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Everything posted by Wombat

  1. Yes, you could ‘brick’ the device. It’s a pain but just do it when you have the time. If you have a Floor, it rebuilds the presets after the factory reset and when you reinstall the backup so take that into account. I start it going then go and have a cuppa. Definitely DONT do it at a rehearsal or gig!
  2. Standing in front of this Stack you’d look great in anything…. GLWTS
  3. Leather effect padded trouser?!? Now you are talking…
  4. Firmware 3.60 just released. We get… Agua Sledge - based on* the Aguilar® Tone Hammer & Bass Cabs (Single and Dual versions) 1x12 Epicenter - captured from* a 1x12" Epifani® Ultralight series 4x10 Ampeg Pro - captured from* a 4x10" Ampeg®PR-410HLF There is a ‘Dumble Clone’ that guitarists have been raving about too but I’ve not tried it myself…
  5. Lol, is anything ‘standard’ on a bass like this?!? GLWTS
  6. Does it come with any of the basses? 😉
  7. Can I ask where peeps put the low cut/high cut in the chain? At the end?
  8. I have a ‘significant birthday’ this year which has made me start thinking about getting a bass as old as me! Would be a ‘63 Jazz if poss. I guess I could go to No Tom (although they ignored me when I was in there a few weeks ago) or the Bass Gallery as ‘getting one off eBay’ (as if one would come up there!) is probably not a good idea! I’ve scoured the usual places and Reggaebass suggested Andy Baxter but any other thoughts on how I might source one and not get ripped off?
  9. Yes, for me the Bergantino IRs are the dogs doodahs! I like them paired with the GK but as IanA says the ability to have multiple amps and cabs at your disposal (and not lug around) is great!
  10. Unfortunately not. Might have been interested in a Floor & backpack mind. The ‘mic in’ has gone on mine and I have a guitarist mate who wants one and doesn’t care about using a mic with it so we’d arrange a swap. I’m currently using a Jack input live and another interface when I need phantom… GLWTS…
  11. If you need any help getting to grips with the Helix give me a shout....
  12. Aye, ‘‘twas being lazy caused it. Plus I’ve now worked out I have ‘shape’ the nail a bit so I end up with the pad resting against the body rather than the nail!🙄
  13. Good thought. We used to use them in the bank. Might have one lying around at home...
  14. Thanks peeps, I’ll have a look. I’d love to not rest my thumb there but find modifying my technique (if that’s an actual thing!) too hard. Even pass over basses that don’t have a convenient pickup/thumb rest. This is the 1st bass I’ve damaged mind! Thanks again. Wom
  15. My thumb/nail has rubbed the finish off where I rest it on the pickup (note to self - cut your nails more often! 🙄). Any suggestions on how I can a) stop it getting worse and/or b) repair it? Thanks!
  16. Not the same I know but I've been using a WL20 with an 18v Status for 2 years without any problems. It's sounds great (to me). Amazing at sound check as I can go up the back and have a listen. The only 'issue' is where others in the band have them and your try and pair them at the same time. The guitar player does NOT like me rocking out through his rig for some reason! You need a strict 'I'm pairing now' policy...
  17. Bazinga! I have a fretted that could be it’s brother/sister!
  18. I only have a 450 so not the power but I use it with a 4ohm 1x12 Eden Cab which sounds fab (and weighs a feather). Loud enough in any situation as you would be DI’ing/mic’ing in a bigger venue anyways…
  19. I completely understand such reservations but, working in a school, I end up mixing all the time so it's a 'yes please' from me.
  20. Aye, I work in a school and would bite your arm off if I was near enough to come get it. We mostly have nylon strung Spanish style guitars and not all the students want to learn that!
  21. Just stick it in the mic stand feet. Or just by the cab. It's got flashy lights!
  22. Thank, yes you have to get the ‘add on’ footswitch to get the mute button. I think it would wind me up if I didn’t get it!
  23. Thanks. That's where I'm coming from. The cabs are light, the head will run at 2ohms you get a gig bag. Great brand. What is not to like! But no one seems to be using them?
  24. Anyone got any experience of one of these? I've always liked the sound of their guitar amps and so would be interested if anyone has used/heard the bass amp!
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