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Everything posted by Mr.T

  1. [quote name='chris_b' post='559020' date='Aug 3 2009, 10:22 AM']It seems to me that the expectations here are unrealistic. I think that you guys will not be able to change your gear to a significantly different technology and keep the same sound! Your sound will change, and the sound of a clean modern cab is a million miles away from the sound of a "clean" old style cab. Make the change in steps. If you have an old style 410 get a neo 410.[/quote] With my SA450 running through the Aggie 1x12 and Ashdown 2x10 neo, I absolutely could get a sound that wasn't too far away from my Trace sound. Probably a little punchier and easier to hear (and I liked that!).... Just couldn't get it every week. The problem was it sounded soooo different at every gig, whereas my Trace always sounded pretty much the same.
  2. [quote name='steve-soar' post='558895' date='Aug 3 2009, 12:23 AM']A good bass amp makes a gig move, a good PA makes a big gig move.[/quote] Gigging. Therein lies the problem! I think most amps/cabs can put out a passable tone in the comfort of a music store or frontroom. ... But put them in the mix with loud drummer (and my band has a LOUD drummer) and a g**tarist with a 4x12 and it is a different story. I am sure my old Trace rig made the same noise at home or at a gig. When I turned up the wick, it just made the same noise... but louder. Why wont any of this new kit I own do that? I have got it all to sound sweet at home, but at every gig it sounds different! (and not in a good way).
  3. [quote name='alexclaber' post='558817' date='Aug 2 2009, 11:06 PM']Who thinks I should send the original Big One to Mr T to see if that solves the problem? It's sitting here looking battered and unloved and might as well go on a tour like those Compacts rather than gathering dust! Alex[/quote] Alex... I considered the BigOne before buying the Compact. Problem is I would then be going back up again in size/weight. (Which I may well have to do, although I prefer the idea of 2 smaller/lighter cabs).
  4. [quote name='charic' post='558772' date='Aug 2 2009, 09:51 PM']Mr. T. Im probably missing something here but perhaps you LIKE the sound of colouration coming from cabs?[/quote] It is possible, although I think (thought) that I like a fairly clean sound. I did manage to get my SA450 with the Aguilar 1x12 and Ashdown 2x10 combination to sound pretty good.... just not consistantly at every gig! Sometimes the mids sounded too brittle, so I would EQ them out, then I'd not cut throught the mix as well as I wanted to, etc. Hence my thinking that mixing drivers was my problem... and choosing the Compact. Maybe I also need to rethink my amp? I don't think I am aiming for a sound that is particularly unusual, but am certainly getting tied up in knots... at the moment.
  5. [quote name='iamapirate' post='544100' date='Jul 18 2009, 04:22 PM']Is banjo GAS normal?? [/quote] No, it is an illness! I succumbed to Banjo GAS last year... haven't felt right since. I keep getting the urge to sit on my back porch chewing tobacco while playing the theme from deliverance. The neighbours have taken to closing their curtains. etc. On a serious note, I have found that banjo picking has helped my bass playing technique. This is a good price!
  6. [quote name='alexclaber' post='558636' date='Aug 2 2009, 05:42 PM']I think what makes it clear that you expect a certain thickness in the midrange is that you managed to comment on the Compact having plenty of bottom but also sounding thin - a lot of people would say that you can't have both at once - fat bottom and thinness are mutually exclusive. Alex[/quote] My understanding is something like this... When I said the Compact had plenty of 'Bottom end', I mean ultra lows that can eventually become booming. Fatness (I think) comes from a higher frequency 100hz (ish)? I used to set my Trace with: Cut at 40 & 60hz. Flat at 80hz Boosting at 100 & 180hz Then cutting in a curve with its peak cut at around 500hz Boosting again at around 2.6mhz Then flat again above that. All done in gentle curves. I know that is probably acedemic and won't translate to other amps/cabs, but might give an idea of what I am trying to achieve.
  7. [quote name='alexclaber' post='558636' date='Aug 2 2009, 05:42 PM']If you're going to a multi-cab rig, I'd recommend hanging onto the Compact and I'll send you a Midget T at my cost ASAP. It really bugs me when I can't solve tone/amplification problems but I think this might do it. Alex[/quote] Do you mean try a Midget T sitting on top of a Compact?
  8. Alex, I want to make it clear that I am in no way knocking the Compact. For what it is (a 1x15), it is (as you say) capable of going very loud. Also, it had more than enough bottom end. I personally think that an amp with a more flexible EQ could (potentially) get more out of this cab. (Less at around 50hz. more in the 100hz region?). I wouldn't say that I am putting a thin sound into the cab.... Eden & MarkBass aren't usually known for sounding thin, are they? I agree with what you are saying, and think I need to go back to a multi-cab rig. I'll PM you about returning the cab, and rethink where I go next!
  9. [quote name='BassBunny' post='558522' date='Aug 2 2009, 02:45 PM']Haven't bought any Amp gear for 18 months.[/quote] I am looking forward to that time!
  10. First off, thanks for all the replies. I am glad that I am not alone in this quest for a light(ish) rig that sounds big! [quote name='alexclaber' post='558319' date='Aug 2 2009, 10:47 AM']What's crap about your sound? Just saying it's crap doesn't tell us anything! I know my cabs can flatten the old Trace Elliots you used to use so if you're not getting the sound you want it's because you're wanting the colouration and distortion your old TE cabs had. One Compact can move almost as much air without distortion as an old TE 2x15" so your problem has to be that you want that distortion. Alex[/quote] Alex, I agree that saying my sound was 'crap' isn't a particularly informative statement.... I was feeling a little upset and sorry for myself last night! As you know, I have been using an Aguilar GS112 paired with an Ashdown 2x10 neo. I bought one of your Compacts in the hope that it would be a 'one cab' solution, my thinking was that all the EQ'ing I was having to do was due to mixing drivers. This seems to not have been the case. The Compact is a very lightweight and easy to transport cab, but (For the sound I want) not a one cab solution. I felt it lacked clarity and doesn't have the top end that I like. It is very loud, but in a thin way (If that makes sense)? I played the first half of my gig with the Nemesis 700, and the second half with a MarkBass LM2. The LM2 although not as clear an amp as the Eden, did punch through the mix better. Towards the end of our second set, I switched from my usual Status bass (not known for being lacking in top end) to my recently built Jazz... still no joy. Far from liking distortion, as you suggest, I like a nice fat, clean warm sound without booming... and just a bit of sparkle. My Trace rig always delivered this, my MarkBass SA450 with the Aggie/Ashdown cabc (on a good day) could deliver this sometimes better than the Trace, but not consistantly. Last night I could get boom, I could get mids that sounded distorted (too my ears), but couldn't get anywhere near the sound I want. My concern from using the Compact at home was that it sounded thin when used on its own. It sounded better when used with the 2x10, but that wasn't why I bought it.... I was hoping for a one cab solution. Last nights gig just proved what I was already thinking.... A 15" driver on its' own doesn't get the sound I want. Maybe a 'top cab' for the Compact? (I asked you about this, but you didn't seem interested). .... Or maybe I should rethink, and start again from scratch, with heavier cabs?
  11. I have just got in from a gig at a venue I have played many times. My sound was absolute crap.... and I am p*ssed off.... Not something that I do very often! It dawned on me when driving home, how much money I have spent on gear since deciding to go 'lightweight' at the end of last year. When I used Trace gear, which I did for 20 years, I rarely had to do much more than a little tweak here and there. For the past 7 or 8 months, I seem to have done nothing but twist EQ controls.... trying to get a decent sound. Am I alone in this? Do I have to go back to a heavy rig to get a sound that is consistant from week to week? Has anyone else had a similar journey?
  12. Thanks Mikey. It would be easier to buy one, but I am not sure of the body.
  13. [quote name='Jono Bolton' post='557809' date='Aug 1 2009, 02:30 PM']Two really nice looking basses there, especially the Jazz. Where did you get the Jazz decal from? I've been searching about for a 70s style Jazz logo to go on my Marcus Miller which currently has a WD neck, and the blank headstock looks a bit wrong IMO.[/quote] Thanks mate! I'll PM you about the transfer. I lacquered both of mine with 2-pack, then flatted the headstocks back to a semi-gloss finish.... so the edges can't be seen or felt.
  14. [quote name='budget bassist' post='557096' date='Jul 31 2009, 01:33 PM']might i ask about cost? i wouldn't mind trying my luck with a jazz bass again...[/quote] I could be persuaded to sell.... For the cost of the parts and a bit of cash for my time. I have played quite a few Fenders over the years, and can honestly say that both of these play far better than any I have tried in the past. Probably a combination of using 'good' parts and spending a lot of time setting them up! Both of these basses can be run at 2mm string height with no rattles. (I hope that didn't sound arrogant).
  15. [quote name='WarPig' post='557069' date='Jul 31 2009, 01:11 PM']Looking good Myke! Have you decided what youre going to do about the jazz guard? Make one yourself? Nothing beats a p-bass loaded with a thumper too![/quote] If I can find one that fits, it would be easier. I could make one, but not sure how I would get the bevelled edge?
  16. [attachment=30020:pup.JPG] What it says. Can anyone identify what make this pickup is? (Sorry, no prizes.... except a healthy pat on the back!). [attachment=30021:pup2.JPG]
  17. [quote name='Dr.Dave' post='556952' date='Jul 31 2009, 11:06 AM']How about a heavily laquered, natural , active no-pickguard Jazz with a pup swing pot rather than 2 vols and a graphite Precision neck. Have a fair bit of a Status feel to it I'd have thought.[/quote] I don't need any encouragement!!!! Well, I guess if I came across a Status neck.......
  18. I totally agree about a tort guard, but not sure about what will fit. I tried a guard from a 'Geddy' but it was miles out! I will probably gig with the Jazz tomorrow night.... and report back. Actually, that's a different Gotoh. I bought yours for my next project... a naked, ash bodied P/J. (I think I am getting the bug for building.... still it's cheaper than bikes and cars)....
  19. [attachment=30016:P_and_J.JPG]Not really full-on builds, but hey, as most of the parts were bought through this site..... Anyway, the g****rist in my band recently put together a Str*t that he loves. And, having been building and customising motorcycles and the odd HotRod for 30 years. I thought that I would 'put together' a couple of (ahem) Fenders. I have all the tools to drill accurate holes, level and dress frets, cut nuts, paint & lacquer, solder, etc.... so why not? I've been a Status player for 20 years and (try as I like) have never really gotten on with the worlds most favoured brand! Maybe this would change if I 'built' one? The Precision is a Jap Fender body with a Mighty Mite Jazz profile neck, Wizard Thumper pickup, Schaller 3d bridge. The Jazz has a body of unknown origin, again a Mighty Mite neck, Wizard 84's and a Gotoh bridge. Hope you like them........
  20. I bought a Gotoh bridge from Clarky. We agreed the deal yesterday and the bridge landed on my doorstep today. It doesn't get any better than this!!!! (Seems like a nice guy aswell).
  21. Anyone tried the squash balls trick yet?
  22. Hi, I'll take the neck plate and p/up covers.
  23. Is the bridge a high mass jobby? ... and what do you want for it?
  24. Excellent rig. Still regret selling mine.... other than the weight!
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