3 days). Then a few days to harden off and fine cut flat and smooth, then polish (T Cut, Steve said was OK and I had some around). I was forced to take some time as the p'ups from Thomann are due today (about 2 weeks, because Thomann gave UPS an incomplete address then tried to blame me). I'm happy with this now. Took a closer look at my '97 P which is factory original, and the finish on that is not super-flat, I mean it's really good but not a mirror. Colour in these shots may look a bit flat, but the light is blue sky and very hard, so it tends to flatten the metallic effect it seems. 3rd shot with plate etc is closest. Look forward to finishing this as it is a truly cracking Jazz - I think the graphite reinforced neck and the Badass may be contributing (the graphite neck in particular) to making this the best Jazz I have owned, and as good as any I recall playing (noting I owned a '67 transition for years, and a few others besides). Thanks for help and tips @rubis and @Manton Customs, and Steve at Manchester GT, who made it sound easy enough for me to have a go. and isn't Lake Placid Blue just the best. Suits me: cool, deep, dark... and fishy.
  7. Hunting around, researching possibles and I came across this beauty (in the States of course). Creeping up in size of course (210) but it's got that Acoustic logo across the front... ooooh👍
  8. Worcester?? That would be one impressive throw 👍 If I was closer It'd be gone already.
  9. Cool, I like dogs. I'll find a bundle of fluffy kittens, that'll do it. Messy but fun. Check your pms @TheGreek - I fancy a road trip and there happens to be a GK12 near me that might be a possible. Really fancy an SWR though.
  10. Selling gear is cleansing.
    Buying stuff gives me a bit of a kick, but I sometimes get to a point where I wonder why I got that particular thing. Just shifting an electro acoustic (no idea why I got that at all), a small guitar amp (same) and a random bass I don't use or need. Out with the old, less is more, quality up, volume down... and all that.
    Let's see how long this lasts then :) 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Marc S

      Marc S

      Yes, I could have written that too. Every time I have a bit of a clearout though.... I tend to buy something else I don't really "need" ha ha :)

    3. lowregisterhead


      She's a cruel mistress. I've only just sold some stuff, and was about to spend everything I got for it on another random frippery, but someone else beat me to it. Just as well really.

    4. Soledad


      That's how it works - I've been doing well, an electro-acoustic, a combo and one bass all gone/going. And almost immediately I 'find' a head I fancy. Finding stuff you want is proportional to time spent looking, so serves me right.
      But as a fellow BCer said to me a bit ago, buy secondhand and move it one if/when - any modest loss is like a lease cost👍

  11. I need to share this. WTF?
  12. Agree - I see it in different words though. I used to work by the Shard when it was going up - the mega-tons of steel and concrete thet went underground before that structure started going upwards. So, the way I see it is the rhythm section puts down that foundation, and you can't build a big beautiful high thing unless you have a rock solid foundation. That's my job, and I like my job
  13. I really do need to find my way to Hatfield - that's 2 good reasons now and plenty more for sure (the other being that Spectorcore I recall). I woke up this morning with clarity - I want an SWR or the Bassman/Emminence and it needs to be a 10 or 12 (partly for the sound too). I admit to having a very long and fond relationship with Fender, I can get by for now and also have my Trace valve combo coming back very soon (although that is a brick and too big again). I'll get in touch @TheGreek - I would like to try the GK, only a quick whip round the M25.
  14. Thanks team👍👍 Never even heard of the Ibanez @eude - don't ever recall seeing one up for sale (or maybe I overlooked it). The Gumtree Fender is east Belfast (don't think the 'east' bit matters much when I'm Kent). Had a chat, it's been gigged hard hence price. SO, GK? Is the basic sound as good? EQ is more basic but that's fine if the core sound is nice. I had seen the GK on the bay @TheGreek - that is close enough and it looks clean. The 15 is too big - I need something discreet, a very portable monitor really and the tighter sound of 12 or 10.. Top marks though for finding one on Cash Converters - never think to look there. Bargain, too far away. I may investigate the 12" GK. I like the look / idea of the Fender/Emminence Bassmans and they do seem to be around. No decent SWRs about that I can find (the £440 guy is being hopeful). I have about 2 weeks to sort this, can get by for now (TC rig, not too silly) - but you know when you get black looks for turning up with something a bit big... loud looking? p.s. found a Promethean on Reverb (Alabama) - wow the spec does look amazing, like the eq, proper big spec, tasty indeed.
  15. The suicides are the worst. Pete Ham and then Tom Evans of Badfinger (remember the play-out track on Breaking Bad: 'Baby Blue'). Billy McKenzie (The Associates). Motorbikes: Duane Allman and Berry Oakley Drugs - too many to mention but James Honeyman-Scott and Pete Farndon (Pretenders) and of course the bass players but Jaco Pastorius in particlular, partly because of how, why and when (aged 35). All of 'em really.
  16. Why 2? Move the grabber but keep the Mustang. Or maybe yes, get a second one then let me know when you get bored with 2 and I'll save £200 (Cherry please)
  17. @Dosi Y'Anarchy - sounds handy👍 - did it come with rounds? And is the coil tap on a pull-pot? I like the pre-tap sound a lot too. Miles on from the short scale Gibsons of old. I really think they are onto something with the LPJ. It looks really good to me, I particularly like the head and tuners, body shape is a Gibson classic. I bet this bass is going to get some excellent reviews soon. How do you mark it on build & finish? And balance on strap?
  18. Call me shallow, but I agree with @jazzmanb - they almost all look tinny and cheap to me. Mind you I have a TC head and that is anodised red as well... bit naff. I'm sure there is a fashion thing goes on to some degree - or maybe it's like brands go in and out of the charts, so they are hot or not. Same with basses, G&L are just coming off hot, Sire MM was hot(ish) a few months ago, not now. Partly why I like Trace - undeniably good, and suits my 'never knowingly in fashion' outlook.
  19. Someone buy this, otherwise I'll have to and I can't🗣️(that's a talking head silhouette, for no good reason) Back on page one then 👍
  20. yes, I saw the Warwick. It may be worth a wander up to Camden for a listen - dangerous place to enter though (Bass Gallery, not Camden). Ive sent a txt to the Gumtree Fender owner - sizewise that is OK for me, and I really like the price
  21. Looks really good @Dosi Y'Anarchy - over many years I have been really dismissive of Gibsons' various attempts at basses (having owned and fought with an EB3 for a while years ago) - but this one looks very promising to me. I do like the simplicity of one pup and 2 pots. I suspect I'd have both on 10 almost all the time, eq at the amp. Importantly, I think moving the pup back from the neck is a very significant move - those big hummers up at the neck were way too far from the bridge to be remotely versatile IMHO.
  22. Thanks @eude - I was hoping for a used one somewhere - the used combo market is quite rich in choice even around £200. But there's someone far away from me got a 12 on the Bay for £440 at the moment - that sounds a bit like the new price almost, Used should be 200 max really. I've seen them go between 100-150 but none about just now. I'll continue the hunt.
  23. Basically, how good are they. I've heard good things about both but particularly the 10. I may have a working need for a small combo with DI quite soon and am considering. Obviously if anyone has one gathering dust let me know (that's a subversive wanted ad maybe, is that allowed?)
  24. re LPJ fretless got a response within 24 hrs: so it's a no then. Missing a trick I reckon.
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