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Everything posted by Chrishi_J

  1. Damn. I just posted the same a few days ago on talkbass. Sometimes this THING is an Overkill. I tweak and get lost in different sounds, and forget to be creative. I don´t have an Amp and am a Pedalboard Only guy (IEM) but seriosly thinking about switching to an Darkglass Infinity an Helix Effects.
  2. After your 5th Post in a few weeks I just noticed, you really changed something and not having dementia, posting your board every week 🤣
  3. Sorry, OT: Sorry, I have to keep the Collection complete 😝
  4. That makes me feel bad for my silver one... sitting in it´s case for ages 😥
  5. Despite the fact that this Bass has seen 70.000 people this weekende means It surely is a nice bass. They were awesome at the Hurricane Festival.
  6. Hartke for Bass is like flour for seasoning 🤣
  7. You are absolutely right. I thought about the pinkish Jazz above. The Neck with the block Inlays and tuning pegs were different
  8. But they released the news last Wednesday the 19th. https://www.gearnews.de/harley-benton-jb-62cc-jazziger-bass-mit-matching-headstock/ Sunburst Shell Pink Seafoam Green (auch als Lefty) Olympic White Lake Placid Blue Dakota Red Black Price Friendly Deluxe JBs with Matching Headstocks
  9. The Clone of what? Because of Potato Phone you can´t see anything
  10. Well... the Website? http://warwick.de/de/Warwick--Support--Seriennummer-.html#current_site_id
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