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Everything posted by RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE

  1. [quote name='truegeminis' post='522127' date='Jun 23 2009, 10:23 PM']Do you mean this live album? [url="http://cdbaby.com/cd/stuarthamm"]http://cdbaby.com/cd/stuarthamm[/url] Big fan of Stu Hamm, but I haven't got GHS3. I'll have to try to get a copy because I loved the Light Beyond.[/quote] Yep that's the one! Thanks for that I'll have to get that now,and then hunt down the others
  2. Happy Birthday!Hope you rock the place. Apart from the fact that it's too far from me,I'll be seeing Chickenfoot . It's gonna be scorchin' on that day so you may have to play in bermuda shorts
  3. Stu is awesome! I can do the 1st bit. Trouble is Iwas leaving the basics behind while I was trying to do all the ''tricks''. Now I just play fingers/plectrum and avoid . However , you can find out how to do it on his 1st HOT LICKS DVD
  4. Yeah,they're Loud, very clear sounding and seem much better than the Trace Elliot I had. If I get a moment tomorrow evening I'll send you a few pics if you want. It may be in the amp for sale section a few months back.
  5. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='520761' date='Jun 22 2009, 02:17 PM']nice one. Sweet little setup there.[/quote] +1
  6. Sounds like this place should be renamed ''Dirty Rats''
  7. These were hard to come by when they were originally released. Still haven't got them .or heard anything from this collection. Love Stu, after getting 'the urge' he hasn't released much has he? Still trying to track down his double live cd without success.
  8. I've got eden nemesis nc-250 combo ..awesome ! Only reason I'm selling mine is I decided to get lighter and slightly more portable head amp/cab . It's a shame you live so far away,as I would've invited you around to try it out.
  9. Nice...which one are you selling by the way?
  10. I have a few effects , home use only at the moment. However, when this band I'm in settles down and we practice more regular I may sneak in a bit of distotion or something. Next practice next sunday,I'm just thinking do I bring the Steiney-or the Tele! (my aggie has no tweeter)
  11. [quote name='chris_b' post='519897' date='Jun 21 2009, 12:42 PM']I have played "Wherever I Lay My Hat" on a fretted bass with no pedals and the audience was singing along quite happily. In my opinion, the effects pedals are for you not the song or the audience. When you go on stage, in your head are you trying to be Pino or just playing the song? I do the latter and I think I do it better because I'm being me.[/quote] +1
  12. Lessons . However, if you like a certain player or style then buying a dvd isn't a bad thing. (unless you get one which is too advanced)
  13. When gigging in the past,due to nerves I move around lots ,pulling off various rock poses and waving at people whilst playing. Something I've always done,and it looks like everyone appeciates it.
  14. Saw a yellow Washburn Status ,which I believe was fretless in Denmark St. Dunno if it was the fact that I thought that someone defretted it ,but I walked past the window anyway.
  15. Being in a band-any band..is like having a job. You have to deal with moods, songs, sickness ,holidays ,starters &leavers. The band I was in has been split to just me andMR.Drums. We get a really good singer who is now on honeymoon, get aguitarist who Mr.Drums knows who does a Tod Carty on the ice rink and fractures his arm for6+weeks Mr. Guitar gets guitar2 ..who quits! So, all in all no gigs since June last year, but a lot of hasssle! I gave bands a break for about 7 years and altho' I've not minded our little break, I'll probably advertise my services to another covers band to get the dice rolling again when I start getting too lazy. I say keep the gear and wait till you know what you're gonna do..whenever that is .
  16. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='515731' date='Jun 16 2009, 08:44 PM']This one. [/quote] Nice...
  17. When I used to work in the west end, you could always get it. I've noticed over the last few months wh smith( richmond,waterloo ,city thameslink station) have all failed to stock them. The last issue I got was from the Chancery lane branch. I'll try there this week Other than that, no idea
  18. The line 6 monkey forum may help
  19. Alot of us change gear from time to time...or expand the collection. Things I'd like: Stu Hamm's yellow fretless Kubicki...a yellow Washburn Status..a salmon pink Washburn Status.... a White Steinberger cricket bat from the '80s.....Randy Coven's bass with Tremolo (vigier?).. TM Stevens lairy coloured Warwick ...a trans trem Steiney ...Ithink that's enough
  20. [quote name='Eight' post='515639' date='Jun 16 2009, 07:28 PM']How about not even remotely famous? I still lay awake at night in agony from not being able to buy the Schecter Damien IV I tried to get before the Curbow and Vampyre. If only I'd spent the money before currency fluctuations and stock problems had such an effect on their price. (They're not worth the price being charged here now). I'm sure what I've got is better... but can't help feeling the Damien should have been mine. Edit: I just did a quick check. The Damien was about £290 when I first saw it back in January. Went up to £360 just as I was going to buy it (which put me off). Then to £420. And now its £550!?!?![/quote] bad omen?
  21. For a moment I thought that the bass had already been posted. Dunno why you never used this forum,tho' not my place to comment. Anyway ,it does sound a bit ropey and I wouldn't part with bass until payment was made. What part of Nigeria are you posting it to? Did you really win the lottery?
  22. cool! guess it's all the sex'n'drugsand rock'n'roll.......
  23. Walked in to Bass cellar in Denmark st. about 12 yrs ago.(they were ok then) Came out with this. Found it fairly easy to adapt . Still has original roundwound strings (light as anything black top going into machiine head) It's made by Vester(custom). Wouldn't mind getting the fretted version on the cheap
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