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Everything posted by RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE

  1. If used in the wrong hands ( mine ) , it would cause random sonic distress and cruelty to animals in my area . . So for that reason , I'm out 😕
  2. Lovely colour ! Too far to Cheltenham 🏇🐎 Glwts
  3. The best thump sound and feel for me , was playing the humbucker pick by the neck telecaster bass through an Aguilar amp head , through an angular cab with no tweeter . It helped that the drummer loved the sound too , after remarking that the Aguilar setup looked like something from a '50s coffee shop ..
  4. Mixed feelings about motley crue .. I saw them with some new friends at the time on the theatre of pain tour , with cheap trick supporting. The night Nikki sixx od'd They were into crue , and while only having the theatre of pain album at the time I was.more into thrash . A gigg's a gig so I went . They put on a really good show . I saw them a couple of times supporting others at donington , and imho they were awful at best . imho, when they signed the deal to finish, they should have kept to their word . They now have that 'osbourne's'' 'celebrity vibe , which to me is embarrassing . Then again , I'm as old as them and many younger fans still have a chance to see them , which means a lot to them . As for anyone replacing Steve Tyler 🤔I don't think anybody can tbh as most people look at him and Joe Perry - the toxic twins (;something like that ) .. Then again who would have thought axl would front ac/dc ?
  5. Funny you mention Tom Waits . Where I used to work many moons ago, both of my bosses played his entire catalogue . Right up to 1999 when I moved on . initially , I thought it was all tedious and painful . Bearing in mind listening at 7.30 am and various toms of the days to his jmaterial was hard work if you come from a heavy metal or ambient background like myself . over time , I got into it a bit and I think it made me more mature and tolerant . I think "step right up " is brilliant 😼👍 Listening to van morrison , ravi shankar, Edith Piaf , Bruce Springsteen and Dire straits was worse tbf . ( apologies to fans of the above . Just imho 😬)
  6. Mmm...Anthrax bring the noise , Led Zep dazed and confused ..and Kashmir . Chilli peppers under the fridge , faith no more I'm easy . Soundharden Black hole sun . Motorhead orgasmatron , eat the rich . Iron Maiden can I play with madness, bring your daughter to the slaughter , women in uniform . Guns and roses sweet child of mine , knocking on heavens door . Judas Priest Johnny b Goode , united Black sabbath planet caravan , changes. Sacred reich the rap track on the American waty album. Metallica : wow ! So many to choose from .. whiskey in the jar , unforgiven , of wolf and men , so many more . Rolling Stones angie, you can't always get what you want . Aerosmith , I don't wanna miss a thing . Faith no more , falling to pieces . Some of these are covers ,but don't like originals either . probably more to follow at some point ..🙂
  7. It's hard to explain my feelings about Aerosmith . I had a few of their earlier albums , but never kept them . I have however got the Permanent Vacation and Pump albums , which I purchased at the time . I think they're great . Very '...80s which I like . I saw them on the Pump tour at Hammy Odeon which I was lucky to see at the time , as they were used to playing arenas and apparently the stage set was stripped down. It was a great gig ! I find their catalogue very patchy after that , and imho they're mostly going to be known for I don't wanna miss a thing and walk this way . Dream on may be rightly remembered also . With Aerosmith , they always seem slick and professional on tv , videos etc . They were a mess for many periods also , as with a lot of rock bands . There have been many stories over Steve Tyler's erratic behaviour over the last few years , and tbh I thought that he was too old for that stuff . I think he was a great , slick frontman . Did Aerosmith take some of their influences from the faces / mott the hoople etc ? They treated Rush very badly among other support bands I'd imagine at the time . Fair play for Geddy reminding Joe Perry when he was supporting them . I agree with others , and think it's best call it a day now .
  8. I had one of these many moons ago . Great for live use , and built like a tank . Glwts
  9. I still have mine , and still use it now and again . If you plug an expression pedal into it , it does a lot more . Glwts
  10. Nothing to be ashamed of . You play more then one instrument , so no need to be despondent at all . When doing the band thing , I preferred playing live and didn't mind rehearsals . The rehearsals were better when done regularly , but 4 hrs was too much . 2 was better , but you take what is given by the owners. I only played in covers bands , and recorded demos for pubs / venues 3 times . Always nervous ,and not experienced at doing it. We'd book 4-6 hrs ( apart from some dodgy guitarist who made us go into a cheaper deal and ruin everything). one cd was atrocious , one was much better and one I threw into the bin in disgust. I nearly forgot the best time , was when the bandleader recorded our sessions on GarageBand himself . That was really good . Calm and casual, and stress free . It seems like you'll move onto other things eventually anyhow , doing what suits you with your preferred instruments . When the fun stops stop , and find what's right for you .
  11. Heavy handed and ham fisted before I found bass, I did have a hohner 2 black les Paul copy which was fantastic . However it had to go back to mummy's catalogiue to be replaced with a chunk of firewood called the Hondo 2 Bass guitar which was the right thing to do at the time . In one of my ver early places of employment , I purchased an SG Cooy from my boss for about £30 in 1981 I think . Didnt get on with that , so I offloaded that somewhere . I now have a strat copy gathering dust in the corner of my front room . Feels great , but I hate sunburst and not a fan of the jack socket . If I was to get a proper guitar , it would be a full body steinberger . Looks lovely . Headless design appeals also. It would have to be red , or white what Edgar Froese used . Either that , or something that is used by slayer...
  12. When I used to do the band thing we'd have a 10 -15 minute break in rehearsals discussing the best way forward etc ,whether it's suggestions for new songs or things like this . Depending on the band , things were also discussed in the pub briefly over soft drinks if band members driving . Emails were used to confirm said discussions . It does seem bad form to email suggestions without previous discussion. One potential red flag imho is if other band members agreed to email being sent, and you got it as a surprise . Agree with all above ...
  13. I almost forgot about this thread. I still get many random approaches from alleged record companies . The latest one was hysterical , from Gary Kelly Executive vice president and chief revenue officer at interscooe records. What I do find though regarding likes on my tracks ..so many are from milk club or bryder network . Some of these have a pretty ladies face on the notification . Regarding algorithms , I released a track called " set the timer to switch off when going to sleep". It was done quite a long time ago, when I was getting to grips with the recently purchased moog grandmother at the time . For some reason it's my most popular track. Lots of good and derogatory comments which made me laugh. One of the people commented about my good marketing plan,/ algorithm 😹 I am getting rather peed off with soundcloud now . I pay £10 pm . That's not enough for this asset stripping company! They keep trying to push for me to pay more . I do think about stopping it altogether , but I have a radio station created by them . Plus I do follow a few artists that I really like . Even one or two of them haven't used soundcloud for about a year. If you have any alternative sites I could consider instead , I'm all ears ..
  14. Blur country house ? 🤔
  15. A steal at this price , with an expression pedal as well ! Won't be around for long . Glwts
  16. Man thing is that it arrived ..hurrah ! Being accused of fraud is outrageous , and the seller should have apologised if the seller did the accusing imho. Now here's the rub regarding feedback ;; I'd do nothing . If the seller leaves positive feedback , all he better. I'd still do nothing . It sounds like the seller won't bother leaving any anyway . They may do, up to them I guess. Thankfully , I've still got 100% all positive feedback . 🤞it stays that way . It can lead to anxious moments buying and selling , as we know . I've had no feedback left at times , but thought " fair enough , no harm done " as at least it wasn't neutral or negative. Sending vinyl lps/ 12"s used to leave me worrying at times , plus liaising with buyer if they have received a special delivery and hearing nothing a day or 2 later. They lead busier lives than mine I assume , and I do receive reassurance eventually . I'd say if no bad or neutral feedback is left , forget about it and move on . Only imho of course .
  17. I liked the track on the album at the time . " out demons out" . Don't know anything else about them . How bad were they ?😬
  18. They may well have played there , but not on the album . There is a documentary about that gig somewhere apparently .
  19. I purchased the triple Glastonbury Fayre LP in the very early '80s, being a massive Hawkwind fan at the time . It has the Pink Fairies who I was familiar with due to my brother having the Sweeties album . It wasn't cheap , as it as 'Rare ' 🙀 It had Marc Bolan and David Bowie tracks on there , and a whole side of Gong who were too much for me at the time .Edgar Broughtin was okay from what I remember . I sold it many years later , as I was never into festivals anyway , nor was I ever a hippy 😬 . ** I was way too young for that original gig , by about 15 years **
  20. I have a few basses which just sit in their gigbags mostly , and in all honesty should be used by gigging musicians . I just potter about with my synths , and pick up one of my other basses occasionally when I get the urge . This is the best of the bunch , in terms of feel and lightness . This is a Warwick 1996 Bolt on neck , EMG Pickups with originals included done by previous owner. . It is an active bass.9v battery. The battery cover has a little scratch on it , but that's me being particular . The body is Bubinga, neck wood wenge with Warwick bronze frets . Weight 3.792 kg/ 8.36 pounds . Slight wear around pickups which have to be expected for a 28 year old bass. It comes with Warwick surface finisher polish and cloth , plus Fender clip on strap. Plus the Novini gigbag is also included. price obviously not set in stone , and offers condiered etc. Trades : Steinberger synapse 4 or 5 string . Ibanez headless etc .Badz maru bass Desktop synths . I don't mind keeping it , but it seems a waste doing so . No packing materials and never posted a bass ,so collection only .Could meet southwest up to Brockenhurst ( swt pending etc ) Thanking you
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