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Richard R

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Everything posted by Richard R

  1. The listing says it is a HUGE piece of musical history, and the photo of the guitar does not actually show the strap. So I think it's really 100m long and much of the cost if the hire of the truck for the included "free postage"
  2. Hmmm. First that requires me to listen to some Marilyn Manson, then work out how to play it, then where it might fit. Oh and play it at a service that's video'd not just recorded. Challenge accepted, but your Β£10 will be worth about 10p by the time you have to pay up on my account - so don't hold your breath! I suspect @scalpy can do it in his sleep though.
  3. Now that I would like to have heard! Likewise. Fortunately we also have a CCLI Song Select subscription so can download lead sheets too. If I've never played the song before (even if I've sung it loads) I look at that to figure out what beat the chord change is supposed to be on :-)
  4. Well done for owning up, that was very brave. Do you feel alright now?
  5. I first read this as "When did churches go mental?" - which is a completely different question! πŸ™‚ Apart from the (to me) bizzare fact that there is Christian Metal - why not use the best available technology of the time to make the best possible sound? A cathedral organ sounds old fashioned to us, but they are the most complicated musical instruments ever made and were the cutting edge tech of the day.
  6. I'll ask Dave :-) Yep. Especially if you can get it into "He who would valiant be"
  7. Was this the one I played at the bass bash? Lovely indeed! Alas I'm not allowed more than one bass, and it's not reasonable to upgrade until I can play properly anyway :-(
  8. Some of the church bassists on this site will know the song "Lord I lift your name on high" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COQ6cni_TG8 ) . We sing it a bit quicker than that YouTube version (which isn't great, sorry) , and frequently with the bass line to "Summer Nights" from "Grease" running through. I'm sure I've heard Johnny B Goode in the past, and I suddenly realised a while back that one of our worship leaders has been starting a particular song with the intro to "Substitute" by The Who for years and I'm the first person to notice. Anyone else involved in smuggling pop bass lines into their worship? Or indeed from any one genre to another? (Bill Bailey reckons orchestral bassoonists always just play "How Deep is your Love" by The Bee Gees regardless of what the concert is.)
  9. Always on the phone or car USB stick? Ommadawn - Mike Oldfield, Pulse - Pink Floyd, Random Access Memories - Daft Punk. Not that they get played that often as everything else changes around them depending on time & tide, but those three stick.
  10. And then use the proceeds to take Mrs_TG on a fabulous holiday, thus also justifying your hobby further.
  11. @Manton Customs had a bright red tiny bass at the Midlands Bass Bash on Saturday. If I remember correctly it was more of a demonstration piece than a new product line, but you could contact them and ask if they would make to order. There is a photo of me playing it rather badly on the forum for that event. The guitar sound is lovely, but I personally struggled with the small size 😞
  12. Was this the one you brought to the bass bash on Saturday? I thought the finish was very cool. Somehow, despite being setup right next to you, I didn't get to play it, 😞 Probably because we were too busy mopping up spilled coffee..
  13. How much did the raffle raise?
  14. Blast! I forgot to try the Barefaced cabs!! The unknown bass was my Brawley Artemis, and as two people made similar comments I shall look to get the action lowered at some point in the near future. I shall also bring a quality hand-held sound recorder to the next bash. People can record what they try and I'll post a play list to soundcloud.
  15. It's amazing what you find written inside raffle prizes! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  16. p.s. For the avoidance of confusion or accidently upsetiing anyone:Markbass amps and cabs are fabulous too! That bass isn't mine, it's a silent bass on loan to me. Designed to have headphones plugged in directly it is very, very, very, bright. I should have put my proper bass though the Markbass stack as well....
  17. As another newbie at these things can I add to @petecarlton's comments. A very friendly afternoon in excellent welcoming company. Was able to play basses costing 20x what mine does (blues scales only so not doing them justice), and heard what mine sounds like with a decent amp, cab and player @DHC Bass. Annoyed I didn't get to play with some of the little amps, but I can safely say that this sounded exactly as bright/brittle as I expected!! @MoJoKe - sorry for making you grimace ☺️ (see comment below as to why, it's not the stack! )
  18. I think that's worked...
  19. Actually it was Jack who won it, @SpondonBassed came up and collected it. Photo to follow when I have figured out where this phone put it πŸ€”
  20. Kick-off is about 1pm, what time is kick-out?
  21. Those stickers usually work on foreheads... I have no bass-related raffle prizes to bring, and have run out of time to bake the intended cake. Will have to be something shop bought 😞
  22. In case people haven't seen theme before, these are a great way to keep the power tidy, especially on temporary stages. I have no affiliation to B&Q, I'm just a sound engineer who hates messy cabling. https://www.diy.com/departments/masterplug-5-socket-13-a-extension-lead-15-m-blue/244075_BQ.prd
  23. We all have to start somewhere. πŸ˜‰
  24. Just seen the photos from the NW bash: Now I am really looking forward to Saturday πŸ˜€. Must learn more than two riffs though ...
  25. Just got the pulse joke... My mate with the silent bass can't make it, as his wife has got him tickets to a comedy festival that weekend. I'm hoping to borrow the bass off him anyway because, we'll, that's more interesting 😁
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