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Richard R

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Everything posted by Richard R

  1. Welcome aboard! There are a few music teachers on here to hook up with too. There is a thread on the bad old days of music lessons here: But the rest of the site is much more uplifting 😁
  2. Are there any good resources available showing what happens in the classroom now?
  3. Hello, good evening and welcome! Don't ever worry about your English.Your English is better than my French, and my bass playing. And if you can play upright bass in a jazz band your bass playing is probably better than my English as well 🙂 Get stuck in and enjoy the forums.
  4. I have you, Mr. Mandrel, to blame for me recognising that. And for my borrowing A box of Peggs from the CD library and now keeping an eye out for it elsewhere. And for me buying Dave Pegg's autobiography. And probably for the dishwasher going wrong this weekend too. End of thread derailment and back to congratulating the proud father 😉
  5. Level Pegging I think. But they all sound the same to me 😉
  6. Looks a lot like Bandlab, which we're using for remote collaboration too. Basically what you are saying is that you like fiddling about and that solving the problems is as much part of the fun as playing the instruments. Sounds pretty reasonable to me!
  7. Between the iRig, SessionCake and H4N you have more inputs than the Beatles had for Sgt Pepper and your phone has more processing power than the moon lander. I'm looking forward to hearing what you come up with, should be awesome!! I know what you mean about laptops that become desktops due to the number of leads plugged in though 😞
  8. Great name!! Now I have recycled gas...
  9. All that copper tape will keep the slugs from the pickups too 🙂 So you won't be able to play any of these songs.
  10. I have just seen the final edit of an upbeat song that I am playing on for next Sunday's online service. It seems I move my upper body quite a lot, but my expression remains resolutely immobile.
  11. Looking very good! You need a name and a logo for the headstock, especially once you start selling them. Something that references the origins. PianoForte in the Fender script perhaps? Or 88KeyBass? Bassendorfer?
  12. I was thinking initially "That's quite a jolly boppy bass line, the tone goes with the rhythm and would fit with dancing on Top of the Pops". Then I realised he was playing along to Nirvana! 😄
  13. Some people would regard that as a good end to the gig 😉
  14. These ID threads are genuinely fascinating. Like Silent Witless, thankfully without the murder and usually with less decomposition of the body, but in the same way that tiny clues reveal the truth.
  15. The ebay descriptions all start with "roasted maple neck not genuine", and then different guitars have different faults. Would be tempted, but I have a friend's 5-er on loan so don't need to spend money 😉 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/RedSub-Coliseum-Fanned-Fret-5-String-Bass-DAMAGED-RRP-319/303665014478?hash=item46b3d866ce:g:TdgAAOSw8vtfRUMI
  16. Something like this one: https://shukerguitars.co.uk/stock-basses/5-string-uberhorn-bass/
  17. They put up with me at the 2019 Midlands Bash! Everyone genuinely welcome 😁 Though I was too scared to go and embarrass myself on the green Shuker Uberhorn, I did at least play simple scales on a couple of others.
  18. They put up with me at the 2019 Midlands Bash! Everyone genuinely welcome 😁 Though I was too scared to go and embarrass myself on the green Shuker Uberhorn, I did at least play simple scales on a couple of others.
  19. There seems to be a lot of goodwill towards the HB kits over on the build diaries. @stewblack has a couple of HBs and can tell you what the necks are like.
  20. The horrid bits bits of wire? Make a funny clanking noise and the instrument sounds better without them? They're called strings.
  21. A bit of a chill time before the rest of the day, having already been up since before 6. https://music.stevelawson.net/album/the-best-of-steve-lawson-pt-1-solo-2000-2013 All from one bass, with loopers and pedals.
  22. Oooh, about 2 years & six months. I had been off work with 'flu and it hammered me for a week or so then another week woozy and surfacing afterwards. During which time I must have wandered disorientedly about eBay because the next week I started getting odd "Recommended for you" emails from them. The oddest one was " Non working 5 string bass in Worthing, Sussex", which was so funny at the time I shared it will friends at work. One friend said, "well I have an unused bass, I'll bring it in and you can have a noodle if you're actually interested", and rocked up the next day with an Aria Sinsonido silent travel bass. So I messed about with this for a couple of days, then asked the best bassist at church to show me some basics. He taught me a simple riff and said "Yep, you can do this, I'll teach you". So I bought a used bass online and have never looked back. Sadly Kev died a couple of months after I bought my bass but I will forever be grateful for his initial enthusiasm and encouragement. I'm still too slow round the fretboard and my timing is a bit ropey, but I can follow the chart through a worship song, play more interesting lines than I used to, and am making progress. And enjoying myself even though I'm not in any band at present.
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