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Everything posted by CongBass

  1. Can someone help me locate replacement sliders for the Hartke HD150. 2 of my sliders got bashed and broke off. Still works, but doesnt look good and less sellable now.
  2. CongBass

    Yamaha BB 734A

    @EJWWdid you ever get neck dive with the 734?
  3. @Armchair Spacemandid the Gotoh bridge drop in without any problems?
  4. How do they get that amazing bass tone? See from 00:00:18 onward to the first minute. Especially the fills at 00:00:34 and 00:00:52 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9694K85Xc8
  5. whats the body wood on this?
  6. I love the tape on poles idea- is that to stop earth hum if you touch the poles? I think Im going to try that out on one of my basses.
  7. @louisthebass thats perfect man! just the kind of thing Im trying to find. Loaded with bass excess.
  8. Hi all, Ive worked through hundreds of songs and Im struggling to find a resource for nice fills that I can learn. I've found a few little gems scattered in AC/DCs back catalog. Rush has a lot of variations and a few runs to glean. I found simple but nice fills in Big Country stuff. I found a few Flea fills. Can anyone suggest some songs or bands that are rich in fills. Im thinking more in a 60s/70s/80s/90s rock/reggae/blues/pop context. Also Ive occasionally seen a fill run that spreads without pause across multiple chord changes in the last few bars of a song section that are quite fantastic, but I couldnt remember or name one off the top of my head - next time I spot one I need to make a note of it. Thanks
  9. And whereabouts is this fine bass located?
  10. @operative451 having been to many Marilyn Manson gigs back in the 90s I was strongly convinced that he had ripped off his sound from Swedish punk legend Thåström
  11. Ok, so I'm trying to save for a Mayones bass and I'm trying to think up novel ways to raise funds for example I created a lottery where people can win a Lego set - worthwhile or a waste of time?
  12. Nevermind ... a bit less laziness and I found http://carolkaye.com/
  13. @interpol52 care to share a link for where to sign up for those lessons?
  14. Hi Stippy as someone who got into this at age 49, I would recommend truefire.com. Its really cheap for a year, much cheaper than teachers and you get lots of little 20 minutes lessons that have great videos and explanations and are a nice bite size. Better than having a teacher because its at your pace so you're not wasting any cash. I would go for the Stu Hamm beginner courses but then truefire have a path of beginners courses you can follow. I would then add a real human lesson in once every 6 months to correct anything or help with specific problems like choice of beer to go with your new hobby. Ive played about 30 gigs since Ive started and Im loving it. I finally understand why Ive always loved certain songs and its down to great bass lines!
  15. Your biggest problem will be the keyboards left hand (if they are classically trained) as others have said along with that sustain pedal they have. Sometimes they hold down the sustain pedal and have bass notes that can last longer more than one bar!. Those will feedback into the acoustic guitars. If you have an acoustic guitarist playing open E on their lowest string, or fretting a note like the G on the low string, the organ or keyboard will then bloat that acoustic guitar note and the moment you hit your corresponding note on bass you will cause sonic bass booms that will kill half the congregation. The survivors will give you the evil eye thinking you are the problem. Duct taping the keyboard players sustain pedal behind their back along with their left arm is a highly recommended practice. Or cut the acoustic guitarists lowest E string seconds before the performance so they don't get a chance to replace it in time. Acoustic guitarists don't always notice the note swelling up on their guitars, so they just keep going. You might find that for some songs you have to pretend to be playing the notes that the keyboard is dominating on and just turn your volume to zero. Usually the slow songs. Or just play the fills at the end of sections and drop out whilst the keyboard is bloating out the bass range.
  16. I feel sick. Someone bought that?
  17. However if you do buy it, then you prevent one other forum member from having to suffer GAS for the same item. If you can keep this up, eventually there wont be any beauties left to tempt the rest of us. And then we will all owe you a pint.
  18. Some have a one in one out rule. If you can get rid of one first then there will be less guilt when the new one arrives.
  19. So its active, but can i get a passive pbass sound out of it?. It looks like its appealing to pbass players with that split coil on there? Apologies if the question upsets any fender or yamaha purists but im just simply impure.
  20. Hi. Does it sound like a fender pbass? I want a pbass sound but I don’t want to buy a fender branded product, reasons I won’t disclose in case fender enthusiasts get upset.
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