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Everything posted by RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE

  1. This is interesting ...and potentially annoying ! 😾😸 Looks like something else I have to add . Let me know how you get on with it ! While I'm here , I'll just mention that currently I have dfam / grandmother/ Taurus all linked . 😼👍
  2. Hope the dog gets better 🐕. Not for me unfortunately , but have a bump...
  3. In 2018 while looking at the ipad , I saw the Moog Grandmother on you tube . . On Black Friday of that year, I decided to purchase it. This year, I have purchased a Moog DFAM plus Moog Minitaur. I have been thinking of purchasing a Moog Sound Studio , but I don't need it thankfully . Moog have started making things not quite as expensive ( but still not cheap) ,but I don't think I need anything else. The next step for me is to just have 2 basses ..1 fretted and one fretless. As I'm getting more Iinto recording bits for fun , I have too many apps . Some of which are expensive. Must stop being too obsessive with things ...
  4. I tried that after receiving a nice email from Ableton . However, it cannot be authorised and after spending a very long time following the procedure , I'm gonna stick with version 10 Not sure if others have had the same issues. I thought I'd have a change from GarageBand , but this has put me off . I may use version 10 later , if I can be bothered ..
  5. Okay , I finally know the score ... 1) GarageBand finally recognises the minitaur . 2) GarageBand will not recognise the minitaur software . 3) Reason does everything no problem 4) I purchased Reason a few years ago, plus latest upgrade , but it looks too complicated compared to GarageBand which I'm used to . This means I find it a barrier which I should really tackle . 5) Looks like I'll treat myself to Logic Pro at some stage ,as it is the most logical thing to do after GarageBand . The minitaur will be recognised straight away on logic . ...and there you have it ! There was one other line of thought . That was seeing if it was worth investigating whether there is a u s b to MIDI cable that would go from my oxygen 25 keyboard directly into the minitaur . After all of this malarkey , I won't bother .
  6. Awesome drummer rip
  7. Shame . Not a good week , with joeyjordison passing yesterday ..
  8. Heaviest band to comfortably listen to for me , probabky obituary . I have a couple of their albums I forgot about but they have been popping up on my you tube likes and still have that nice foamy fuzzy sound. When the frontman starts sounding like he is getting sick initially , it adds to it . A bit samey, but nothing too harsh ..
  9. Yes , I think you've hit the nail on the head there .
  10. Having listened to the new song on planet rock and not being impressed by what I heard I thought I'd give it another listen here courtesy of DR J 's you tube clip. wow! Bruce is straining his voice imho . Not impresssed with the country style intro . I think it improves with the standard solos midway through , but then Bruce's strained vocals are back and destroys it He seems to be struggling to keep up with what we are accustomed to . . Fwiw , although the 7th son tour was great I couldn't listen to that album anymore . I cannot stand ' can I play with madness'. Even if Suggs did appear on that track, it wouldn't have improved it . IBruce's vocals on Benjamin breeg are great and that album was imho the best since somewhere in time ..
  11. Fast food rockers ..fast food song 🍟🍕
  12. Forgot to mention one option I haven't tried yet regarding GarageBand ..🤦 use the minitaur as an external audio in ,and not the MIDI instrument option which is first thing on the menu 🎹
  13. I have a lot of time for them . Always loyal to the fans after so many years . I got lots of memories at the time being someone from the nwobhm scene which was happening back then . Went to Kingsbury bandwagon etc and was a diehard fan . Saw them at various London gigs right up until the Rainbow gig You get the picture .. To condense things I do regret being a bit narrow minded and not seeing them with Bruce . I made up for that on the somewhere in time tour onwards . Gigwise over the years 3 things stand out : The loudest gig ive bern to ( manowar on the blow your speakers tour was close ) was the metal for muthas gig at the Lyceum . Probably about 3 encores but some people were actually leaving as Paul dianno kept asking the sound guy to turn up. Then the Clive burr benefit gig . They were not very loud that night . Then the time Anyhax were the better band at Wembley and it was the worst time I saw maiden . Pre Internet then , and apparently this was around 5he time that Bruce quit . I stand to be corrected . I'll leave it there ..
  14. Okaaay... Slightly complicated to explain , but I have success . There are the various solutions that I have .. Worth baring in mind that the usb plus output must always be plugged into computer and mixer . 1) midi out from moog grandmother into minitaur . ( I think that I also used grandmothers usb as well at one stage ) The grandmother acts as midi controller. 2) on Reason using the Midi Out Device Rack works perfectly 3) GarageBand ; When I click Plug Ins , Minitaur Editor is recognised and works perfectly . However, it doesn't appear as a track so cannot be recorded As it does not appear as a track . Perhaps ( if I could be bothered as I am running out of usb sockets on Mac ) is I could use my old line 6 toneport ux1 and plug the minitaur output into that.Using the minitaur like plugging a guitar into the ux1 . There is one other thing ; my friend recommended a cheap 4Channel Midi interface as I have a few other midi devices . Initially the minitaur was not recognised on the Sub Zero device I purchased . I may try this on GarageBand later . So all in all , progress has been made . I do need a usb hub for my 2018 iMac and I may treat myself to Logic Pro as a Christmas present as I know the minitaur will work on that . Plus it looks like GarageBand of course, which as a semi novice bedroom hobbyist is fun and easy to use . I think that's as good as it gets , but of course your thoughts are appreciated
  15. Thanks @Quatschmacher I went through the basic prreferences in GarageBand and reason checking the inputs etc. The Minitaur is recognised now, but still same issue. A friend of mine who is a keyboard geek , will nip over tomorrow and he'll probably sort it out for me in a few minutes . Then we go for coffee, or beer . I'll update tomorrow . It looks like there's nothing wrong with the Minitaur , and I'm one of those guys who always leaves great feedback on eBay and hopefully I can do that tomorrow all going well..
  16. Panic over I connected the rather large old m- Audi o radium 49 keyboard into it with midi cables . 🤦 All is now well . A bit odd that the dfam didn't work on it , but as a midi synth it is awesome .
  17. I purchased one from ebayer this morning . No sound,! Just wondering if I purchased a dud ,and will have to return ASAP Things I have done so far : Plugged in to my Mac via us, registered and downloaded software Software looks all good ..except the volume knob doesn't move around while the others do I have plugged my DFAM into the input jacks ...nothing . My iMac plus everything else is plugged into my usb mixer . I also tried the DFAM through the Minitaur Hadphones to see if that works . Again, nothing . I also plugged my oxygen 25 keyboard into GarageBand and Reason and played the usb pianos in those and ..nothing . The oxygen 25 was connected straight into the Mac as it only has usb .. I also plugged bass guitar into Minitaur input ...again nothing . What I haven't done : used midi cable from Grandmother to Minitaur . Does anyone think I've missed out something , or should I return item ? Thanls in advance
  18. Another update : Minitaur arrived this morning promptly via parcelfarce 👍 I briefly plugged it in and plugged the dfam into it via headphones . No sound , although I will properly setup later and fingers crossed all will be well..
  19. Akai mpk mini play is nice and compact . Nice drum pads .
  20. Update : After watching more you tube clips on the sound studio and indeed the subharmonican , I decided against either of those . I decided against the mother -32 also . However...after seeing one particular item on the bay for a price that would be niggling me if I let it go, I have just pulled the trigger and a Moog Minitaur is now on its way to me . 🙀 Apparently only a month old , with Decksaver fully boxed with instructions etc I'll get the wooden brackets from somewhere at some stage , and potentially the stand . I don't want to go the euro rack route , and tbh I think that will be it as far as my analogue hardware instruments go . Of course I have lots of iPad apps etc but buying moogs and decent synths can be very dangerous . So in conclusion , I have Grandmother / DFAM / and minitaur to come . Any more thoughts welcome ..
  21. Sounds like things will improve Steve . Your attitude and willing to learn is spot on,, and you seem to get on with the rest of the band members anyway . I've been the Anne Robinson of the band in most bands I've been in . In my situations ( and looking back in hindsight ) , it came down to me just not having the time due to constant work, different shifts , socialising , going to loads of gigs and buying new albums etc. That's the excuses out of the way .. I don't know if you play covers or not, but it helps imho Back in the day, there was no you tube and hot licks videos were expensive . Finding a music teacher and having the confidence to do so helps . Learning BEAD tuning is very helpful also incase you get band members who want to tune down in rehearsals and stops you feeling anxious and way out of your depth . It's not a big deal for me anymore . I suppose my last band that I was in ( I stopped playing now ) was possibly my biggest achievement . 4 of us met up to an ad which I placed in loot magazine . The singer was a nice guy who had grear notions about how we could become a regular pub covers band . The drummer was down to earth and laid back but was fed up of band politics and would walk if any started . The guitarist was very good , but his personality was strange . Nice guy but he used to play bass and never really had patience for me . Fair enough. Anyway, the singer kept cancelling rehearsals at short notice which annoyed us. We all went to see other bands in pubs often comparing them to what we could be . Our idea was to get to do our first gig, and take it from there . When we got to the first gig ( the grey horse in Kingston wow!😸) the drummer was late, the singer was awful. The guitarist was his usually good self and I was just " me" doing rock poses out of nervousness like I always did and kept time with everybody else . The guitarist told me I did the best . The next rehearsal we met up, and the drummmer told me I sounded much better ( I put in a shedload of practice in the xmas break ). The singer commented also about my improvement The singer then announced that ne couldn't make it to the next rehearsal ..the guitarist quit .He tried to take the drummer with him but surprisingly the drummer stuck with me and we changed the band name and found a friend of mine who was a singer plus 2 guitarists . That was fun , but most importantly proved with had work and the righ attitude I was co founder of a covers band which I thought nigh on impossible . Anyway ,I'm waffling but hope there's something above that helps
  22. I saw a listing on eBay ( only one there at this time ) . The seller wouldn't mind a straight swap for the matriarch . Have you decided to go for matriarch , or still not sure?
  23. I like him . Very talented . Doesn't take himself seriously , and has fun. Wish him well
  24. Mmmm...difficult one . How important are presets to you ? Not sure the difference in size . Apparently , the matriarch is bigger than the grandmother . watching this with interest 😼
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