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  1. I found the ‘transition’ to flats partly helped by overplaying a fretted and having sore fingers so the flats felt lovely 😂. Most of the ‘damage’ was near the nut. I must be pressing harder there. Ended up with some Labella flats that I don’t like. But they cost too much to not use 😂. Still use rounds on fretted but quite like being able to switch to flats on the fretless.
  2. I used to use rounds as the mwah was just stunning. But do note (in case it matters) that rounds will damage the board. They dig in over time leaving tiny lines.
  3. I use a Boss wireless dongle for my bass (I like the tone and the patches on my stomp are ‘set’ to work with it) even though it’s not needed as I’m not leaping about. What it is great for is wandering out front at sound check to make sure the mix is working. And as for ‘bass’ I get as much as I want through my IEMs. Or as little - as I’m no where near as loud as the band in my head. It’s nice to not be half deaf on the way home! The trade is that yes it’s a bit sterile but you get used to it after a couple of gigs and ‘less tinnitus’ is a positive trade for me.
  4. I should add that my back loves me for it and I can usually do 2 carries and I’m in. That’s desk, lights & stands; Rucksack with leads/Stomp/crap, 2 basses. I did have a helix (when I was mostly playing guitar) but found slimming down to a Stomp was no loss on bass. I change my whole rig depending on song at the press of a button. We are lucky that one of the guitarists forked out for some lovely Bose speakers and I’m quite pleased with the sound I get through them.
  5. I guess everyone is different but I don’t miss having a cab behind me. To put that in context we are playing pretty small pubs with no stage so an added ‘bonus’ is that it’s one less thing to try and fit round the drum kit 😂
  6. Cheers, any idea if the food places will be open or will it be worth bringing sarnies?
  7. No probs. Can possibly do something using Teams, screenshare HX Edit or sumint. I would council that you need to be able to mod patches on the device - I got into a terrible pickle with my HD500 where I could only make changes when it was connected to a computer (which I didn’t have at rehearsals or gigs!). But designing patches is far easier using the software.
  8. Quite a lot of chat on this in the IEM bible thread. https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/389429-the-iem-in-ear-monitors-bible-thread-a-guide-to-help-every-musician/page/69/#comment-5412888
  9. Of course, if ‘south of the river’ means anywhere near Bromley it might be possible to arrange a meet up for a few pointers if you think that would help.
  10. Aye, whenever I’ve played that I’ve gone with one. The ‘space’ makes the song. That’s not saying there isn’t room for a few licks though!
  11. This is a good thread… https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/333619-helix-floorlthxstomppodgo-owners-club-tips-ideas-patches/page/94/#comment-5409015 but I will be ‘annoying’ and say, yes, good idea to read the manual…
  12. Senior Angry Girls Association?
  13. I managed to score a very early Manson bass in Wapping in the mid 80s. I later found out it was in the first 100 instruments he made. Managed to see Hugh at a guitar show and was showing him pictures and a guy came up saying he worked at the Bass Centre and he remembered selling the exact bass!
  14. Hola, Can I ask which bit of kit you are using? The signal flow is different on each device.
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