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Everything posted by RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE

  1. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='613395' date='Sep 30 2009, 10:47 PM']Stick it in a proper bypass loop, or an LS2, the twin switch bypass is a nut-pain.[/quote] Thanks for that. The twin switch is a pain. Sorry to sound so dim, but what is a proper bypass loop? Is that the send/return jacks on an amp?
  2. Mainly flea bay ,altho' I have seen a couple over the last couple of weeks on there.
  3. I've had this pedal for a few weeks and love it. What I'm trying to achieve is the same level when using the effects,as bypass. At the moment ,I'm finding the bypass position(standing on both pedals) louder than when I select one of the pedals. I'm getting by (almost) by not going into bypass mode and just stomping on and off each pedal required for each song. I assume this is not really the right way to be doing it. I have read the instructions ,and they are easier to understand than most effects units. I only need to use it on 3-4 songs . What I'm trying to achieve is the bottom end to remain, and for a nice (but not overpowering) effect to be heard. Please could someone help? Sorry if I've made it sound too complicated Cheers
  4. I've had this pedal for a few weeks and love it. What I'm trying to achieve is the same level when using the effects,as bypass. At the moment ,I'm finding the bypass position(standing on both pedals) louder than when I select one of the pedals. I'm getting by (almost) by not going into bypass mode and just stomping on and off each pedal required for each song. I assume this is not really the right way to be doing it. I have read the instructions ,and they are easier to understand than most effects units. I only need to use it on 3-4 songs . What I'm trying to achieve is the bottom end to remain, and for a nice (but not overpowering) effect to be heard. Please could someone help? Sorry if I've made it sound too complicated Cheers
  5. Yeah, I saw this yesterday. There's something not right about this. The listing seems ..wrong!
  6. I like it Also, when playig live,you wouldn't have to worry too much about banging it around
  7. I wonder if Slayer's Decade of aggreesion is totally 'live' as described by many?? If a live DVD and album are released seperately,I tend to go with the DVD. If one of my friends has the album,I get him/her to do me a copy..
  8. I think you need about 250-300 watts, which caters in many a band situation. You could invest in a good combo,or change your head....
  9. Why not just get a multi-effects pedal with all the bells and whistles etc. Some of these can give you serously ott sounds with loads in reserve...
  10. About a year or so ago,my Washburn Status(which was an active bass) kept playing BBC World Service through my amp at band practice. The eventual outcome ,was that my circuitboard was knackered. I was given a choice by mr. Repairman ,either get new pickups...or if the existing Status pickups are strong enough remove the circuitboard leaving the control knobs redundant. I went for the latter,and the band ,plus repairman prefer the sound much more. BTW most of you probably know,but if you wanna be silly you could put your mobile phone next to the pickups and annoy the rest of your band/audience with a ringtone of your choice..
  11. I suppose it has to be this stuff from when I met Metallica back in'85 in Shades records . I was working up the road from there ,and expected them to pitchup around midday. It was the longest lunch hour I had,(could've been sacked). They didn't arrive till around 4pm. Met Cliff,who was way cool. I bought the poster in the shop,but the test pressing cost me about £1.50 from a stall in Camden market where I used to always go most weekends. Also met a group from Hsatings who became my friends for a few years.. Sold on flea bay , was gonna pay bills ..but put it towards my Tele Bass Met Lars and James in Duke of Cornwall pub after watching metal band(can't remember who) Lars signed the sweatshirt,which ended up in the washing machine by mistake As for Alice, he was a miserable ****.(I suppose seeing that he nearly died at that wembley gig I was at ,may have played on his mind somewhat) There are others (Schenker, Billy Sheehan, Stu Hamm) but at the time I never realised how big Metallica would be
  12. I think it comes down to what you want the unit (or effects in general ) for. Effects are fun in the bedroom On the you tube clip ,I thought they all sounded good except for the second setting where to my ears there was too much of a scrapey sound. I have a toneport gx which goes into my mac and monitors. That's great . Bundles of fun,tho' I haven't got riffworks yet. However,I have an Aguilar setup at the moment (haven't sold the eden combo yet either) By having this, I don't think I'd need to imitate a vintage amp when the setup I have is sufficient in a band situation. I have a V-AMP PRO ,which altho' isn't in the same league as line6 does a similar job. I very rarely use it,as I want minimal complications in a band situation. Maybe it's me ,but I find it difficult to get a level which is the same for straight bass and effects.
  13. Judas Priest 'unleashed in the studio' . UFO album is awesome, also scorps,worldwide live. Bizarrely enough ,I think Ted Nugent's Double Live Gonzo is the best album he's done. I used to love Space Ritual by Hawkwind,tho' I'd be wondering if they'd be able to be upright if they did overdub in the studio...
  14. Met Stu Hamm at a bass clinic,in wapping back in the mid90's. Asked him a completely stupid question and felt stupid when I blurted out a load of gobbledegook. Still ,he signed the book I purchased from him on the night.
  15. You're doin' great Far better than when I first started. When I was on the verge of leaving school(I was part time in last 2 years) I found proper friends who all had guitars. They were of course cheap copies,but I was in awe. Anyway,couldn't play that ,after mummy got me one from he catalogue. Got her to change for a Fenfer treetrunk copy by hondo2. Living in a big house with big noisy family and a dog,it took me ages to learn. I got tab books, but not by bands. Found a great friend through work who taught me loads.. Saw teacher after playing my 1st gig in front of 200 people. In and out of covers bands when the mood takes me now.
  16. I know my friend at CHguitars.co.uk does loads of spares for guitars ans stuff. Might be worth checking out..
  17. Thanks for that. I was really thinking about it,but will wait for a 5 string to come along to match my xm2. I posted a thread here last week about 5 string bass and will probably part with my Schecter 5 string if I get a 5 string steiney. This will go......
  18. [quote name='v8bass' post='596572' date='Sep 12 2009, 02:28 PM']Oh that steinberger !! shhh ...the one with the drop tuner in red .. lol seeing yours made me do it ! Gary v8[/quote] So it was you was it?? Congrats ..steineys rool
  19. [quote name='retroman' post='595356' date='Sep 11 2009, 07:52 AM']+1 I always have always thought that they were never the same after Cliff, and I certainly prefer the Cliff era stuff. I always thought that perhaps Jason was a little held back, and certainly had a big set of boots to fill. You can barely hear the bass on "And Justice For All". Jason is a very good player though. I have "Doomsday For The Deciever" by Jason's previous band, Flotsam And Jetsom, and on one track, he rips off quite an impressive solo. Orion is an awesome track. One of my favourites to jam along to is "The Thing That Should Not Be"[/quote] Jason is awesome too. That 12'' is legendary
  20. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='595364' date='Sep 11 2009, 08:17 AM']I lost interest in Cliff after summer holiday. Never knew he was in Metallica though.[/quote]
  21. Remember 'it purrs like a cat'' . I actually like it. Not at that price tho'
  22. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='586873' date='Sep 1 2009, 08:37 PM'] Loving the faux leopard....... Is vat coz I is pimp?[/quote]
  23. Seems like I'm gonna stop being a cissy and persist with the 5. Recording a demo cd tomorrow for the band. I'll be using one of the headless 4 strings for that. After that ,the 5er will be used alot more. Cheers Guys
  24. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='595280' date='Sep 11 2009, 12:29 AM']That is a great quote, very funny! I like the sound of your Tele bass. I can't help you too much (other than to say I find it best to pick the one that adapts the best and fit around the rest) but just wanted to comment on your funny quote! [/quote] Thanks
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