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Stub Mandrel

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Stub Mandrel last won the day on January 21

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About Stub Mandrel

  • Birthday November 17

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    Over by there.

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  1. Ultimate Guitar can be a bit hit-and-miss, but it should get you in the ballpark. https://www.ultimate-guitar.com/artist/the_stranglers_337
  2. What is and isn't there is mostly down to position (which determines the harmonics available) and the pickup design (wide vs narrow, single vs double coil).
  3. Cheap ebay: AVII Flea Jazz Cheap eBay Genuine eatly 60s (not mine)
  4. I very much doubt that.
  5. A decent audience helps, people are extremely effective at mopping up nasty reflections and resonances.
  6. Only downside of the at212 slim is a rear-dacing reflex port. The bottom end boom if too close to a wall is terrifying. A foot away does seem to be the magic minimum.
  7. I'll have a go at playing along to him. That snippet fits with what I'm playing.
  8. Hmm mostly all three? He does admit he's struggling to play it full speed. We're going to try slowing it down a bit until we are solid. It didn't help that the singer was moaning we were slow.
  9. A voice in favour of digging in... I use it to vary the amount of overdrive on my tone.
  10. We're struggling with Hysteria. I want to follow the drummer, he's struggling to lock into the riff. He wants me to accent a pulse but I'm struggling. Even though it's down as straight sixteenth notes (mostly) I feel it swings a bit, especially the second bar of the main part. I've managed to drop the odd extra note I was dropping in, but that only seems to gave made it worse as I think he was listening for the double notes to start some bars. Doesn't help that the recorded verdion is just a wall of sound so I've been practicing to the Ultimate Guitar online player. Left wondering is it me or the drummer?
  11. Is it a walk in shop, and if so where is it? I would be interested to visit (but my wallet would be scared...)
  12. Not many people, best estimate I've seen is 250-300 made.
  13. Rough one tonight. Rythym guitarist forgot. Singer was under the weather. We were all cold. I just couldn't get any fluency in my playing, frankly I felt I was crap, my fingers were not obeying my brain. We went through a fair bit of stuff some ok some not so ok. Cold is not good for a rehearsal space.
  14. I've read the comments but not watched the video... yet. I can make huge changes to my tone with playing style and hand position. I stopped using effects 18 months ago and am now gradually reintroducing them - as effects, not as part of my fundamental tone. The two effects that improve tone are compression and a hpf. But compression limits you being able to dig in for overdiven sounds. I sometimes play with pickup blend/selection. I notice, I'm not sure the audience do.
  15. I was thinking about medicines available in the 50s.
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