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Everything posted by Spoombung

  1. These are fabulous basses.
  2. 'Point' of view! Freudian slip...
  3. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1368520245' post='2077861'] Perhaps there is a misunderstanding here - I am not (and never was) referring directly to the poster who I quoted by the way, just to the particular point which I took the time to highlight in bold. If not then allow me to retort - leaning on people with a less than friendly "we frown upon people making money on here" isn't good advice, it's repugnant self interest. [/quote] I see what you mean. I personally wasn't interested in that part of the story but GAS and collecting and replacing instruments does interest me from a psychological pint of view. I thought there was a little bit of counselling going on in the earlier posts which I found quite charming.
  4. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1368477125' post='2077616'] That will be people who love to stick their beaks into other people's business which really ought to be no concern of theirs. [/quote] I thought they were concerned because they were being kind and handing out good advice?
  5. Just wondering how you get so many gigs, Bilbo? Regular band, dep work? Do you have an agent?
  6. [media]http://vimeo.com/65175166[/media] Free improvisation concert from Monday 29th April. Sue Lynch: tenor sax/flute Phil Durrant: electronics Kev Hopper: Bass Hutch Demouilpied: trumpet/ flute
  7. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1367179126' post='2062295'] Thanks! (I think) My favourite of the basses I own is this one: [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n249/BigRedX/b026f1c7-7ab7-439b-bc17-8daa47d8b62d_zpsa16afb00.jpg[/IMG] [/quote] That has sensational looks by anyone's standards.
  8. [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1367153064' post='2061758'] This is just stunning! I love the woods! Do you know what make it is? [/quote] It's called a Pachyderm.
  9. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1367148712' post='2061681'] TBH while the headstock looks stunning, from a mechanical PoV, it's way over-engineered. All those recessed tuners and string retainers could be done away with simply by angling the headstock back at a sensible angle. Sometimes the simplest solutions really are the best. [/quote] Yep, I agree with what you and Warwickhunt are saying in principal. I just thought it looked pretty groovy.
  10. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1367147930' post='2061667'] That headstock is such a badly conceived design I can't understand how someone could construct a bass without correcting the issues about the tuner post recess. [/quote] Well, I think he has! Look carefully: he's got metal around the recesses so they won't wear with string friction and he's got a clever string retainer. What are the 'issues' you are talking about?
  11. Love the Rail bass too. Surprised I haven't got one yet
  12. Also a big fan of the Sei Flamboyant. The only thing that's stopped me ordering one is a flaw in design. It slips off the leg when playing seated because the bottom horn is too short and curves inwards. Unfortunately the builder will not change the design.
  13. I also find these Atlansia basses very eye-catching. I'd love to try one Stunning headstock design:
  14. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1367145258' post='2061615'] Agreed, I like scroll designs. Hey Spoombung is the top one the new Pachyderm bass from Les Claypool's recent venture? Edit: I googled and it is but it doesn't seem to be in production yet [/quote] Yep, you're spot on it is the Pachyderm. I'd [i]love[/i] one of those basses. I haven't followed the story of the design and production so I don't know if they're available to buy. I'm not familiar with Les Claypol's music but a few people have said it sounds like Stump, so I should check it out I suppose.
  15. I like this sort of thing (the Carl Thompson inspired design):
  16. [b] [size=5]Basschat interview with Lee Sklar (pinned 2 years ago)[/size][/b] [size=5]Interview with Mo Foster (pinned a year ago)[/size] [size=5]Any reason why these are still pinned up and not exchanged for other features/interviews? [/size] [size=5](Everyone's read them by now)[/size]
  17. I play a 31" most of the time. Easier down the bottom end. Strung with heavy gauge 110-50 to compensate for less tension. Treble pickup is closer to the bridge so it picks up plenty of low mids. Short scale can be Bassier, muddier, floppier so use these tricks to compensate.
  18. Well I vote for sex, anyway. Failing that, a conga.
  19. You don't want to know what I've got in my car.
  20. I'm a fan!
  21. [quote name='ziggydolphinboy' timestamp='1365712735' post='2043475'] i have a special acg up for grabs! :-0 go on then i can buy this sei! [/quote] You don't need any more Seis. You're creating a shortage for other people!
  22. You missed out a few!
  23. One of my best friends is a looper. I remain fairly tight-lipped and occasionally lightly philosophical on the subject when it comes up in conversation.
  24. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1365695350' post='2043104'] I take it you don't visit the BC Recording section then I just noticed there's one at the top of the section right now, but I dare not listen to it and I hope the guy's not offended by this thread! [/quote] I just went over to have a look. I think I've seen him in other vids; he's an excellent player. But he looks and sounds trapped with that non-variable loop going in the background. There's no modulation going on with the sound, unlike many examples of electronic music, so it's a bit like going back to early sampling when people just looped and that was that. Nowadays listeners want more and demand more textural variation because they've heard looping music that modulates from electronic musicians. There's no way out the loop too: only a few options which once again people are too familiar with.
  25. http://youtu.be/5qroB6HS23o I went to see Juana Molina, queen of the loopers, play live after enjoying one of her albums. I found it completely boring the way she set up the loops then just stood there. It had the effect of flattening the music into 2 dimensions or something. Never seen a bassist do it (apart form Jaco on Youtube) and never want to.
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