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Everything posted by Mr.T

  1. [quote name='budget bassist' post='455814' date='Apr 6 2009, 08:31 PM']You can use regular nail files, though if you want something that might take a bit more off, try some metal files, a quick search on machine mart brought [url="http://www.machinemart.co.uk/shop/search/filter/file/type/any/page/1"]these[/url] up[/quote] I thought the width of the slot is fairly critical? Or is it just a case of making sure the string sits snuggly in the bottom curve of the slot?
  2. I have fitted a Mighty Mite Jazz neck to a P-Body recently purchased from a fellow BassChatter. The neck fitted perfectly with no need for shims.... However, the nut needs filing to lower the action. I have read up on the subject, and it seems fairly straightforward. Can anyone point me in the direction of where I can get my hands on the files required to do the job? I don't want to spend much on them, as I doubt it is something I will ever do again.... as I usually play Status basses.
  3. Sold.
  4. Allan bought my Trace rig. Great guy to deal with!
  5. Sold Steve my Zoom B2.1u Nice guy to deal with... Thanks!
  6. Sorry, I wasn't that specific was I? The neck is maple with a maple board and looks/feels like naked wood, although I think it is sealed with a thin satin finish of some kind. I would like a satin finish similar to that on my Squier VM Jazz... but a bit darker. Definately not a heavy type lacquer.
  7. Just received delivery of my Mighty Mite neck. It looks a bit pasty and I would prefer a darker, more vintage (yellowy) kind of colour.... although still a satin finish. What oil could I use to achieve this? Forgive my lack of knowledge, I have been using Status Graphite basses for the past 20 years (and a can of Mr. Sheen).
  8. [quote name='2x18' post='448034' date='Mar 28 2009, 12:52 PM']I had one on a P-Bass a couple of years ago. It was a decent enough neck with lovely grain, but not quite as well finished as Mighty-Mite and MIM Fender necks I have tried in the past. Will.[/quote] So probably worth spending a little extra on a Mighty Mite?
  9. Just wondering if anyone out there has any experience of the Dr. Parts necks that are being offered on E-Bay for around the £60 mark? I have done a bit of searching, but not managed to come up with much. Thanks.
  10. Mr.T

    Zoom B2.1u

    Sold to Steve.... Thanks.
  11. [quote name='tauzero' post='445949' date='Mar 26 2009, 01:19 PM']Are the neck profiles on Statuseses identical (for a given number of strings, anyway)? And how similar is the 5-string neck profile to the Hohner Jack (if anyone should happen to have tried both)?[/quote] The back of the neck on my Series 2000 is rounder than my other 3 Statii... which are all the same profile.
  12. I am having a bit of a clear out, so.... £75 delivered for the much regarded B2.1u Excellent condition, never gigged and comes complete with box, manual, etc. Only selling because I have decided to stick with my old Zoom 708.
  13. Korg AX3000b multi effects unit. Pretty much 'as new' and boxed. Very easy to program and extremely versatile. The only downside (for me) is it's size. £110 delivered.
  14. Thanks guys.
  15. [quote name='gary mac' post='440058' date='Mar 20 2009, 10:05 AM']Hey Mr T. I put a set in mine last year, it transformed a decent sounding bass into a real belter. Plenty of output and fullness. Don't know where you are based, but you are welcome to come and try mine as a comparison. All the best Gary.[/quote] Thanks for the offer Gary, but I am way down in Cornwall. Are you and Chrisdabass both comparing them with the Squier Duncans?
  16. [quote name='bundacious' post='439084' date='Mar 19 2009, 12:06 PM']Hi, I've actually just done the very thing, had the upgraded bass for a week now. The Duncan pickups are nice enough, but with the 84's added there is just so much more presence and fullness to the tone, and you can dial in sounds far more accurately. I haven't gigged it properly yet but will be having a full rehearsal tonight so will take it along and give it a burn through an 8 x 10. I wouldn't particularly say that the Wizards add a lot more grind to the sound as the Duncs are pretty aggressive but they are so much more in control now with a nicer output. Also upgraded my bridge to a Gotoh 201(black) which improves things sonically as well as cosmetically. Go for the 84's! Excellent pickups and a good local(British) company. Mine arrived in super quick time from Wales to Scotland. (This should be in the pickups section!)[/quote] I don't need any more grind or aggression, just maybe a bit more output and fullness. (If that makes sense?). Can you please let me know your verdict once you have tried them with the band. Thanks.
  17. I am thinking of upgrading the p/ups on my VM Jazz to the Wizard 84's. Has anyone done this? If so, how do the Wizards compare with the Duncan Designed in terms of output and tone? (Yes, I know it is difficult to describe tone). Thanks.
  18. The MM necks certainly look like a good deal and would be even cheaper if the GBP hadn't gone down the toilet! The g**tarist in my band plays a MM necked Strat that he built himself.... and loves it. (He also has two Fenders, but now always uses the 'Custom').
  19. Thanks...... Seems like it should fit. I assume you must be happy with the quality of the neck to have a body custom built?
  20. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='436056' date='Mar 16 2009, 01:28 PM']I can measure mine for you if you like? I've not fitted it yet...[/quote] Thanks, what body are you planning on fitting it to?
  21. I recently bought one of these VM Jazz basses. Excellent bass for not a lot of money.... BUY IT!
  22. I have heard good things about Mighty Mite necks and would like to fit one to a SX 'Jazz' body. Has anyone out there done this? Will it fit straight in?
  23. I had the Line6 XT Live for a short period of time. Although an extremely well built piece of kit with more bells and whistles than I could have wished for.... Some of the effect just didn't work. The synths would not track, etc. Definately try before you buy if possible, or buy at a price that you can re-sell. For gigging, I have gone back to my old Zoom 708, adding single pedals if required.
  24. I recently switched to a MarkBass amp (SA450) after 20 years of Trace Elliot. I would describe the MarkBass as a good working amp. It doesn't seem to particularly shine in any one area, but there isn't much it can't do soundwise. .... and it is very light.
  25. PM sent.
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