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Everything posted by [al]

  1. I just bought a rack case from Martin, great transaction & posted quickly. All round top dude.
  2. ...at the Underbelly in Hoxton in case anyone's at a loose end in London and fancies coming along. 6 quid on the door but that gets you a couple other bands too including the remarkable Voodoo Love Orchestra
  3. I got one of their flat preamps to hot up the output of my bass a bit, it's done the job perfectly and you really can't fault it for the money.
  4. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1338488135' post='1675367'] Can't you get a dep drummer? [/quote] Yeah, we talked about that yesterday night when we'd heard from our sick drummer, but even if we managed to find a dep we've got no time to get a rehearsal in to see if it's going to work (we're a funk band and there are a lot of stab stops, solos, and to be honest it turns out quite a lot of people in the band [we're 11 people] use the drums for cues), it could very easily be a complete disaster.
  5. Hi fellow chatterers, my [url="https://www.facebook.com/baronfunkenhausen"]band[/url] were supposed to be playing a two hour gig this Saturday evening at [url="http://www.gipsyhilltavern.com/"]The Gipsy Hill tavern[/url] (located, unsurprisingly, in Gipsy Hill), but earlier this week our drummer was admitted to hospital in a bit of a rush with Ketoacidosis caused by recently acquired (and at that point) undiagnosed type 1 diabetes (!!), fortunately with expert care and attention he's doing OK, but there's obviously no way he's going to be able to play the gig. The guy who deals with the bands at the GHT, Jeremy, is a really nice guy and I'm kinda pained to be letting him down at such short notice, so I'm trying to come up with other bands who might be interested & available to play that I can send his way. Any one based in the area who might be interested ? Let me know and I'll put you in touch. Cheers, Al.
  6. [quote name='Dropzone' post='1320163' date='Jul 29 2011, 10:37 AM']Anyone else recommend reaper over cubase?[/quote] Yep. Or at least I've not used cubase in a long long time but reaper is my software of choice now. Both for multitracking original stuff on my own as well as rehearsal recording (which we do from either stereo pair or, less regularly, full 12 way multichannel using a multimix12 FireWire).
  7. Got my tickets already, can't wait
  8. I use an [url="http://www.alesis.com/contentmgr/showdetails.php/id/1172/tt/5"]Alesis Multimix12 Firewire[/url] and [url="http://www.reaper.fm/"]Reaper[/url] with my macbook for recording our rehearsal sessions, it works very well indeed. You should be able to pick up the Multimix12 for about £200 second hand - I lucked out and got mine for £150. There's an 8 way version too which you can probably find on fleabay easily enough for around £130. One thing to note is that you want either the Multimix [b]Firewire[/b] or the Multimix USB[b]2.0[/b] version as these can send the tracks individually to the computer (the older Multimix USB can only send the stereo mix to the computer). These things all do phantom power and mic-preamp for 4 channels with the rest being line. Reaper is an awesome bit of DAW software, there are versions for Mac and Windows, there's a free unlimited trial to get you started and if you get along with it then it's $60 for a personal license.
  9. [al]

    I'm off to NZ.

    Cheers for the beers. Have a safe flight mate, hope you enjoy the Italian food
  10. [quote name='M4L666' post='492632' date='May 19 2009, 07:54 PM']I am currently using Audacity for recording on my home mac, but what I'm doing just doesn't cut it: LOADS of noise, latency and bad quality audio. I was looking at one of these: [url="http://www.bossus.com/gear/productdetails.php?ProductId=718&ParentId=110"]http://www.bossus.com/gear/productdetails....mp;ParentId=110[/url] and thought "that'll be perfect!". But it's about £480 new... anything out there, like this, that is much cheaper? I would rather be able to burn CDs, but it's not a total need. I need 8 tracks, but would like more to play with. It needs to be fairly all-in-one, not too much buggering about with cables. Any suggestions? Or is this one for my birthday?[/quote] I would stay away from all in ones personally, they had a reason for existing back when home computers and laptops were never going to be able to keep up with the data rates and processing required, but these days you'd just end up crippling yourself with some obscure user interface and losing a whole bunch of flexibility, much better to go for an external audio interface and use your mac. On the software side, have a look at Reaper: [url="http://www.reaper.fm/"]http://www.reaper.fm/[/url] It has an indefinite trial period, and if you like it the non-commercial license is only $50 (~£30). Also, I just picked up an Alesis MultiMix 12 Firewire ( [url="http://www.alesis.com/contentmgr/showdetails.php/id/1172/tt/5"]http://www.alesis.com/contentmgr/showdetai...hp/id/1172/tt/5[/url] ) for £120 2nd hand (they go for about £200 new I think) - it sends all 12 inputs (as well as the 2 mixdown channels) independently to the mac over firewire as 24bit @ 44.1/48KHz and seems decent enough to me. [b]Watch out for the USB version - the old MultiMix USB will ONLY send the stereo mixdown channel to the machine[/b], but there's a newer MultiMix USB2.0 version which sends all channels like the Firewire version does. £150 all told and I have a pretty powerful setup with 12 simultaneous recording channels.
  11. [quote name='Al.B' post='489496' date='May 16 2009, 07:08 AM']Hi all , my Warwick streamer LX has developed a fault. When in active mode there is no signal but when you put it into passive mode it has a signal but very distorted. Any ideas or suggestions ??? Thanks to everyone in advance. cheers Al.[/quote] New batteries ? Sorry, I'll get me coat.
  12. Etymotics ER6i: [url="http://www.etymotic.com/ephp/er6i.aspx"]http://www.etymotic.com/ephp/er6i.aspx[/url] I love 'em - fit really snugly and deep in ear so the ambient noise is almost entirely cut out, frequency response is good, sound quality excellent, they're a bit on the pricey side I suppose, but the outers and filters are replaceable so if you look after them they should last you.
  13. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='414685' date='Feb 19 2009, 08:09 PM']Will the output still be the same on full?[/quote] Yep
  14. [quote name='Exile252' post='410258' date='Feb 15 2009, 06:20 PM']Hey guys, I was just wondering, does anyone know when this Trace Elliot amp was built? The serial is TO454-12-201.[/quote] I think that makes it Feb of 2001 (12th one built that month perhaps ?)
  15. Top bloke, just bought his RB streamer 5 stringer off him. Totally honest and up front, really friendly; I wouldn't hesitate to deal with him again ! (and if only I could sneak buying the Trace rig he's got up for sale past the missus I would )
  16. [quote name='Krysbass' post='398869' date='Feb 3 2009, 01:10 PM']My first proper bass was a Westone Thunder 1A.[/quote] Another one here ! Started playing bass in the music room cupboard (!) at school, they had a light, a DX7 keyboard, a carlsbro amp, and a and black and white P copy in there, I used to sneak in there and play for hours while there were classes going on outside. That got me hooked and I used to borrow the bass to rehearse with my first ever band (with whom I played a reunion gig at christmas - 15 years since we'd played together the last time!), then a year or two later I found a Thunder 1A in a pawn shop and my parents bought it for me for my birthday, this was some 20 years ago now, and that bass is sat right behind me - still love it to bits and play it pretty much every day
  17. +1 for a mac. Yep it's a bit more expensive, but it's rock solid kit, easy to use, as well as being based on a proven operating system (if you did want to go on and learn a bit more about real computers you'd do a lot worse than starting with a mac and exploring what's underneath the shiny desktop). Anecdotally, I've never met anyone who switched back... Anyway, whichever way you decide to go you might want to check out [url="http://www.reaper.fm/"]Reaper[/url]... It's a pretty decent multitrack recorder, supports VST effects etc. It runs on both OS X and that other "operating system", and the downloadable 'demo' is a fully functional version of the software which doesn't expire, if you use it and decide you like it (or your conscience gets the better of you), a non-commercial license costs all of $50 (which is painfully close to £50 these days, but that's another story), cheap as chips for what it does.
  18. [quote name='kennyrodg' post='348957' date='Dec 8 2008, 07:39 PM']Piccie ??[/quote] Found this: [url="http://www.kyletompkins.com/wp/?p=397"]http://www.kyletompkins.com/wp/?p=397[/url]
  19. Thanks, guys ! So all I did was get a 15" UV Cold Cathode fluorescent light off fleabay for £7 or so, and a length of 6mmx1mm clear acrylic tube (£1 also from fleabay), stripped off the heat-shrink on the CCFL and put the light inside the acrylic tube, then I put a layer of black tape along one side of the tube so the UV only hits the amp face and used some small velcro pads to fix the tube to the cab, then opened up the head and mounted the CCFL inverter and a 12v PSU inside, tapped mains off the input socket and ran it to the 12v PSU (I didn't want to use any of the smoothed power rails in the amp in case I introduced noise back in, as it is it should be fine I think given it's upstream of everything... And that's it, Robert's your mothers brother ! [quote name='Stingray5' post='338845' date='Nov 27 2008, 07:32 PM']Nice! Could you do the same in green?[/quote] Certainly ! You can get the CCFLs in [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/New-Dual-12-Green-Cold-Cathode-Tubes-Interior-Neons_W0QQitemZ230301128377QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM?hash=item230301128377&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1300|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318"]Green[/url], [url="http://shop.ebay.co.uk/?_from=R40&_trksid=m38.l1313&_nkw=cold+cathode&_sacat=See-All-Categories"]Blue[/url], [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/New-Dual-12-UV-Cold-Cathode-Tubes-Interior-Neons_W0QQitemZ330274820250QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM?hash=item330274820250&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1300|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318"]Purple[/url], [url="http://shop.ebay.co.uk/?_from=R40&_trksid=m38.l1313&_nkw=cold+cathode&_sacat=See-All-Categories"]UV[/url], [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/DUAL-30cm-WHITE-COLD-CATHODE-NEONS_W0QQitemZ260318416475QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Computing_DesktopComponents_RL?hash=item260318416475&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1300|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318"]White[/url] and [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/New-Dual-12-Red-Cold-Cathode-Tubes-Interior-Neons_W0QQitemZ330281583545QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM?hash=item330281583545&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1300|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318"]Red[/url] [quote name='tombboy' post='338888' date='Nov 27 2008, 08:25 PM']Does it sound any better? [/quote] Hell yeah: I just found out that it goes up to 11 now - couldn't see the number before in 'regular' light [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' post='338904' date='Nov 27 2008, 08:49 PM']Can I have it back!? [/quote] Nope but you're more than welcome to come 'round and play on it whenever you like
  20. Hey guys, So having just recently got hold of a Trace Elliot combo (thanks again, Ray !), I realised that in order to properly fulfill my teenage dreams it had to have the UV light business going on, and since there's no room in a combo to stick a trace black light unit I decided that I'd have to work something out from scratch, and so was the 7215 UV mod project born... Some £10 and a few days later I'd finally got all the bits I needed and put it all together, and I'm quite chuffed with the result. Since I'm new around here I thought this is as good a reason as any to chirp up and say something, so here it is - the final result: [attachment=16492:1.jpg][attachment=16493:2.jpg] [attachment=16494:3.jpg][attachment=16495:4.jpg][attachment=16497:0.jpg] If anyone else is mad enough to want to do this to their amp too let me know and I'll spill the beans on what I did
  21. Hi guys, I've been lurking around here for a while, and since I've just managed to nab myself a bargain from RayAgainstTheMachine (I bought his TE 7215) I figured I should do the honorable thing, stand up and say hello ! So I'm pretty much recently back to playing regularly after many years of finger-rot; the guys in my old band organised a 15 year reunion gig for this December, and I've not really played a whole load during those 15 years so I figured I'd better get my [rotted] finger out and see if I can remember any of the tunes Anyway, it was a great little find to discover this gem of a site tucked away on the interwebs, I've still got a lot of catching up to do on the existing threads so I'll excuse myself and get back to work cheers ! Al.
  22. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' post='326327' date='Nov 10 2008, 09:54 PM']I don't know his user name , but got a pm from Al Cutter. Very nice man. Thought I'd say somekind words about him . Nice guy. He came, he saw, he paid! Bye Trace , will miss you[/quote] That'd be me then Thanks for the chat and the amp, Ray; very nice to meet you ! I'd better go and post something in the introductions section now I guess
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