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Darren 5563

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About Darren 5563

  • Birthday 03/05/1993

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  • Location
    Near Nottingham

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  1. I was asking about particular tunes and someone recommend Guitar Tabs, I assume it was one of their Scammers as turns out it's a big money fleecing set up, like a prat I had already " signed up for the year" as saw a lot of Bass Guitar songs/tunes I was looking for, turns out when you sign up the songs magically disappear along with the £20, please please please stay away, read trust A Pilot first, unlike me and many others, learn the guitar using the YouTube way,.
  2. Hi my name is Darren, only been playing Bass Guitar around a year, I have a Fender jazz and a Hofner Violin Bass, both from GAK, I'm still at the watching YouTube videos for tuition, in the house on my own I use a Few 60 amp for the guitar and a Marshall 825 to play my MP3 through, with company I use Skull candy headphones, I have a couple of the Hal.Leonard tuition books really enjoyed playing them, with one of them being especially for left-hand playing,  Is anyone or are you aware of a Bass Guitar publication with download either MP3 or WinZip that has Dion Demucci Runaround Sue, given my not being a music reader I would need the number tabs, I have been able to screen shot the number music pages and tried to listen to YouTube videos must say not very successful, I have contacted Hal.Leonard but they sadly have not included Runaround Sue, hopefully you will be able to help, very much appreciated. Darren

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheGreek


      Here you go...but there are 3x versions on this site. 


      BTW, welcome...

    3. Darren 5563

      Darren 5563

      Hiya thanks so much for your reply, I have downloaded the App and paid for Guitar Pro but sadly when the tune for Runaround Sue played it was the whole song with the vocals, only wanted the Bass Guitar section, have paid for the year, hopefully soon I will be able to separate vocals from the song if I get any better at playing, (I say hopefully) practice a lot and really enjoying, thanks again, cheers Darren

    4. Teebs


      Good luck Darren :crigon_04:

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