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Stub Mandrel

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About Stub Mandrel

  • Birthday November 17

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    Over by there.

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  1. The desk sends white noise to each and then both sides of the PA with a special high quality microphone positioned in the 'audience'. It works out the frequency response of the pa + room and any resonances automatically eqs them out. That means you can use the same settings in different venues, even using their pa, and get pretty much the same sound. Obviously tweaks may be needed and in venues where guitars and bass are backline only we need to do our own adjustments (for example on Saturday I was near a corner and had to cut my bass control, which I normally have slightly boosted).
  2. I can carry bass and cab in one hand each and amp over my shoulder for about 25kg all in! Of course most gigs need more gear but it's handy to be able to do that. Bugbear is PA, so I recently got an excellent folding trolley/sack truck from Screwfix for £76. But mine isn't needed very often as the singer usually has use of a better set of powered tops and has a better desk. We often use house pa as the desk can setup using white noise and a reference mic which is amazingly consistent. Lights... I have a lightweight setup that's optional. Thing is, I would really like to gig my Trace Elliot combo but that's well over 45kg... but at least it has wheels.
  3. These recordings are all embarrassingly competent! I was expecting some dire stuff. Here's a couple of 'proper' recordings from my next two bands. Head in a Helix which was indy with a touch of psychedelia: And the last band before my hiatus, Two Moon Junction (don't google it...) Which was real pop, and we probably should have tried to get signed...
  4. Which somehow begs the question... if having a longer B string sounds better, why not make all the other strings equally long?
  5. For some reason I'm reminded of 'In the Land of Grey and Pink' but I doubt that was your inspiration...
  6. Mostly 1/4" BSW, but some are 14/20 UNC. A 14/20 UNC thread, commonly used on tripods etc. will fit 1/4 BSW but not the other way round (if made to tolerance).
  7. ACCU can be bonkers expensive with their MOQs. Try EKP, my last order came in 48 hours.
  8. I just put one of the tracks into a free online AI reverb remover. Unprecedented levels of sonic destruction! 😂
  9. Very good, but the output levels are very high and the 'brass' control needs to be set very low.
  10. This is my first bandn Drastic Action, rehearsing in the huge upstairs hall of Kenfig Hill Labour club. Taped on my ghetto blaster. I still remember the awfulness of hauling an 18" cab up their fire escape Trigger warning: bad bass solo... https://on.soundcloud.com/8FJthgSxervDqK1y6
  11. I had an ancient tape recording of my first band made rehearsing in a big, empty club room with loads of reverb. I could not kill the reverb but even basic tooks available in the 2000s let me sort of salvage it. So have a try.
  12. EKP Supplies. If they don't stock what you need, they will make it.
  13. It's a nice aid for people whose technique isn't up to playing a conventional bass. 😈
  14. You could rephrase this thread as "is there any point buying a new bass when I could buy a better one for the same price or secondhand one for less?" Me, I'm quite happy to buy a new bass (or secondhand) if it's what I want. But I always buy secondhand cars.
  15. Last night it was the Bendricks Rock gig at the Earl Haig. We had a good one. A venue where people know their music and expect good bands. Not quite rammed (apparentlyfor my brother's band lastweekbthey had to tske allthe rables out!... they arecrhulars though and this was our first time). Even so it was pretty full. Loads of banter, dancing and vocal appreciation. Lead guitarist switched off instead of standby on his valve amp so when he switched on for encores the fuse blew. We only realised after starting superstition so it was a bitof an improvised jam. My Joyo XVI helped thicken up the sound. We'd forgotten a vocal monitor so the rhythm guitarist's spare, a snall peavey, was used. We pressed it into service for our final song. As well as very happy punters and venue, we got some nice comments from a fellow bassist as well as a couple of local guitar legends. We left very happy that the recent sequence of gigs has done a lot to establish a fan base for us.
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