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Everything posted by RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE

  1. He just purchased a Behringer mixer from myself. Instant payment , and a really nice guy. Top Man!
  2. Thank you sir! Enjoy
  3. Thanks for the input so far . Tbh I'm far from professional as you know , so I just like the idea of having everything in one corner . I live in a small flat and space is a premium . ( The drawbacks of living mortgage free I guess ) I do like the the computer desk I have which I purchased from Beales which has been closed down this year 😿. In hindsight ( and if I knew I'd get a moog grandmother ) I would have purchased 2 which would have catered for more or less everything . I do like the shelf underneath the glass top, I am constantly looking at perhaps a desk that would be of similar height that would go next to it . I don't like those studio desks either Ramirez , also because those pull out drawers are not for me . I like the mouse etc on the same level. I have a sideboard which has lots of bass effects . I do wonder when we can do away with desktops . If reason full software was on iPad then I'd sell the iMac etc . Keep suggestions coming ...
  4. This space almost worked but too narrow .
  5. Howdy ! Followiing on from my recent recording posts and the addition of more equipment , I thought I'd ask for help and also see what you use when you record your stuff . When I moved into my smaller flat a couple of years ago, I bought new furniture along with a nice adequate ( at the time ) computer desk. However since buying a moog a couple of years ago and now a mixer , I don't know whether it is best to offload the desk that I have and buy a proper ( hopefully not too expensive ) recording desk . The set up is in my box room ( spare bedroom ) . I have a sideboard littered with effects units etc on the other side of the room . I have been procrastinating for a very long time . I even had the desk in the front room at one stage . I thought about getting a Mac mini and having everything in there . I looked at a few recording desks , but they have those drawers used for computer keyboards which I'm not too keen on . Since lockdown started , I've been using chunky equipment and the mixing desk I have is a bit bigger 5han the line 6 interface I have . Anyway, here's a pic or 2 of the desk in question
  6. I have one . Great little box . Not surprised it went so quick ! 😼👍
  7. Howdy! I have had the above for a few years, but never used it . Since lockdown , I've been getting my finger out and using various Gadgets etc and decided to get a usb mixer and let this go . As you can see, I have the original power supply but no box . Based in Poole , you can either collect or I'll post .
  8. Thanks Mike . I met up with my local friend for a coffee a couple of days ago. He has loads of keyboards and modern equipment etc . The next thing you know, I have listened to his advice and ordered a behriger usb mixer and a few midi leads . I of course asked him to send me links as to what he recommends . Thomann are sending the above , and I should receive midweek . I'll update when I hopefully get my head around it all ... in the meantime , I'm selling my old unused mixer in the sell other musica items thread ..
  9. Wow! This brings back memories . When I was about 7/8 ( no pun intended 😼) my family moved home , and the gramophone that I was using disappeared in transit . Something like that, it was a very long time ago obviously . what I do remember though, are records from Bill Grundy, Laurel and Hardy , colonel bogeys March and a couple of others I cannot remember . The Bill Grundy song was called "yours sincerely " . The Laurel and Hardy song was an army type song with lots of talking from Stan Laurel . The gramophone itself, was covered in sellotape . Lots of needles . When I used to explore various record shops at various lunchtimes in London ,in the 90s I did notice a place near the British Museum that had lots of cheaply old jazz records and 78s . Used to always have the records outside the premises rather than inside . I grew out of 78s by then so no use to me. Nit sure of their worth unless you have an elvis original. maybe checkout someone who sells stuff on market stalls / car boot sales etc?
  10. I doubt if my stuff is up to your standard tbh . I get the reposts now and again, which is nice plus followers . I haven't quite reached the dizzy heights of photo viewing opps though . I think I'm getting jealous 😼
  11. A lot to look into there . I forgot to mention that the mixer is not usb . I got it a few years ago , when I was totally clueless and haven't used it . I love the line 6 interface though , as it is straightforward . Now deleted unfortunately . If only I knew back then I'd need more sockets .. Still , times were hard back then ..
  12. Not sure how to . I may see if the midi lead I have can go into the mic input of my line 6 interface and try that..
  13. I found a midi lead ( or is it din ?) while decluttering . I'll see what gives ,and if it works in the next couple of days . As for DR Sample , I tend to load bits from my iPhone / iPad and that goes into GarageBand on my iMac ( 2017 model ) . I then erase it and reload ideas as and when .I think there is an input for an sd card on the back of my Mac , although I'm not sure if it's worth bothering about .
  14. A deer with no eyes I'm afraid . 🦌. I just put ambient / metal etc and upload as to the category I'm recording .
  15. Thanks for the tip regarding moog . I have loads to learn . It has a usb, but that only makes it act like a controller abd no sound comes from it . I'll try your suggestion at some stage . Regarding my sampler , would I be right in saying that it's probably the most idiot proof / easiest to use ? I hope child no.1 appreciates your sacrifice 😸
  16. I've received another comment on one of my tracks , from A&R : "Do u want a label deal?" This time not a pm . Nice try . A few other comments get removed quite promptly by soundcloud . Mainly the Russian hookers 😼
  17. 😹 Believe it or not , I used it for the first time in yonks last week .I'm going to hold onto it . Sorry about that 😼 I have a memory card with it . I was gonna get the cheap akai mpx8 but actually had fun using this and think it will be a keeper. They do appear quite frequently on flea bay , but it's the card that is costly . It seems the £40 I paid for that was a bargain .
  18. This is the nuts . It won't be here for long . I have a Washburn status which is close I guess. If it was fretless I'd have this . But it's not and I can't really have 2 statusy basses with frets . Glwts
  19. Loving the '80s pointy headstock ..and colour ! If this could have been posted , I'd have this and part with my yellow taxi bass. This won't be around for long . Glwts
  20. Thanks for your replies . Adam g67, it does seem like I have mostly 5 pin din sockets , which are labelled midi on the drum machine /sampler and bass whammy. I haven't taken a pic of the grandmothers backside , but you get the gist . Back in the days of cassette decks I remember those 5 pin din plugs and hated them . The impression I am getting , is that I'm better off forgetting about midi . Usb seems to be plug and play , and of course computer based. If I was old skool ( wow! My trendy spelling ), I'd imagine I'd be doing everything midi . One of my friends who does recording with old , new and computer equipment was the one to recommend a mixer and midi to me . I gather from what he was saying , is that I'd have all of my gear together which makes sense .Having said that , for a semi novice like me, I prefer the plug and play usb line 6 interface I have where everything seems straightforward . I'll leave it there ...
  21. Howdy ! I'm recording stuff through my Line6 Toneport ux1 . All good no complaints . Could do with an extra input socket , but hey ho not the end of the world . Looking at some of my equipment , I notice that a few of my bits and pieces have midi sockets . I use TRS and don't know if I'm missing out by not using midi sockets . Plus I have actually no idea how midi is supposed to work in layman's /woman's terms . I have a couple of pics showing the hardware I use .( Please excuse the mess 😺🙀) The gear I'm talking about in particular is : Moog grandmother , digitech bass whammy , Boss dr groove DR02, Boss DR Sample SP202, radium 49 usb keyboard , mic input on the line 6 toneport ux1, and a behringer UB802 eurorack mixer. Things to mention ( and ask 😺): I don't use the euro rack mixer / Is it worth keeping the sampler ? If so, what would be a good alternative ?I haven't used the radium 49 keyboard for years , but thought I'd mention it as it has a midi socket I use the akai mini keyboard a lot , plus my iPad a lot . So is it worth buying a few midi cables , or forget about it and move on ? Thanks
  22. Fwiw, I have the mpk mini 1 . Really good with GarageBand , and. works with iPad if you have the camera connection kit . The mpk mini play has extra bundles to play with , and apparently you can use that without a computer straight out of the box should you wish . I'm thinking of getting the mini play, or the mini mk 3 . . These midi controllers have improved and upgraded in a short time .
  23. Sorry, but where is the bass player? I have just watched this on my iPad , and the sound is ok for a pub band , but the bass player cannot be seen or heard . I saw the headstock of a precision , or was it a jazz , or an encore ? I had to laugh at the vocalist who looks disinterested , and wants to carry on drinking once she puts the papers down . Sorry , not professional . In a roundabout way , it is a bit like the Aerosmith / run dmc video . In my last band , the frontman actually had a book which he put on a music stand and sung with the lyrics in front of him . We got gigs , but most of the compliments went to mr drums and myself . . Apologies if I said too much ..
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