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Everything posted by Spoombung

  1. [quote name='JimBobTTD' timestamp='1338521649' post='1675782'] I rather like them when they are doing psychedelic stuff. It's when the saxophone wigs out in free-jazz style that they start to grate. I say listen to them again. [/quote] Yep , I also find the sax player particularly awful/uninteresting.
  2. Saw them at Bush Hall recently and I was bored to tears. Okay-ish at home when you're house cleaning. Very dull live. They're in the atmospheric/ambient/sparse/vaguely jazz area but I've seen others do it better in the 90's, ie, Tortoise.
  3. It's a naff name, alright. People laugh when you mention it. 'Talkbass' is also naff, as is 'Basenotes' (the perfume forum) I go to a lot. Too many basses/bases, too much talking/chatting/notes.
  4. How do you find the Moth bass? I laughed my head off when I saw it (in approval) but didn't get the chance to have a good play on it.
  5. Good grief! Very impressive.
  6. [quote name='urb' timestamp='1337253493' post='1657828'] I think if you actually saw these guys on the gig with all the other re-arrangements of Jaco's stuff that Laurie's done then this would sound a little more in context - Jaco might well be long dead but his music is very much alive - and that's the point of this project - but hey if you don't like it then you don't like it... insert 'not my/your bag' and 'horses for courses' line here [/quote] Yes, but unfortunately there are lots of ways to kill music - any kind of music - that's the danger with tribute stuff. I like big brass bands so it's not just a case of 'it's not my bag'. I'm not suggesting he's killed the tune - but I am critical of this arrangement, and the 'tribute' idea - that's all.
  7. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1337252369' post='1657773'] Well yes, Just Bass & Conga's would leave you limited. Garry [/quote] It's my idea of a nightmare job. Transcribing a dead bass player's busy solo for a big brass band... then playing a walking bass line under the whole thing.
  8. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1337251212' post='1657745'] Do you mean the Miles version ? If so , Donna Lee is based on the changes of Home again in Indiana, or back home in Indiana [or similar title] Miles just put his melody to it - the rest is Parker [Jaco] history. Garry [/quote] Yes, that one. Is this some sort of Jaco tribute thing? I suppose if you're trying to be faithful to his arrangement it will limit you somewhat. (I don't understand 'tribute' projects)
  9. I've also got to say I particularly don't like the walking bass! The contemporary jazz groups I've seen over the last few years (Flat Earth Society, Phronesis, Curios, etc) are trying to get away from that old formula. This sounds a bit old fashioned to me.
  10. Sorry, but I'm not keen on this from any angle - musical or cultural; I never liked the original tune and it's chord sequence anyway. This arrangement does not change my mind - in fact it turns me off it even more.
  11. Tired, boring show.
  12. I can't believe there's no compressor on the new amps! The old H/H compressor worked like no other and was the reason why a lot of guys bought the amps in the old days. Still using the old Bass Baby 60!
  13. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1336689988' post='1649725'] While I was lurking in an emporium last week pretending I might buy something, a visibly very, [i]very[/i] rich daddy was trying to foist a £79 acoustic off on his lad. He asked me what I thought of it, so I pointed out that it was useless and he'd be much better off buying the very best guitar he could afford. The lad would progress quicker and Dad would get much more of his money back on a re-sale. Like what? Well, a Martin D18 would do. So that's what he did. [/quote] I was there a couple of weeks ago. A well dressed man in his early 60's (I would guess) came in to the shop looking for a 6 string bass "tuned like a guitar" to "fiddle around on". The seller handed him a 6 string bass and announced it was £1600. After aprox 3 minutes of noodling he offered the salesman £1550 (which was accepted) and then turned to me and complained with refined, casual resignation about having "17 bloody guitars at home" and now "he had one more of the bloody things".
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1336730177' post='1650028'] H | I Electronic?? Don't think I've heard of them. [/quote] hahaha! Exactly.
  15. This thread is reminding me I must update my tatty stuff for something a bit more pristine...
  16. [quote name='gafbass02' timestamp='1336662126' post='1649120'] Thanks mate. very nervous about sticking that on here in this company lol [/quote] You shouldn't be. You're great and all the others guys are sh*te. (joke)
  17. [quote name='gafbass02' timestamp='1336586412' post='1648059'] Ok. Please be gentle!! My first ever ever 'solo' bass stuff (albeit one of them, on the jazz, ive been playing since i was 17) and its my first ever ever 'solo' bass recorded effort. I'm normally more 'Mr Band' [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IbrUUT1XGY&sns=em[/media] Nothing mad complicated or tricky. But I'm really not that guy lol. [/quote] Nice.I must learn some tapping techniques...
  18. [quote name='Oscar South' timestamp='1336516198' post='1647003'] Fun little jam! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxLkPCkbor4[/media] [/quote] That's great. It's a nice bit of music. I wish I knew how to play bass like that.
  19. Soundfile here of [b]Prescott[/b] : [url="http://audioboo.fm/boos/790895-prescott-forced-angrily-through-a-dictaphone"]http://audioboo.fm/boos/790895-prescott-forced-angrily-through-a-dictaphone[/url] (that's me, Rhodri and Frank)
  20. [b]HORSE IMPROVISED MUSIC CLUB[/b]. A monthly Improvised Music Club, featuring some of London's top improvising musicians. at : The Horse, 124,Westminster Bridge Road. Lambeth North. London SE1 7RW [url="http://flavors.me/horseimprovclub"]http://flavors.me/horseimprovclub[/url]
  21. I LOVE Flamenco. Favourite dancers are Christina Hoyos and Antonio Gades: http://youtu.be/njinT3TXiOM Favourite composer/guitarist is Manola Sanlucar: http://youtu.be/9DWlngNFIdY His stuff is slightly more jazzy than the usual I saw a jaw-dropping show in a Madrid club back in 2006 that had me in tears. I would recommend anyone to go and see Flamenco live in a proper club for the total experience. I prefer the dancing with the music and not the music on it's own. Also, I don't like to hear bass guitars in this kind of music.
  22. Love the skinny neck, don't like the sound.
  23. Wow, this fantastic to hear in isolation. Thanks for posting. I will be eternally in awe of that gigantic vibrating sound. Amaaazzzzing bassist.
  24. These are extraordinarily good basses.
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