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Richard R

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Richard R last won the day on February 13 2023

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    West Midlands

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  1. Just logged on to say that I'm out on a Tier 2 fail. Akia LPK25 mini MIDI keyboard. Connects to my phone for noodling and writing songs in a hotel, and also will be the input for a Pi-based MiniDexed https://magazine.raspberrypi.com/articles/mini-dexed I'll update P2 with me and @King Tut - assuming "pedal toppers" are actually a fail? They are hardly in the signal chain.
  2. As usual I'm reducing social media activities to almost zero during Lent.

    Back after Easter.

  3. Morning all. As is my usual convention I'm cutting social media usage right back during Lent, including BC. Is there anyone else who can take over for a few weeks updating the list? No worries if not, I'll check in once a week or so to update the scoreboard.
  4. Unless it's a super fancy thing, I would let that pass, we've allowed straps and leads.
  5. Blimey! I step away for a few days and you're all splurging cash like there's no tomorrow! Mind you, given the state of the world right now that may be an accurate assessment. I shall update the list on P2.
  6. Good news! And thank you too for your persistence in making it all happen. See you in 2026.
  7. That's why I didn't see you on the BD stand. I skipped DarkGlass as pedals aren't really my thing.
  8. Anyone going today able to take pics?
  9. A few pics. @Manton Customs Double neck Uke! Ortega stand. Idiot playing bass badly on the ACG stand. Yolanda Charles making it look easy on the Sandberg stand. Steve Lawson - a very different sound. 20250301_140524.mp4 Unusual bass at Absolute Music. Really nice to play, yours for under £2k. This wasn't even close to being the most expensive guitar at the show. (I didn't see it, but there was one at £85k!)
  10. I had a blast! Good to meet up with @AndyTravis and @walshy and confirm I don't need an expensive Fender in my life. Also meeting @jazzyvee by the Eich stand (try the bass boards, very strange but I can see why people use them). Hello to @Wombat too. Lovely basses at @Manton Customs and ACG, I can't remember the very band we were talking about @skelf (the exceedingly drunken one!) Popped by @Goliath_FX's stand, bass pedals in Warhammer models - wow! Plus lots of stuff to try and hearing Steve Lawson and Yolande Charles play live. I bought a set of strings, Yolanda 's CD, and a pint of Guinness zero. Happy day.
  11. Fortunately I chose not to remember- but I am pretty sure the guitarist who joined us at the table had all his stereotypes about bass players thoroughly reinforced! 🤓
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