When you get to your 40's your body changes for the worst unfortunately imho.
However,isn't it amazing how tense our bodies are /have been over the years without realising..
When I was seeing a fitness trainer on a weekly basis ,she was showing me more yoga/pilates movements.
She obviously mentioned the AT to me as well.
Believe it or not ,altho' I'm only 6ft tall I had /have a tendancy to lower my head when talking to 'smaller' people.
When I tell people I'm only 6ft some of them look in disbelief due to my large build/frame.
Of course ,having a heavy bass on your shoulders isn't always good.
The Billy Sheehan method of having your bass the same height sitting down and standing up is essential for good posture.
The Hookie method ,altho' it looks good is actually bad.(not good for bald people either)
I also recommend pilates/yoga as well.(Not enough hours in the day to do it all ).