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Stub Mandrel

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Everything posted by Stub Mandrel

  1. I suspect it all kicked off badly because the initial complaint was questioning if it had a nitro finish. That lovely deep gloss probably took a lot of work and seeing it dissed may have been a touch upsetting, and certainly marked the OP out as someone who had ordered without fully understanding what they would get. Also speccing a P-bass pickup with Jazz neck and expecting the poles to line up. Good customer service ought to look past this. I think the biggest issue, though, is that the two parties are communicating in a second language. It's easy to seem in an email unintentionally. Emails from both sides seem to switch between trying to be polite and reasonable and being abrubt, and I'm sure that is is not the intention. I suspect even the Stinky Poo comment may have been an attempt at humour to defuse the situation that went wrong... My advice... use more smilies guys :-)
  2. It depends entirely on the context. I enjoy playing long, rambling, medium pace partly improvised walking basslines but there aren't too many opportunities, what there are, are precious 🙂
  3. Love the way Booker T. Jones uses the key clicks on the Hammond for percussive effect. Slap keyboard 😉
  4. *Nempnett, Thrubwell, Richins Park
  5. I fear a lot of trees disappeared during the lockdown 😞
  6. Sorry it was this talk about 'Slices'"
  7. Have you every read Northern Lights? You know that stuff about the terrible agony and anguish when they try to separate a child from its daemon? That's me and musical instruments, that is...
  8. I was (and still am) a pretty awful electric guitar player, although I can manage half decent fingerpicking on an acoustic (which to my mind ought to be harder...) At Uni in Aber a mate had a red sunburst precision that I used to plonk away on when I was at his place. After I left uni he lent it to me for a month or so (thinking back, probably because I was a bit miserable after my three-year student relationship broke up). He made the condition that I only played it one-finger-per-fret 🙂 Didn't take me long to appreciate it was a much better fit for me than guitar. I got a Hohner jazz, and when I moved down to South Wales I was pretty crap but eventually tried an audition and failed miserably when it turned out all the songs I had tried to learn were just a 'guide to the sort of things...' Tried out for a covers band and somehow did OK, and then got about ten years under my belt with them followed by two original bands. About 23 years only doing the odd bit. Getting back into it seriously now, for about two years, definitely a much better player than I was before, but my guitar is even worse. So that's about 36 years.
  9. You want slices along the trunk, not across it, for 99% of uses.
  10. Very tempty... but then I would have to get rid of my Peavey 1x15. Or not... 😈
  11. Unlike most of the quotes in this thread, when Neil Young said "now I'm livin' out here on the beach, but those seagulls are still out of reach", it was littoraly true.
  12. Its over? Oh, you just mean the thread...
  13. LOL! I actually read that... Well how about The Lion Sleeps Tonight...
  14. Back to the true spirit of this thread... Stevie Nicks, guilty of a degree of meteorological inexactitude when she claimed 'thunder only happens when its raining'.
  15. Serving chips in a potty? How convenient...
  16. Compare and Contrast Judy Dyble's piano work (RIP): With Dave Hill's guitar riff...
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYnVYJDxu2Q
  18. Yesterday, sand down with 600 grit, fill a few dinks, then primer, then find more and more tiny dinks to fill, ended up with almost a whole can of primer going on, then smoothed off with 600 grit. Then a final coat this morning, followed by a Speed Awareness Course on Zoom 🙄 This is white, honest! later today, about 5 or 6 coats of Daphne Blue, although my phone seems to want to shift it towards @Teebs green... it is a lovely blue in reality! Tomorrow the gloss lacquer! Already put a couple of coats of gloss on the headstock, and decals. The area around the truss rod is a bit poor. Might try staining it dark brown...
  19. Half teh band were in eth Soiuth Wales TNT - AC/DC tribute (now Black Angus since my bro' left), I think it sounds a bit like Airbourne.
  20. I've made up my mind! DECISION BASS.
  21. I feel faintly queasy...
  22. Looked it up on Ultimate guitar. How does someone get 32 votes and 4.5 star average with: "Originally tab of this song is too hard to be tabbed so I made a easy version "
  23. I can't see my own bloomin' link!
  24. My brother's band have recorded a lockdown song - using iPhones and Bandcamp. Not sure if this will work:
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