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Stub Mandrel

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Everything posted by Stub Mandrel

  1. That is, actually, quite nice, I must admit 🙂
  2. Slap requires a degree of skill and dexterity, but it also needs like any 'lead' technique to be used to serve the song and to be done well. Unfortunately it's become the bassist equivalent of the flashy guitar solo - often delivered with little regard for accompaniment and with more concern for speed and display than musicality. This can lead to it becoming as hollow and soulless as rote jazz solos, meaning many people (only partly motivated by jealousy that they can't do it at all) conclude it's a waste of talent.
  3. I would just put a unity follower before the volume control.
  4. Another year and a half and you are in the clear... Although it depends on the species, the death watch beetle can take ten years before emerging...
  5. I would power a preamp with a separate, linear, power regulator - just based around a 7809 or 7812 to give it the cleanest possible power source.
  6. Looks a tad large for woodworm, probably some larger beastie. It will have got in before the wood was painted. If it's a whole batch could prove expensive (unless they become sought after collectors' items).
  7. So share the best kecks for your style of music.
  8. In the UK if one of these doesn't cure it the EMI isn't getting to your gear via the mains: https://cpc.farnell.com/bulgin/pxd301-550-01-1/power-outlet-iec-5way-10a-emi/dp/CN16585 Probably cheaper alternatives out there, EMI filter is what to look for. <edit> It probably has the same electronics inside as the Citronic box...
  9. Fine when it serves the song. Embarrassing when it's an angst-fueled pop-tastic slap-fest...
  10. 1990 was to 1991 like 1977 was to 1978. (Check out the number 1 hits in each year...)
  11. Going into business Ricky?
  12. Well just to make sure no-one else patents the idea, it was standard interconnector that could be fitted as a socket beneath pedals in parallel with standard power and signal jacks as well as custom ways for each pedal (for expression pedals, programming etc.) so all the power and interconnects could easily be provided, unseen, from beneath on a crowded but neat pedalboard with moveable matching connectors. It would be an opensource or licenced connector so that it could be adopted by multiple manufacturers.
  13. What's the odds you eat it all by the end of the week, let alone keeping it for September!
  14. Bugger! I invented that system last year and tried to sell it to a pedal manufacturer who said it was unlikely to fly because we agreed it would need multiple companies to adopt it. Just as well I didn't try to patent it!
  15. Having to tighten my belt until the house is sold and the divorce aftermath is settled so abstinence is order of the day anyway. GAS is strong but as the theme seems to be twin 'buckers it's possible an Epiphone Embassy or an EB3 might cure it come the time.
  16. My old Pro-Bass used a compander chip to provide fixed 4:1 dynamic range compression. The chip was one Maplin used to sell that was 'lo-fi' intended for 'telecoms use only'! Worked well enough that I sold (foolishly) my old Arion stereo compressor 😞
  17. I was so at that gig, off me Omo on Hotpoint jollies. You buggers could have said hello to me !
  18. Sign of a true bassist. Has a Basschat plectrum Uses it as a keyring.
  19. @Richard R - Brawley Artemis 4, Brawley Artemis 5, EBS Session60 amp, something to weigh basses with. @Frank Blank - Rob Allen Mouse Fretless, Rob Allen Mouse Fretted, Ibanez SRC6, QSC K12.2, HX Stomp. @Stub Mandrel - Fender Performer, Hohner Jack Custom V, Deathburger (HB kit build), TE 1110 combo? @petecarlton - Mayones Cali4 "Puzzle" Bass: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYAvWZGwc4s&t=13s&ab_channel=BassTheWorld.com @Teebs - Erm...dunno What! Isn't my mere presence enough for you peoples!? Pea Green Bass and something else. @SpondonBassed - Jack. (That's not short for Jack all, it's just that I can't decide until nearer the time.) @Machines - Sire M5 / Yamaha RBXJM2 / GenzBenz Neo Pak / EICH112XS @bassmansam - Rickenbacker 4003s, Eppy Thunderbird Vintage Pro and Ashdown ABM 500 2x10 combo @jebroad - Not-fender jazz (maybe), squire silver series jazz, old Kay SC, Dingwall combustion, Ashdown 8x10 (Maybe) @Jabba_the_gut - 27" mini basses, Short scale telebass, whatever else I build by then, TC RS210 combo. Cakes @Oldman - @NickA Since the last one.. got a second Wal with an extra string and those weird metal things in the fingerboard ( supposed to help you play in tune I think, but cause all kinds of problems ). So, yes, please. I'll be there; Couple of Wals and some pjb amps. @Geek99 - POSSIBLE ... Ampeg AMP, bass-doc built relic P, homemade jazz with geddy lee pups, zoom b2.1
  20. Egad, the last thing we want is the list doing open-source software style forks...
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