I'm convinced we can over-exaggerate the significance of some of these curves. 3dB of extra or less bass or treble will be very subtle, 6dB isn't huge.
Whrn my live sound isn't right I seem to make adjustments in the "two hours per tweak" sort of range, and that seems to work. My frustration is usually that the pa has too much bottom end, or rather they cut my middle and top too much (then say my amp is booming 🙄 ).
I do find myself dialing in a smile for home practice - and why not!
Live or rehearsal with the Orange Terror everything starts near 12 o'clock andvgets tweaked. Bass and treble often get a slight boost, mid can go either way. Sometimes treble needs a big boost to balance the pa...
I'd be interested to know the actual response of the Terror, as the rumoured profile would be almost unusable!
My venerable 80s Trace with GP11, I have the graphic set to lift the mid and treble about 3dB. Whether it sounnds better with pre-shape in or out seems to depend on:
The song
The bass I'm using
Which way the wind is blowing and the ohase of the moon.