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Everything posted by Spoombung

  1. Lovely!
  2. You can lift the cup of an ear defender and let in a little top end without it screaming at you and damaging your ear. Couldn't you have a small lever that would open up a tiny opening for this purpose?
  3. I had a very similar experience when I wore Vanderfields (£20 slim profile, over ear protectors): good reduction on the highs abd mids but not much attenuation in the bass so you get a woolly, muffled sound. Good for watching a loud band but I'm not sure it good enough for playing on stage. I'm surprised no one had made a pair of these that you can physically adjust a small opening in the ear cups, thereby adding attenuated high frequencies. That would solve the woolly problem, wouldn't it...?
  4. Interesting. I've been looking for an over-ear solution for quite some time. Following....
  5. Yes I watched it. It was embarrassing.
  6. I saw him play with Kevin Coyne's band in the early 80's. Quite a flashy, Jaco-inspired player. I remember him yelling at the soundman during the interval to turn him up!
  7. Yes it's sycamore. The other one is a short scale Iceni bass made to my own design by Mike Walsh.
  8. I basically do the downstroke 'tugbar' thing (the Brian Wilson thing mentioned earlier in the thread) but flip my hand back to use fingers... so then its a floating. 90% of the time I'm using my thumb to pluck the strings. Nothin' fancy. I'm guessing most of us use some sort of hybrid technique...?
  9. I learned to play along to that first album.
  10. Chris Squire. As a matter of fact I'd still like to sound like him.
  11. I enjoyed Cate LeBon. Quite nice to hear prominent bass lines played with that 80's sound - a jazz bass and chorus pedal, Old-fashioned Avant - to use a confutation. https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p0c91cpy/glastonbury-cate-le-bon
  12. Crikey that Acinonycx is beautiful. I want one.
  13. I'm quite amazed how much 'much-loved' music I dislike. Listing it here would be utterly pointless.
  14. Music nearly always sounds better without bass. Bass guitars are not necessary especially in Rock and Pop. As bass players we should all remember that!
  15. A great composer too (as above). I'm always impressed when bass players are part of a deep culture of experimentation and musical exploration.
  16. Spoombung

    ACG newborn

    Very nice. That's probably the model I'd go for if I ever ordered another bass.
  17. French Bassist, Ferdinand Richard...rarely talked about but a MASSIVE talent
  18. I've used Logic since the C-Lab days on Atari and it's great, (especially with the updated samplers). If you can afford the overpriced Mac you'll enjoy the underpriced DAW (£200)
  19. Move to Liverpool where you can hear the Fab Four here, there and everywhere.
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