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Stub Mandrel

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Posts posted by Stub Mandrel

  1. 27 minutes ago, bloodandtearsuk said:

    I'd say AC/DC is up there.. loads of them..  I've played for 3 alone..  The ACDC Experience as Angus.. and Back In Black and now ACE/DC both on bass.

    Previously I was in Metalleeka for 8 years as Kirk Hammett.. 

    Done right, a tribute band can open some very big doors.. it can guarantee an enthusiastic crowd.. improve the pay..  overall a lot of fun.

    One of my brothers was Angus in a band that had the iterations TNT and High Voltage (originality of names is not a strong suite for AC/DC tributes...)

    Sadly I don't have a pic of him in uniform.

  2. 3 hours ago, thebigyin said:

    UFO tonight Hull New Theatre 50th Anniversary final tour....this will be my 5th time I have seen them first time in 76 classic Mogg, Schenker, Way, Raymond, Parker line up see them again with Tonker Chapman on guitar, then Atomic Tommy M and twice with Vinnie Moore on guitar always a class act...also seen the off-shoots including Fastway and Waysted several times...spent a memorable evening with Pete Way and Fin Muir slightly worse for wear lol at the Yardbirds Grimsby.....sad day for Rock n Roll when such a great band ends.

    UFO are everything Def Leppard should have been.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, casapete said:

    I'm taking my daughter's partner to see The Bootleg Beatles next week. He's an Aussie and crazy on the Beatles, so hoping they don't disappoint him. I saw them a few years ago and was impressed so should be an entertaining evening. I think they're doing a section devoted to The White Album too.

    When I saw the Bootleg Beatles it was far nearer to the Beatles than now is to the Bootleg Beatles...

  4. 9 minutes ago, fleabag said:

    5 currently, but one will be hoofed into the skip soon. Of the keepers, this is my fave ... it's a beastly 4"   and unbelievably comfortable


    Despite being a veggie, I salvaged some big sheets of leather of about that colour from a pair of sofas.

    I've just realised I can use them to make  broad under-straps. Adding one to my genuine Ace peace and dove strap will give me the authentic Neil Young effect (just add a Gold Top LP and paint black...)

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  5. I suspect most of us have a cort-made bass or three, perhaps even without realising it.

    The serial number on the pickup in my Squier Jag comes up as being Cort, and I understand both my Hohners were made by them, and possibly my Ibanez '335' as well!

  6. I've been thinking of asking a very similar question. My plan is:

    TU3 --> Compressor --> BEQ7 --> HM2 --> Chorus

    I suspect the EQ should go after the distortion, although I probably wouldn't use them at the same time.

    I'm waiting on a ten-stage daisy chain cable so things could get more complex!

  7. 51 minutes ago, KevB said:

    Presumably they had to get the gig in early so Gillan could get to his day job taking people's luggage at some big hotel..

    What incredibly, utterly incompetent editing and camera work!

    "Whatever you do, don't show the faces of anyone other than Gillan and Paice - and make the 'crowd' of 30 punters look like LIve Aid!"

  8. 14 minutes ago, Mottlefeeder said:

    A bit of an unusual one for us - playing at the opening of the first part of Manchester airport's revamped Terminal 2 - first flight out 06:00.

    Went to bed at 21:30, got up at 01:15. On the road by 02:40. The new car park was apparently opened/signposted about an hour before we got there. Spent about an hour getting visitors' passes and getting our gear through airport security.

    Started playing at about 04:30. Played two short sets with a break for speeches and then packed up, handed in the passes and headed home. Got in at about 07:00. Nice audience (nothing else going on) and lots of money donated for Cancer Research UK.



    Isn't there a law about playing before lunch?

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