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Richard R

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Posts posted by Richard R

  1. Hi all,

    Does anyone happen to have the sheet music or a bass tab for the Ivor The Engine theme tune?

    If not then I'll work it out by ear and looking at the "Sample" page image I can find on Google, but figured I would ask first 🙂

    • Like 1
  2. Interesting.  So I can be discriminatory towards contractors, but not staff? That seems to be a pretty serious loophole.

    Most bands aren't companies employing people, though larger and more successful bands might be. They are however legally partnerships by agreement, so I would expect similar laws to apply. I am pretty sure that there are folks on here far better equipped to talk about the legal status of a band than I am, but I did do a bit of hunting some time back. This was the best article I found, but it doesn't mention discrimination. 



  3. 9 hours ago, Silvia Bluejay said:

    this website's regulars tend to be mostly over 40, and there are far fewer women over 40 who play bass, compared to younger women.

    And the younger generation are more likely to use social media platforms than web sites, which are a bit old school. So there is potentiality a large virtual community of younger female bass players using FB or equivalent, who avoid this site as mainly old farts and rockers...

    I'm sure the OP said he had formed an answer to his own question. I'm hoping to hear it.

    • Like 2
  4. 1 hour ago, Silvia Bluejay said:

    Cough cough. Aherm. 😉

    I did say "it's like a proper but very friendly local pub full of blokes with the same interest", the like in that sentence is important. Clearly it's not a golf club where women aren't allowed, I've never seen even a hint of misogyny  or prejudice,  and the women usually outwit the men anyway.   But you must admit that much of the banter is very blokey and conforms much more to male conversation patterns than female.
    I cite most of this thread as exhibit A.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  5. I recently finished reading "Watching the English", which is a serious anthropological study of English culture disguised as an entertaining pop culture book. Looking at many aspects of life the author tries to identify essential English traits, and there are longish discourses on pubs, special interest groups, and male friendships. There is no claim that good traits or bad traits are exclusively English, but she does try to work.out what the combination and proportions are.

    BassChat works because it's like a proper but very friendly local pub full of blokes with the same interest. Very quickly if you understand the culture you are welcome, and if you don't then you aren't shunned, you're still welcome unless you're offensive.That culture includes being helpful, gentle teasing as part of bonding (stop sniggering), occasional willingness to share important stuff, accepting that it's not winning an argument here that counts it's getting the wittiest answer in, and a few other unwritten rules that I suggest you read the book to find out. It is almost a textbook example of the better traits of national character.The mods are the equivalent of the bar staff. 

    I think the Bass Bashes help a lot as well. I have only been to one so far, but having met some of these folks they are now real people, not just strange avatars.

    The only other forum I have found vaguely comparable is the Sound On Sound forum, which is also fantastic. However it is more focussed on the topic in hand and less likely to get sidetracked.  By soup, for example.

    • Like 8
  6. Does anyone know of a really,  really, idiot proof program for windows which would let me play a series of synth pad chords by pushing one button per chord, holding it then pressing the next one as required? Ideally with a performance UI comprising just four buttons with the chords on 😁

    We played a song last Sunday which was crying out for synth pads to define the chords. In the absence of that I just played repeated root notes on the bass, which actually worked quite well but isn't the same. 

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