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Everything posted by Spoombung

  1. A great player. I know him best from his National Health and Collesseum recordings... which shows you how old I am...and how much older he is....
  2. From the Moving and Handling album available here: https://kevhopper.bandcamp.com/
  3. Featuring my fretless Everson bass...
  4. By the way, seven years later I have updated and re-recorded the track with REAL bass if anyone's interested... https://kevhopper.bandcamp.com/track/slowglow
  5. I did a Shadows cover once
  6. I had a bass with a tremelo system years ago. Although I like using wang bar on a Strat it was nothing like that. When it came to the bass it was odd...clunky and huge with a heavy slackening of the strings that felt unnatural. I wouldnt recommend it.
  7. Extraordinary work, Rob. Well done.
  8. ...and a bit more pithy https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.soundcloud.com/spoombung/mr-moffat&ved=2ahUKEwiYgsOCzZvjAhXaShUIHdh9CnIQjjgwAnoECAMQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2LLYS7YOyp9mTyVW12VJ9N
  9. Hear it here in a mellow setting
  10. I can imagine TOP without bass and I would assume it would work fine...as most music would without a bass player.
  11. link not working, Ewan...
  12. Mike Patton: a big Stump fan apparently.
  13. John Lennon, Kevin Coyne and Chris Squire.
  14. Interesting post. This is very familiar to me: I also have trouble sleeping after rehearsals and gigs. Must be my guilty conscience.
  15. PS. Trevor will know about the controls
  16. Cor! You've hit gold.
  17. I didn't notice this thread till now. It made a great read. Great story and congratulations to Andy for a superb job. Ewan, you must be chuffed. PS. Get a shave, young man.
  18. I'm always talking about him. A great innovator. He basically combined a very guitary approach (chords and bluesy solos) with trad bass playing...in one go.
  19. I use the -27s (bought via the £40 MU scheme). Good at killing higher frequencies but they still let a lot of boomy stuff through.
  20. Tempting. Any chance of a video or sound file?
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