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Grand Master

Grand Master (14/14)

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Community Answers

  1. The Grandmother was my first synth . Great sounds. Terrible power supply ! The pitch wheel is a bit ‘ fragile’. The nuts around the inputs on the rear are plastic , not metal. It took me a while to get to grips with patch cables, and making ‘proper’ and musical sounds 😬. It’s great for early Tangerine Dream , Klaus schulze stuff which I love . Lots of droney watery sounds if you like that kind of thing . About 6/7 months after buying it , Moog Sirin came out , which is desktop and has presets . No modular .sounds very similar otherwise.. Plus you have to have a midi keyboard to use it . It’s discontinued now and expensive .initially I was a little disgruntled as a compact Moog is better for space in my small musicroom .However although the Grandmother has no presets , you can do more with it imho. There are quite a few official tips for the Grandmother from moog on you tube , and lots of unofficial ones. It may be worth checking those out, as id imagine you more or less have the same controls on your model 15. The only other thing i’d say is if you can afford to do so , try and get either a DFAM or Behringher edge to go with it . Hope this helps
  2. One thing i did gather from Geddy is that he really hated the steinberger .
  3. Nice ! Apparently , it’s based on the Moog Grandmother . I have the Grandmother so don't need to get this . The one thing I do like about this is that it is more compact and desktop friendly , unlike the Grandmother . Looks a blast ! Have fun ..
  4. Good point . It’d probably be the same price . Doubt if a Geddy Minitaur would be made . If they did, they could probably put a Tom Sawyer preset in there 😬
  5. Purchased a padded bag for my moog grandmother . Huge saving ..Great service . Would use again
  6. Saw a few youtube clips today ! The Andertons one is very good . £5000.00?? I’ll wait for the Behringher Leddy Gee.
  7. It seems so much is done on MPC and groove boxes these days , plus synths and software . There will always be a retro angle on things . Turntables back in fashion etc. Maybe upright , EUB and quirky basses like old Kubicki and Steinbergers will always hold their value . It just takes something in a film to make certain instruments fashionable . So many basses and guitars made in Indonesia these days . Doubt if they'd hold the value . Much more lighter basses and guitars out there, and the beginner basses are really good quality these days compared to the past . Synths were losing popularity in the late '80s / early '90s but those 'vintage ' synths cost a premium now . Get a Moog Liberation and keep it ! For gigs you can get a cheap Begringher version . Maybe Keytars will be the next collectible thing 😬
  8. Daisy Rock ? Badtz maru ? Dean Pace ? Those Ibanez basses with kaossilators in ?
  9. With the way things are at the moment ,maybe it's time to put your foot down ..
  10. Why not stick with GarageBand ? As for interface , Behringher Uphoria Umc 22 is cheap and cheerful .only 2 inputs and no midi , but is straightforward to use .
  11. Mmm.. I think of nerd bass as something more complicated , Steve Bailey or Michael Manring territory. Mainly 6 strings , fretless , lots of wood like Zon or Warwick . Micheal manring is a genius , but his playing in front of live audiences is extroadinary. He seems to keep adjusting the tuning every few seconds . You'd expect somebody to shout out "leave it alone ". Having said that , I wish I had the chance to see him .
  12. I was thinking for quite some time of tracking down a Squier Badtz Maru bass. Two main reasons ; 1) to see how I get on with a short scale for a change . 2) It's odd, collectable ( for some meaning I'd get my money back if I did sell ) and would be a bass just to pickup and noodle . However , the more I looked at it I see it as really a kiddies beginners bass( which it is ) with awful tuning pegs and bridge .For the extortionate prices they go for now , I took a different route .. I got a Squier Mini Bass instead , and for the £110 I paid it is brilliant ! I've just got to think of a sticker / stickers to put on the scratch plate . It also saved me having to change the bridge and tuning pegs if I did get the Batz Maru . That's the kind of bass where mods can only benefit the bass.
  13. Groovy ! It reminds me of the Schecter Diamond Series . I have heard the name . Glwts
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