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Everything posted by Mr.T

  1. Here is where my thinking is at... so far! Either: One Shroeder 1212L (19kg) or Two Zoot 1x12's (12kg each) (Either option would cost about the same at £550-£600). ... and keep my Trace GP12 250smx head. I know that the only way to be sure is to gig them, but all comments will be gratefully received as I will have to buy either set-up mail order and take my chances.
  2. [quote name='Delberthot' post='323661' date='Nov 6 2008, 06:50 PM']I sold my nearly mint vinyl 1153 with replacement Celestion 300w 4ohm driver and vinyl cover for about £200 a couple of years ago. You'll find out loads about lightweight cabs here. my tuppence worth is that I now run a single Schroeder 1212L which would easily replace your 2 cabs and come in at around your budget[/quote] There seems to be an almost overwhelming choice of cabs available. The problem I have is that: 1). I am a bit out of touch with whats hot and whats not. 2). I live miles away from a big music store. 3). I have bought gear from shops in the past, only to be dissappointed when gigging. I read up on the Shroeder which gets rave reviews.... not sure about having my amp so low to the floor? It is not 'size' that is an issue here, it is weight... (My back is pretty shot!). My Trace cabs are awkward to pick up as the handles don't seem to have been designed with 'lugging it across a car park on your own in mind'. Would be nice to load/unload my cabs without waiting for a hand from one of the other band members.
  3. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='323484' date='Nov 6 2008, 02:57 PM']So do I but I like the idea of really cheap cabs at the moment and I know that 1153 is a good 'un that's really good bang for buck. Check out Alex's cabs at barefacedbass.com. You might be able to get away with replacing both of your cabs with a single 'Big One' (it's not that big).[/quote] Thanks, I'll take a look. How much would you pay for a 1153 in very nice condition?
  4. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='323467' date='Nov 6 2008, 02:44 PM']I thought the 1153 was pretty lightweight for a 15 anyway - I was actually looking out for one to add a bit more bottom to my 10" iAmp 350 combo so let me know if you want to get rid of it![/quote] Hi Danny, The 1153 is fairly light... it is my 2x10 cab that I find awkward at about 65lbs. I'll pm you if and when I sell. I just like the idea of 'really' light cabs.
  5. [quote name='Musky' post='323465' date='Nov 6 2008, 02:40 PM']So at a guess you'd be saving maybe 10lbs. Most of the weight comes from the wood in the cabs.[/quote] Hi Musky, Sounds like I'll have to look into new cabs to go 'light'. I'd never heard of lightweight bass cabs before joining this forum a few days ago. I live in a sleepy backwater and obviously need to get out more!!!! I've trawled the net and there is just sooooo much choice.
  6. Hi, I have been thinking about trading in my Trace Elliot 1153 (1x15) and 2103 (2x10 + 1x5) cabs for something more lightweight.... My back isn't what it used to be! Would probably cost me about £700 or so? Then I thought "What about just swapping out the speakers for Neo's, which I could get for about £200 on E-B*y"... (Celestion Green label 15" and Orange label 10"s) Good idea/Bad idea? How much weight would I save?
  7. Mr.T

    Replacing my Muliti?

    I agree that the B2.1u is a great sounding unit, but... I think it is really let down by the display in both programming and playing modes. (Just my opinion). I have spent some (more) time reading reviews and have ordered a Korg AX3000b which should arrive tomorrow. (Unfortunately I don't live anywhere near a big music store, and have always found the proof of the pudding to be in a live gigging situation). Anyone care to share their views on the Korg?
  8. Hi... Although I have been playing Bass for 25 years, I have only been regularly using effects for a few years, since playing in my covers band. I bought an old Zoom BFX708 to experiment with about five years ago. Although the unit does pretty much everything I need it to, it can sound a little muddy at times and I would like to replace it with something newer... but what? I only want to use it for gigging, so don't need USB, etc. I don't 'need' amp simulation as I am happy with the clean sound of my Status/Trace set-up. The effects I use are: Overdrive. Chorus. Wah. Octave. Fuzz/Ring mod. (All in moderation and obviously not at the same time!) I have tried (bought and then sold).... Line6 Bass XT live and didn't like the Wah or the Octave tracking. Boss GT6b and didn't like the Wah. Zoom B2.1u and don't like the fact that you cannot name the patches. I just always end up reverting back to my Zoom 708. I have also toyed with seperate pedals, but like the ease of a multi! (Although I do use a Digitech BSW with my fretless on one song). So what is left to try... Any suggestions?
  9. Mr.T


    Hi.... I have been playing Bass for about 25 years (Is there another instrument worth playing?). My background is in blues, although for the past five years I have been gigging with a 'covers' band that was formed by myself and a guitarist friend. Over the years I have owned many basses, but have finally settled down with my Status Empathy (Fretted) and Status Energy (Fretless). I have been using Trace amplification for about 20 years and currently have a 250smx head with a 2x10 and a 1x15 cab. My style is solid and (hopefully) fairly melodic with no 200mph mega solos, etc.... Guitarists are easily scared!
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