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Stub Mandrel

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Posts posted by Stub Mandrel

  1. 30 minutes ago, jazzyvee said:

    My Saturday plans have changed so i will pop down and bring a 5 string and a couple of 4 stringers long and short scale. Alembics. Im still not used to others playing my basses so please understand if i look paranoid whilst handing it over. I like to keep all my instruments in pristine condition so No picks please and no clothing or jewellery lanyards etc that may damage the finish. 

    I've already checked that (a) my blet buckle has no sharp edges and (b) my t-shirt covers it 🙂

  2. 1 hour ago, Leonard Smalls said:

    Not sure if any of the suggestions would work - especially as our singer has the punk attitude that if it's well known it must be rubbish! 

    You want punky + funky?

    How about Warhead by the UK Subs - two verses then push up the tempo 🙂

    • Like 1
  3. 9 hours ago, drTStingray said:

    Charlie Watts and Bill Wyman (love the way they look cool and also slightly disdainful of the whole thing and possibly their flouncing band mates in some of the televised performances of singles)

    Charlie Watts: "this is my day job, this evening I'll be at Ronnie Scott's..."

  4. I've decided it's overkill to bring a stack - I'm assuming people play at civilised levels not gig volumes, so I'll bring the Crush 25...

    Also I dug out my old Yamaha QY10 and it works great as a simple beat box, jamming along to it sounds vastly more 'musical' than random noodling.

    • Like 2
  5. 2 hours ago, funkgod said:

    what about nickelback's version of elton john's saturday nights alright for fighting ? everyone should know that.


    Do the original version - we're going to!

    Forget any preconceptions of Elton John, it kicks (Nickelback's) donkey and the bassline is a stretch (for me) and a lot more funkable than the Nickelback one.


  6. I thought Pro II but the body looks more sculpted, and  it's got the humbucker and heavyweight bridge.

    But ether are a lot of variants, If found a few with the humbucker and body shape on google (but they might not be Pro IIs) but not the bridge, which might be upgraded?



  7. 34 minutes ago, Grangur said:

    I've come across this before and both @gary mac and @ikay are right. The actual colour wires you use won't matter, but join them in series and then connect the other wires to the volume and ground. A coil isn't polarised, so if doesn't matter which way round you connect them, but don't install it with the magnets repelling each other.

    Actually the poles do have a 'correct way round'. It won't affect the sound output but it will stop them humbucking.

    If the pickup seems 'noisy' especially main hum (move near your amp), reverse one pair of wires.

  8. 1 hour ago, Higgins.plays.bass said:

    big Ashdown octaver

    I was practising through a hefty Ashdown head yesterday.

    Everyone was getting a bit fed up as it had a strange chorusy/double tracked sound that was driving me round the bend. I kept fiddling trying to get it to go.

    Turned out the previous user has turned the 'sub' control up to to about ten o'clock to get a subtle octave. I had assumed it was a control for if you had a sub-woofer fitted.

    Of course when I finally figured it out, I turned it up full, went to the dusty end and annoyed everyone with some 'Royal Blood' style widdling :-)

    • Haha 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Ashweb said:

    I'm sure you'll nail it SM.  The reason I was on such a heavy repeat system of practice is advice I had from my tutor which was to not practice until you can get it right, but practice until you can't get it wrong.  Massive repetition of the three tracks fuelled by the fear of failure really payed dividends when nerves basically shut me down at the start as I was able to go into auto pilot and not stand there like an idiot, and again when things went a bit off script I was able to find a way back as I knew the tracks so well.

    Yeah, I'm playing the same tracks every day, and every day they get better, but playing with the guys is different - not least because some songs have four or five variations and we are all practising different versions - I emailed round some YT links today to address this!

    I've nailed one song with two riffs that I muddle up by having two little chants that give me the right rhythm.

    Plus, I'm making sure I know the key so I can fumble something that fits until i can lock in again.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, thodrik said:

    My uninformed worry was that some companies would be designing amps to be like certain brands of smart phones in that they are designed have a short lifespan with the intention that they are to be replaced by a ‘new’ shiny product every 24 months. That is a very cynical view I know and not entirely serious!

    I got thise email from laney Service today:


    Hi Neil,

    Thanks for the enquiry.


    That’s got a bit of age in it hasn’t it, mid eighties, that was just before I started here 😃


    Schematics added.


    • Like 2
  11. 1 hour ago, BassBunny said:

    Only the 50k is the type I'm looking for. The rest are blend/balance dual pots. Might be worth a call, so I'll see if they can help.

    I've been in touch with Bartolini, as it's one of their preamps, and they are trying to sort something with Bass Direct.

    The blend/balance audio taper pots are single spindle and a log pot stacked with a reverse log one, so if you just connect the one you will get what you need:



    You just need to be sure you use the right one of the pair.

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