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Everything posted by RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE

  1. Strange but probably basic recording issue that I am having . I do have a topic in the effects section also which is related to this .. The problem I have ; plugging bass guitar into audio input of moog grandmother . initially I did have a problem with low output , so after various trial and error scenarios, what works best is the zoom B3 plugged into the audio input of the moog grandmother . All sounds great . The recording levels are where they should be . Only one annoying thing ... When I record my squelchy modulation efforts into GarageBand , it all looks good . Playing back my recorded efforts however, I notice the sound is just straight bass and drums from the quick loop I recorded on the zoom B3 without the modulation effects from the Moog Grandmother . Can somebody tell me what am I doing wrong ? Fwiw , I can record anything seperately , whether it's moog , bass , iPad etc . it's just that one would think that the output from the moog grandmother would include the input from the bass /zoom going into it . Itt's a recording issue ..but what is it ? Thanks in advance 😬
  2. Update ; I had a root around for some other mono leads . The result ? Great ..except for one thing ( I may have to ask on the recording forum ) : Zoom B3 has perfect signal going into the moog grandmother . The built in drum machine , and the quick loop I did for a test sound great .. All various modulation sounds are good . The problem I have is that although the various noises I'm making sound really good and powerful - the recording just records the zoom B3 clean and loud but without the squelchy sounds of the grandmother basically defeating the object . I am happy with the zoom B3 , and the other various effects I have . The low output issue has been sorted . Recording is the issue here, and a pita . All part of it I guess .😬 Thanks for all your help ..
  3. There seems to be a few factors to consider ; 'Dance floor ' has been mentioned above , but in all honesty it's Alice in Chains . Not exactly dance floor material . It's not exactly teen spirit or hi ho silver lining . It reminds me of one of the last bands I was in . The idea was to play obscure old songs where in all honesty , imho the people who may have remembered those songs were either 102 or dead . ( no disrespect to songs mentioned / I've been in blues bands etc) A strange mix which was not the stuff in my avant garde / metal z/ 80's / ambient collection . We played songs as ' the weight ' , ' the letter ' , ' born under a bad sign ' , ' the thrill is gone ' and a Pentangle song . I actually enjoyed our 1 and only gig . The letter from the Box tops I do remember when I as abiut 4 years ol£ , was a song I really enjoyed playing . The thrill is gone ( bb king ? ) I enjoyed also . As I say , our 1 and only gig . The punters enjoyed it , but the leader ( singer / backing guitarist ) wasn't able to converse with good humour and couldn't deal with one or 2 punters geeing us up for a laugh . Plus he sounded like Lou Reed on the lulu album, so I quit . Hopefully you get the picture 😬
  4. If one of my basses sold , I'd have this ..just for the colour . Oh, and as an experiment if short scale is for me . Ideal for monkees tribute band ..
  5. Love Alice in chains . Fwiw, as another poster pointed out, it could well be one of those songs which draws a few of the crowd to the toilet or getting another round in . Mainly imho because of the long guitar noise/ buildup. I found over time that in cover bands I've been in , I / we tolerated certain songs we had issues with and in our polite discussions various songs would be removed and replaced as things progressed . As a possible solution in the meantime , is it possible to make a compromise by putting a different slant to it ? Something possibly to discuss with the band . wonder what the rest of the set list is like ( in a good way ) 🤔
  6. It's a myftewwy. . She's more talented than me though 😬
  7. Thanks for that . 👍 I did read that a while back .it's interesting though how moog only recommend mono cables etc . I have used the proper mono cables . I seem to be doing everything right regarding connections , although there are one or 2 things that I will try ( again) I'll see if I can connect the moog grandmother to my Roland bass combo , and use the headphone out into the mixer. When I normally use the moog, it is fine and the output from mixer is as it should be . . It's just the weak signal from bass to the grandmother input . There is another thing to try , which is using the output of the mixer into the input of the grandmother . That's a bit more complicated , and involves me RTFM . Il'll report back 😬
  8. Gig bag with decent padding for me . Having a hard case using the underground or bus can be annoying to fellow commuters as well as yourself . Even going into narrow rehearsal rooms can be a challenge with hard cases . Not good for shins ..
  9. I have been enjoying playing the bass through my moog grandmother . The signal while ok on headphones is very low , and iI'm struggling to get the levels up while trying to record on GarageBand . To do this, you need either a good distortion / d I box/ preamp , so I'm led to believe . I have tried overdrive , distortion and even a Zoom B3 . Please advise 😬
  10. Other regret ..learning to drive 🚗 It makes things much more difficult . Even if you are " guaranteed " a lift to rehearsals , gigs etc there were always times when I would have been dropped off at awkward places due to other band mate commitments . Having Psycho , partially deaf drummers in the driving seat can be a bit traumatic 🤢🤮
  11. Me too
  12. I have a few instances of lead singer syndrome . Probabky the one which stood out most ; 4 of us form a new band from scratch through an ad . None of us knew the other etc I had to up my game from basic hobbyist to regular gigging semi pro ( amateur ?) . Drummer was the easiest and most straightforward to ger on with . Guitarist was the band leader ,who often gave me a hard time . Fair enough , I was lacking confidence and faced up to everything while improving albeit very slowly .. However, the singer who was half Irish and half American and quite well off , was full of 'all the talk, but not the walk' . He used to be full of a multitude of ideas , PowerPoint presentations and trying to organise everything with military precision. He even had a fender guitar which he kept under his bed , as ' jimi Hendrix was the best player ever' . I had my Les Dawson moments , but he just could not play it and we all felt sorry for him. He was a lovely bloke , but didn't seem to understand the reality of real life, and why I used to get up at 5am to work . Yes really. He was Harvard educated . He had all these ideas, but he kept saying ," sorry can't make it as I have to go over to Belfast urgently " / Sorry got to shoot off to Boston " . We were all getting frustrated , but wanted to keep pushing for the first eventual gig to see what's what . When we actually did the first gig at the Grey Horse in Kingston , the drummer arrived late and started moaning to the sound guy about the PA . I smoothed that over somehow . Me and the guitarist despite him wondering if I'd be any good , were level headed. The singer on the other hand , was so out of sync with everything and was very nervous rushing everything like Peter o 'Sullivan. Sweating and sometimes stammering , he was shall we say ..poor 😮‍💨🙂 The guitarist said I held it all together . When we had our next rehearsal , singer told us he had to go away again . Drummer quit by email. Singer sent an email to us calling guitarist so many unrepeatable names . In the end , the drummer had faith in me and we restructured a better band ..with better singers 🙂 I managed to up my game very soon after me and the drummer gelled 😬
  13. Thanks for all your help . I’ll leave it as is , as I have other basses in standard tuning . I did have a feeling about the nut needing replacing. I’ve enclosed a couple of pics of the bass in question. Well, some of it 😬
  14. Just curious at this stage. I got one of my basses set up by a tech a while back , and he did tell me it was a challenge to do so. I will probably leave it tbh , but how difficult is it to adjust th3 setting back to EADG ? It has the recommended strings for BEAD tuning , which were new when given to tech to do the alteration. Thanks in advance .
  15. Celtic Frose , Soxx gang , calking heads Hanoi socks
  16. Lemonbelly , ting kings , Hannibal corpse, rot chocolate , Rick ashley
  17. Perry homo , Andy walliams, Tony Bonnett, Jim greeves, Katsey Klein
  18. The four cops , jelly savallas , Ellkie crooks , Desmond pekker , fudge dread ( dred ?)
  19. I used to play most of my gigs without effects . When I got more confident ( and the songs required effects) I used a Zoom B2 1u All good for a time , until the unit decided what sounds should be played , and not what I selected. A tad embarrassing . In answer to the question , a Digitech Bass Synth Wah would be my choice . That should also leave enough change to get pleasantly sozzled ..
  20. A bass player in a friends band used one of these in his originals band . I must say, that he used this in spectacular fashion, more or less changing effec5s for each song . Probabky the best sound from a bass player in a pub band I've seen . . Playing in an almost empty venue may have helped ..
  21. Peach Boys , loving colour , cheap truck , shitesnake , tangerine cream
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