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Everything posted by Chrisbassboy5

  1. I have watched SBL for ages but now have seen Talking Bass online who is really cool and his lessons are really informative.. What do you think and who is FREE, or with the best lessons? Thanks Chris
  2. Just checked the YT video by Andertons. Nice idea! Like the Spectre option..
  3. Like the idea of high series 2nd hand Ibanez, any views? https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F293013153698
  4. What are some great basses to look at then? Warwick, Schecter?, what about the Ibanez Aerodyne?
  5. Cheers guys. Need to try some more then. Will include some other makes/models outside the norm.. cheers folks. Awesome feedback. Regards Chris
  6. Thanks Steve. I had never considered a Warwick? I have researched until I have almost gone mad, reviews, and YT stuff.. My ideal is to have a quality 1 time purchase. I have tried P and J Fender basses into the mix and I'll be honest don't really understand the hype and want for these...tbh. I really would like to have a quality new/2nd hand 5 string with loads of tone control. Am after a smooth almost string bass sound and will even consider flats as I play wind Band stuff mostly.. Will keep looking but am still gooey eyed over high series Ibbys and the MM.... oh god. The variety kills me! Will see what comes... any other choice/options folks.. Thanks Chris
  7. What's the score with Warwick? Are they that good?
  8. Cheers m8. Sadly a purchase will have to involve a day trip to Andertons for the trial of a variety of options and to see what fits.. sure it will be a worthwhile trip. A local shop has an Ibanez sr557 for £575 but still think MM is the way.. ?
  9. Hi mate. An issue for me is that I need to try before I buy and some prices are not far off new for MM so I might as well consider new unless a bargain and model, strings, colour that I want. No guarantee and warranty 2nd hand. Need to spend wisely but thanks. Chris
  10. As above im in a quandry.. need to buy a special 5 string and like the idea of a Marcus Miller Bass. Lots of hype on YT, is it a worthwhile buy or any other reccomends for the price? Want quality new/used as 1 time buy (i hope!). Poss new MM or Ibanez SR300-600 (barts)? I mostly play windband/jass/blues stuff so any ideas of appropriate axes? Any feedback and recommends read and thankful for.. Chris
  11. Smooth rich string bass sound. Mostly play in a wind band...
  12. Am after a string bass sound for my bass guitar.. There are also stories on here about strings unwinding with flats.. how do you properly string them. Ta
  13. hi folks I'm after some flat wound strings for my tanglewood 5K bass what do you recommend?
  14. I know that Scott's bass lessons suggests crimping the end of the strings before you had them which means that the string doesn't unravel. He says that people claim it's a dead string in a pack but that people don't crimp and put a bend in the string before attaching which is why this happens any views on this?
  15. What is the difference between them as it was surely obvious enough to make you swap Lownote.. ?
  16. Indonesian. The feedback geberalky is that it performs well above its price tag of £300-600.. Chris
  17. Yep. For a sale they won't replace £25 strings when spending £525.. god, margins must be tight! Chris
  18. Thanks all for some great feedback.. YT seems to rave about them including Scotts bass lessons etc. Every page I have found has loved them.. I think I may go MM out of the box opposed to a 2nd hand Ibby... I went to PMT and asked a bass guy working , about them and he answered "you wouldnt believe how many electrics I've had to solder on them" . Perhaps MM envy or something in it as something has to go for a £500 bass new, eh? If there are any issues I've not read it and god I've researched the bass all over YT and Google! Still think they are awesome and fancy one for my 50th in Sept. Perhaps a 5 string Ash V7, 2nd edition... agree? Cheers guys and girls. Chris
  19. Andertons, Guildford and YT are going crazy for these.. are they worth the money or shiny rubbish? What's the actual difference in the models? P, M series.. Please post your feedback so I/we can make a choice to buy or not to buy.. Cheers guys and girls! Chris
  20. Just checked with the shop Old strings won't be replaced for free and no case, still a great deal? However free servicing for life.. Please advise.. Thanks Chris
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