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Richard R

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Everything posted by Richard R

  1. You're potentially overdosing! I love Yes, but skip Topographic Oceans. If you're not enjoying Close to the Edge then bounce over to Drama or 90125 for a change.
  2. Great shop. I used to work in Leamington and spent a fortune there. I would find new music on Pandora Radio (precursor to Spotify), then buy the CDs in Fopp. As for bands I got into too late: Grateful Dead. I assumed they were for hippie stoners, and never listened to them as nobody I knew had their records. Bought "American Beauty " over a decade ago and thought it was OK ish but didn't understand all the fuss. After being on this forum for a while I found that @FinnDave played for The Grateful Dudes so I asked him what I should listen to. The answer is the live recordings, which the band actively encouraged and which are now available online or in many cases on CD as well. Totally different, completely mesmerising, I just love them. I wish someone had introduced me to them when I was at Uni and could have seen them live.
  3. Or you could sell it here pretty much instantly. But I hope you play it and enjoy it.
  4. That's your idea of a "beginner's bass"?? Looks fantastic, will no doubt soung excellent as well.
  5. Bass Bash T-Shirts There may be a few left 🙂
  6. Looking very tasty indeed.
  7. Ah, now I get it! It is funny, I'm just not with it. 😁 In defence of my sluggishness - I have driven home from Dundee to Birmingham today and between tiredness from the drive and the monstrous heat down here compared to up there (34°C vs 18°C) my brain is running v e r y s l o w l y.
  8. Welcome aboard! "Guitars are Good. Basses are Better." Glad you've now got that sorted, and looking forward to reading the build diaries.
  9. My favourite playing shirt. Shame there isn't a 5 string version though.
  10. My son had this printed up for me for my birthday. It's from xkcd.com/2038, and is the symbol for a radioactive, high voltage, laser emitting biohazard that also coats the floor and makes it slippy. The only thing more dangerous than my playing.
  11. Bloody hell! Glad you got out safely.
  12. Welcome aboard! Most of us are probably a little unsound to be honest! However unlike many other sites this one is entirely flame-free* and unfailingly helpful. 😎 The mods walk softly, but carry very big fire extinguishers.
  13. And now for something completely different: Adam Wakeman may have been rocking out with Ozzie on Monday evening, but this is (allegedly!) the original version of that song 😃
  14. Do you ever take an easy route, @Sman1992?
  15. Commonwealth Games Closing Ceremony. Should be an interesting selection.
  16. As long as you don't have Sandra Dickinson in the basement providing commentary...
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