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Everything posted by RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE

  1. I use Toneport in my Mac.,and it is good. What's 'Vista"? Hasta la vista ?
  2. I have toneport gx. Excellent(cost me about £58.00 from Rockstop charing x rd) Recording plug in not included. If you want to record , you could purchase riff master as an add on. (approx £40.00)
  3. Waiting for mistahhbenn to send . When Ireceive ,I will let you know,with some pics. Cheers
  4. Original Steiney's are cool! I have an xm2(or is it 3? )It's a full bodied custom model. (not 2 humbucking p/ups as usual) I'm hoping that one day I'll stumble across a Trans trem model
  5. Paid for AGUILAR SC 500 today from Mistahbenn. (co incidence or what!) All I need now is a tweed case for it .(Too much cash spent aleady)
  6. Thanks again folks. Well,um, I saw MISTAHBENN had an Aguilar SC-500 for sale yesterday. Paid for it today. Looking forward to receiving it. Fingers crossed all is ok. Now I have to find Tweed case for it....(more expense
  7. I have zoom b21u. However, I have a LINE 6 TONEPORTGX. (install cd into mac/pc plug box into usb socket-and off you go.) On screen are virtual amps/effects etc. around£57.00 new If you get some spare cash, go for this.
  8. Well that told me. I thought that it's supposed to be like hi-fi (ie200watt amp-3oo watt cab/either 4 or 8 ohms .) It's the ohm bit that's the confusing thing[attachment=16139:Image041.jpg]
  9. It's here! Taken from mobile phone
  10. Thanks for kind words. Both look good. Thing is, they both seem to be (on paper) too powerful for my cab. Am thinking about maybe a Freddy Krueger.Any more thoughts? Cheers
  11. Howdy! I'm at the halfway stage of having a pretty(as well as useful)setup. (In my last post, I was looking for something which would look nice in my flat and would be still there on display when I've packed up playing) Anyway , I am expecting delivery of the Aguilar tomorrow. Trouble is, I still havent decided on what head to go with it. Please bear in mind the wattage etc. also I've only got about £300.00 left to play with(give or take a few pounds!) Lighter is better( markbass heads are not me ) Oh, the cab is in the TWEED COLOUR Please advise Cheers
  12. Well, I have just ordered an Aguilar (TWEEEEED! ) Looks lovely same as Mythste's.Should be here tomorrow! Will look for a head amp now . Will keep you posted. Any more suggestions?
  13. Yuk! My '77 Telecaster would blow that away
  14. Apparrently there is something called the TRI-KART 800 or something like that. Expensive. But may be the best thing if you're always gigging.
  15. Wow! I love all of the stuff seen so far. I've been thinking long and hard about what I've seen here, and general ideas that I already had. Voices inside my head keep saying'Walkabout ..Walkabout...Boogie!' My cash situation is ok at the mo'(Sold aTrace Elliot last week) But not THAT GOOD ! I 've been looking at Ampeg(Rocket 100/200) Nice. (That vintage amp looks like a B15S (seen 1 or 2 for sale at the mo', around £400.00 in cambs-well over a grand in Hackney!) But what I think I'll be doin' is goin for a cabinet ! A n AguilarDB=112(not black) and get an ashdown head(that green one for around £250.00) Shame I can't get a head that looks like the body. This kinda system looks a lot lighter than some combos . So maybe a head/cab system is better after all. Thanks for now.. any more pics/suggestions?
  16. Thanks for your kind suggestions, please keep'em coming. I must say that I'm getting tempted by the Walkabout Scout. They are so....expensive ,but awesome! I have an Eden NemesisNC-250,which is what I have been using (band love it,drummer gives me a lift in his car). That sounds great . I guess I'm still undecided .Maybe I've started a nice thread herewhere you can show me some more nice pics. Thanx for now
  17. Howdy! I think that most of us here know to some extent their requirements for sound, portability,gigging etc. However,have you thought about what amp you would like to own once you stop gigging and just have that 1 special amp next to your fave bass on display in your bedroom/music room /living room? Well I do like the look of a retro amp , or something stylish just like our guitar folk have.(Why should guitarists have all the fun?) I am on the lookout for something not too expensive, that does the job.I saw a creamy,beigey leather effect combo when I was looking in Sound contol(rip). Trouble is I can't remember the name of it. I'm not after anything really loud as I just want it to look good-but do it's job. I'm trying to get away from the usual black colour.(Not too keen on Orange) Small is probably better. If you can help me with this odd request please let me know.
  18. Well, back in the day when they first came out I ordered a Bass whammy from a stockist in Leics.(Cheapest price etc.) However, I received the RED one for Guitars! Couldn't fathom out how to use , so I sent it back as they didn't have bass version. I purchased the Boss ME8-B instead. These were more expensive at the time, but are now cheaper when they crop up.
  19. If you're looking to gig, then I would suggest something that is fairly powerful(250 watts). For the price range ,you're probably looking at used stuff. Whether you want to use a head amp and cabinet or combo, that's up to you. Trace Elliot, Warwick are good in this price range. I think that someone on this forum may still be selling an Eden combo . I have one of those ,and they are good...
  20. Would like to join/form fun rock covers band.(Free/Bad co. -kaiser chiefs/ green day). Age 40+ PM me if interested Thank you
  21. Yuk! Cheapo bass, by cheapo makers trying to make this look pricey! Horrible!
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