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Richard R

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Everything posted by Richard R

  1. Welcome aboard! Any of the above will be good choices, as would any Yamaha. If you can get up to somewhere that has a biggish music shop then playing a few will help narrow things down a bit. Otherwise Squire, HB etc etc. are all decent enough. Whatever you buy, leave it out on a stand ready to pick up and play, if you can. And have fun.
  2. Welcome aboard! I love Belgium as well, though I've not been back in about 20 years. Lived in Leuven for four months as part of my PhD, and since then one of my oldest friends has moved out that way.
  3. It's the cooler air sinking into the Vale. Welcome to Meteorological Chat, Steve!
  4. Welcome aboard. Great name, I wish I had thought of that one πŸ‘
  5. Just getting final confirmation on start time with @petecarlton, then we'll post with due fanfare, bunting, etc etc.
  6. Kick off the Raffle: - Digitech RP80 effects pedal.
  7. I am even worse. I play mainly in church, where there aren't set bass lines, just chord charts. So I am reasonable at making stuff up to fit the chords and the mood, but I haven't learned the progressions and rely on a chart on the music stand. I ought to learn the progressions at least, though we also swap they keys around depending on the singers and the band. Actually learning some pieces properly and by memory is a terrifying concept that I really ought to start doing. Somewhere I had the dots for the bass part and the end of Tubular Bells part one, that would be a good one for me.
  8. Which 30 songs? I need to start learning songs as a way to practice. Maybe we could combine into a BC 2023 list? I might manage 3, bit even that would be an improvement.
  9. It would be great to see you, but personally I would get the project submissions done - there will be plenty of bass bashes to follow. I know that is very boring and sensible advice, sorry! If you want bad advice, hellraiser attitudes and laddishnesh, try GuitarChat.
  10. Breaking news! @Andyjr1515 will be giving a demo of how to set up a bass properly. Most of us can set up after changing strings, but I found recently that I really can't get the intonation sorted after this last change, and I have no idea why. I'm hoping that not only will Andy remedy my cack-handedness, but that we can all learn something from a man who knows a bit about building and setup, and whose basses have won No Trebble Bass of the Week on multiple occasions. Thanks Andy, as always, for your generosity.
  11. @Richard R : Brawley 4 and 5 string, EBS session 60 amp, cheap Aeon sustainer, scales to weight basses with, cake @petecarlton Shuker Nuclear Device Jean-Jacques Burnel Signature Lite P-bass, Mayones Cali 4 Triskelion travel bass, Bugera Veryron BV 1001M Mosfet head, Ashdown Studio 210 combo, bits and pieces - and cake @Machines : Dingwall D-Roc 5, Dingwall NG-3, Warwick Gnome 280w + Ashdown RM210 (probably) @Andyjr1515 : SWAAPATWTBWADS Bubinga Fretless, probably Pete's Swift lightweight piccolo build and maybe also his (not lightweight) EB-3 tribute @Ander87 Some of the gear in his signature - Rickenbacker 4003, MM Stingray Special 4HH, Fender AO Precision 60s, a few pedals on a Nano + Ampeg SVT 2 Pro Premiere + Barefaced Six10 @Frank Blank Jabba short scale fretted, Jabba short scale fretless, Nordstrand Acinonyx, QSC K12.2, whichever preamp I'm using at the time. @NickA couple of Wals and a Dolphin. You've all seen and played the mk1 fretless, and the dolphin, but I got a mk2 5er just before the prices went silly. Some PJB stuff too. Might bring the double bass .. how big is the room? @PTB MTD 535, Limelight Pino replica, possibly a MusicMan, MarkBass combo, HX XL & extension leads 😎 Darran: Nice Ibanez and the Aria Sinsonido silent bass. Ashdown amp if there's space in the car. @floFC, curiosity @Oldman contemplating bringing my custom Fretless 5! I’ll bring my GR CAB and EVO 1 Head.
  12. Γ—Β£#Γ·#!!! Brexit!!! Fabulous instrument, but the 20% import VAT puts it even further out of reach. GLWTS!
  13. Anyone welcome, with or without gear, and you're very welcome to rock up, talk rubbish and play bass. Put yourself down as bringing "Curiosity" πŸ˜ƒ
  14. @Richard R : Brawley 4 and 5 string, EBS session 60 amp, cheap Aeon sustainer, scales to weight basses with, cake @petecarlton: Shuker Nuclear Device Jean-Jacques Burnel Signature Lite P-bass, Mayones Cali 4 Triskelion travel bass, Bugera Veryron BV 1001M Mosfet head, Ashdown Studio 210 combo, bits and pieces - and cake @Machines: Dingwall D-Roc 5, Dingwall NG-3, Warwick Gnome 280w + Ashdown RM210 (probably) @Andyjr1515 : SWAAPATWTBWADS Bubinga Fretless, probably Pete's Swift lightweight piccolo build and maybe also his (not lightweight) EB-3 tribute @Ander87 Some of the gear in his signature - Rickenbacker 4003, MM Stingray Special 4HH, Fender AO Precision 60s, a few pedals on a Nano + Ampeg SVT 2 Pro Premiere + Barefaced Six10 @Frank Blank: Jabba short scale fretted, Jabba short scale fretless, Nordstrand Acinonyx, QSC K12.2, whichever preamp I'm using at the time. @NickA couple of Wals and a Dolphin. You've all seen and played the mk1 fretless, and the dolphin, but I got a mk2 5er just before the prices went silly. Some PJB stuff too. Might bring the double bass .. how big is the room? @PTB: MTD 535, Limelight Pino replica, possibly a MusicMan, MarkBass combo, HX XL & extension leads 😎 Richard's mate Darran: Nice Ibanez and the Aria Sinsonido silent bass. Ashdown amp if there's space in the car. A dozen confirmed would be good, let's see who else we can rustle up 🀠
  15. Any chance you can come down to the Midlands Bass Bash in April and show it off? It's not far from you this time.
  16. What a sales pitch! 😁 Really enjoying the OGWT DVDs. Some great music there - plus some very weird stuff...
  17. I quite liked the blue - what are you going to replace it with?
  18. We have the same mixer - mainly because I saw yours πŸ˜„ What we've done is to set the desk so that the post-fade mixes which go to L/R also feed individually to Group 7/8. What this means is the following: If you switch to Group 7/8 and set all the faders to 0db then Gp 7/8 will exactly track whatever changes you make to the main L/R mix. However, if you push the fader corresponding to (ooo, let's say the BASS!) up to +10db on the Gp7/8 mix, then it's increased by 10db relative to whatever it's set to on the FOH. FOH is the same, but on YT it's now higher in the mix to compensate for the tiny speakers. The FOH remains the master mix, but the recording/livestream/YT mix comes from the Gp 7/8 outputs. We also include the congregation microphones on Gp7/8, but not on L/R., and some compression and limiting so as not to overload the OBS input. All credit to Jamie on our team who sorted this out and has put the time in to make it work. My original version was much simpler, and I intended to refine it and use the desk properly. Then someone on the other side of the world ate a dodgy bat and I got distracted. (Note for non Qu32 users. There are lots of mixes and groups on the desk. Four mono mixes Mx1-4, three stereo mixes MX 5/6, 7/8, & 9/10, plus four Groups that can either be groups or mixes. We have them all set as Mixes, and use them as foldback except for 7/8 as above. It is a fabulous desk) .
  19. We now do this, one of the other FOH guys finally had the time to sort it out, and then to make it simple. It's a vast improvement for the YT. If anyone wants details I'll start another thread as it's a major derail. One thig we do find though - when we compare a local recording of the sound sent to YT with the actual YT sound there is a definite difference. YT does some strange stuff. If we ever have the time we want to actually analyse what they do and figure out how to compensate. It's good enough now, the rest is just intellectual curiosity.
  20. So I lose my bet that you would keep it long enough to brung it to the Midlands Bass Bash πŸ₯²
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