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Everything posted by RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE

  1. I too have the 'Washburn status' . My first 'proper' bass. I always said over the years, that I'd eventually get a proper status such as this , or a steinberger , or kubicki . Unfortunately ,as above , times are hard when I want one . Glwts . What is the weight ?
  2. Tate and Lyle for changing their logo 🦁
  3. Lucky enough to have met him various times over the years . True legend , and modest with it .
  4. I've just been thinking about when I first saw them . It was in 2001 . They did a show a night playing each album in order. ( Monday , 1st album , Tuesday 2nd album etc) . I cannot remember if the last time I saw them was at the Shepherd's Bush empire, or Royal Albert Hall. That was from approx 2022 onwards . The only song that seemed to be a bit 'moody', was when Tom Peterson sung on one song . It'll probably work for you if you do it . Anyway, good luck with it . On a slight relevant tangent , one of my mates from that bunch found slayer too much . However after begging/ persuading him to see them , he saw them twice and thinks they're a great live band . πŸ™‚
  5. Not a fan of cheap trick on record . However, I went to see them at the Islington academy ( iirc) in the '90s as my mates are big fans of theirs . I ended up seeing them on a few more occasions . Great live band .
  6. Facebook , gilette, FA, Premier league, , England football team, uefa, fifa, BBC , itv, channel 4, Netflix ,Sky, guardian , daily mail, the Sun ..just stop oill, extinction rebellion . Woke Disney +, woka cola , the Green Party , the Labour Party , the Conservative Party .snp , Liberal Democrats As for BT , they're infinity set top box was pants when I was with them . Being told my wardrobe was the problem with their crap signals proves how rubbish they were . When I moved home , they sent a letter threatening me with debt collectors to my post office temporary address for Β£38 . Thing is I settled up when I moved , but their administration system said otherwise .Also, they were the last utility company to get disconnected when I moved . Truly awful company . I could put Unilever , procter and gamble and edf also . However, as procter and gamble and Unilever have so many household staple items , it would be nigh on impossible to avoid completely . As for Edf , they are one of the big energy companies that are going nowhere and smaller companies can still be swallowed up , amalgamated or dissolved etc. If edf stopped harassing me for smart meters they wouldn't be a problem . Apple for example should be on my list , but I still use their electronics .
  7. I was thinking of logos today, when I saw this . I honestly can't make out the names of some of these bands . I saw a flyer in the London Astoria going back a few years promoting a death metal gig . Death may well have been on the bill, but really the standard is poor . I'm sure your logo will be much better ..
  8. As a semi amateur GarageBand user, I hope you don't mind me chipping in .: I will end up getting Logic Pro at some stage , as it's seen as the natural progression etc. I seem to have a phobia about certain audio interfaces . By that I mean , that having downloaded ableton live lite , and paying for Reason many moons ago, lacking confidence as I do , I still go straight to GarageBand . Looking at various sites about recording , a lot of people seem to rave about ablleton . I purchased a launchpad mini a few years back and I use that with launchpad on my iPad now and again . As mentioned the launchpad is an ideal companion with ableton live . I really should do more with it . The launchpad is more of a drag and drop from a menu of clips and samples etc. I jjust need to spend more time to record my own clips into it , and I'd say I'd be happy enough as an ableton live user. Logic is now on iPad , but if you've got it on your iMac etc then paying for it again is not good imho. Haven't used reaper, but so many use it happily on here ..
  9. My goodies arrived yesterday afternoon . I briefly checked them over . I have a fair bit to lean with the drum machine , but I do like it . The clap πŸ‘from the boss dr 110? Sounds great on it . Regarding the jd -4000..that took a fair bit longer to setup. As it's about half the size of my hand, compromises were obviously made . One headphone socket which is the output is okay. However onky one usb c socket is to me a pita . 🀐 I have however got it going this morning . As I am semi amateur at recording, ( I use GarageBand ) , it initially wouldn't work at all. I do have Reason 12 , which has a midi rack on there which recognises it instantly . It may give my backside a kick ,and encourage me to,use Reason instead of GarageBand . Having said that , I find that if I have both applications open the I can infact record on GarageBand if I want to continue doing so . One other thing regarding connections : it does recognise my Artruria key step:so that helps . Regarding the audio output from the jd -4000 I expected it to be louder , but that may be because it's early stages using it. It is not a dawlless instrument / toy. It takes getting used to due o limitations , but sounds good . Hooe that helps Almost forgot to add , you may have to download a sysex application to get it working .
  10. Ah, sounds like you're being sucked in also ! πŸ˜‚ The moog Grandmother was my gateway drug .. I do know of these models you listed . I haven't any of those , but the Hydrasynth looks fantastic from what I've seen . In my defence , I just noodle and record efforts on soundcloud with the intention of improving etc. and have stopped the band malarkey years ago. I don't know your situation though , whether you gig in a band or not . If you are still a regular bass player in a band , then you may not need much more . If on the other hand you are like me then , yeah ..go ahead within your budget. I'm trying very hard to limit the stuff I really need ( want 😬) , and having started off with lower cost moogs I just pulled the trigger on a Β£45 Behringher polysynth which hopefully will be my lot for some time . You have a nice tidy setup. I'm getting peed off with the amount of spaghetti wires etc . Something to bare n mind . @Bigredx should be along soon ..πŸ™‚
  11. Okay ... Due to plumber bills and times being extremely hard etc , I've pulled the trigger on..Behringer RD-6 + jd4000micro . Total outlay including Saturday delivery from Gear 4 music £ 139.99 Other reasons : this drum machine is more compact and gives me mor3 space on my cramped desk . Plus when Behringher releaee a Linn Drum knockoff , I'll get that further down the line . 😬
  12. Good points here . Glad you got to make good use of it . Yes " interesting " is the way many of us woukd view soma instruments 😹 When I first saw the tree like terra , I wasn't impressed tbh . After seeing various demonstrations , I am more impressed. It would certainly fit in with the stuff I'm into . I'm trying to only purchase maybe 2 or 3 synth and drum like instruments in total over the next couplle of years ..funds permitting whenever that will be . Living in a small flat determines a lot also . Too many synths out there , and being disciplined I know that I can't keep pursuing an ideal sound . It'd cost £££££ 😹 I only started properly in this alternative synth malarkey in 2018 , with the purchase of the moog grandmother . I did purchase the boss sp202 and dr202 years before that , but didn't really use them . A couple of Waldorf synths , but my next purchase will be the drum machine ..plus the behringher poly synth that costs about £45 . Can't remember the name of it off my head . That'll be enough for a while 😬
  13. I looked at the soma pulsar 23, and love it . However, I will have to wait some time to get that due to cost πŸ™€ It's messy with the alligator clip type / meccano setup but apart from that , I'm blown away by it . Soma make some odd and pricey instruments . The terra may replace the moog grandmother one day . Who knows ? πŸ€”πŸ™‚
  14. Well....you're pointing me in the right direction .infact, I think you've more or less made my decision πŸ™‚ I looked at the Electron , and the RD-8 . I will be getting the RD-8 mk 2! I watch Bad Gear channel every week , and he did a great review of the electron. Having said that, audiopilz always makes anything sound good . I prefer the look of the Behringher , and it sounds great imho . I hope it's easy to use . I'll check on YouTube to confirm . Thanks for recommendations . πŸ˜ΌπŸ‘
  15. Good points about the drum brute and tomcat . I do like the tomcat nevertheless , but no cowbell πŸ„ . Price wise , not more than Β£200 if I can help it . I did consider the volca kick , but not sure . My creations are only recording at home onky on GarageBand , one day I may be brave enough to use logic . I use moogs , Waldorfs and a few iPad apps when I'm in the mood . Bass guitars of course , playing along to drums with various effects etc . More often than not I go for ambient stuff like tangerine dream / klaus schulze etc . Then the inner headbanger in me makes me play bass and drums etc . I also have a couple of boss sp samplers ..
  16. Thanks for the feedback πŸ‘ It is easy to get into a drum machine rabit hole ( who would've thought ?πŸ˜‚) With my drum machine , it has a certain sound which many like/ dislike . Shall we say, it is of its time . I have the dfam , and would love a linn but that of course is not going to happen πŸ˜‚ The mini drum brute appeals , and I lost out to someone on fleabay for the akai tomcat πŸˆβ€β¬› Tbh, I want something independent and not another zoom box ( although that was a good shout πŸ—£οΈ) I just want something easy to use , compact and not expensive . Any more ideas appreciated ..
  17. Do you use the 5 pin midi at all ? Have you got a midi keyboard you could connect to the moog ?
  18. iMac 21.5" 2017 , Mac hd apfs file system , bsd name : disk 1s5s1 / system information version 11.0(915) . Mount point / lots more , but not sure if I've provided enough info here 😬
  19. OSX Ventura , SSD, 16 GB Memory, Mac hd SATADISK ; 418.41gb of 1tb used ( my external hard drive split into two ; 410.54 gb of 2tb used/ 411.16 gb of 2tb used) .
  20. Basic question really 😬 My Mac is running slow , probabky due to the fact I have a few GarageBand recordings on it . It happened before , but I just deleted them all . I do have an external hard drive , and was wondering if it's worth moving the file over there and if it's hard to do . I record short bits on soundcloud and never go back to them ., just leaving them on the Mac . Thanks
  21. Also , do you need more than one ? I have an old boss dr 202 . I have one on my zoom B3 if that counts, plus one on my Roland bass cube which is gathering dust. Agood friend of mine is repairing the boss . I have been using the various drums on GarageBand , and some great sounds on there. Having said that , I do think about getting a cheap desktop drum machine . . Something simple to use that sounds decent . Possibky with midi socket . Possibly behringher ?
  22. I have also got the 'not secure ' message when downloading music instrument files . I use Mac osx. Anyway, if you proceeded, you woukd have got the file you need. Let us know when you get sorted .
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